Chapter 34: The Aid

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"How strange," Delwyn commented and Fir looked up at him with an inquiring look. "I used to enjoy this so much. That was only thirty years ago..." He sighed as he looked out at the battlefield, where their forces were recovering after they managed to retake this strip of land. There were sacrifices on both sides but at least they were beating the Chiwythian forces back.

The fort overlooking Chiwyth had been completely overwhelmed. The forces of Aquina managed to set up a perimeter some distance from the border of the western kingdom of Auleniel. They were the Empire's first line of defense. Chiwyth had sneakily built several forts and made up their own perimeter as they encroached ever closer towards Aquina.

"Does it have anything to do with the fact that you won't shut up about Reina?" Fir asked, grinning at her brother. Delwyn replied with a withering look.

"I can't help the fact that I miss my wife," he grumbled.

"Well, don't let it distract you too much. We need you vigilant," Fir said.

"...I know," he replied as he looked out at the death spread out across the battlefield. There were still clouds of red wafting over the waters of the land where weapons had clashed not too long ago.

I never liked this part. He remarked silently. Being able to unleash the full extent of his magic and feel the rush of battle – that, he enjoyed. But when the adrenaline faded and he looked out at all the wasted lives littering the ground... Why do we do this? He wondered.

"Your highnesses!" A knight bowed hastily as he intruded on the prince and princess sharing a conversation on the ramparts of the fort. "The commanders are calling for another meeting."

"Understood. We'll be right there," Fir answered. She nodded to Delwyn and swam after the knight. Delwyn followed after, with only a moment's hesitation.

"Reina." He rushed towards his wife's silhouette as she turned around and met him halfway. They embraced for a long moment, before sharing a lingering kiss. "Have you been okay? How about the babies? And Cade?"

"We're all fine," Reina said. "You would have been notified immediately if something happened," she pointed out.

"That doesn't reassure me much," he grumbled. "Not being near my wife and children makes me nervous."

"Mm. I understand," she said, hugging him tight.

He savored the feel of Reina in his arms, enjoying her warm, soft body. He thought of the day he left to join the war, the very same day he and Reina had returned to Aquina.

"Del!" Laiken, who was sitting by Reina in the nursery, looked up at him with undisguised excitement. Reina looked stunned, as did Leth who must have sped all the way to Reina's side when she heard her lady was back. In the selkie's arms, Cadeyrn cooed, seemingly unaware of the strange atmosphere that had settled over the adults.

"Is... everything okay?" Delwyn asked, truly hoping that they didn't have some kind of bad news. After carefully discussing things with the messenger, Fir and some Dawn Knights' captains that had joined them to deliver more news, Delwyn had come to the conclusion that his joining the war could quite heavily influence the outcome. And he didn't want to have to tell his wife that he was leaving her for war if she had just heard some bad news.

"Yes," Reina answered but her expression was strained. "We just... received some interesting news."

"What interesting news?" Delwyn asked.

"Reina's having twins," Laiken volunteered chirpily. "Sorry. I got too excited. I should have let you tell him."

Reina shook her head. "No, that's okay." She smiled up at her husband. "When are you leaving?"

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