The Baseball Game Pt1

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So this is what im assuming taken in high school idk but yea thnx u 😌

Chris's Pov
Chandler had invited me and Jimmy and a couple of his other friends to his play offs game. Since he was my best friend I didn't decline neither did Jimmy and I carpooled with Jimmy to his game. But before that me, Jimmy, and my sister had an idea. We decided to make poster with his name and number on it so we could show we we're there for him.

"That's a great idea! But where are we going to get the supplies for it, the game starts in 2 hours?!" Jimmy asked, already pacing back and forth in my room, my sister shaking her head. She chuckles slipping on her shoes.

"Jimmy calm down, we can go down to 99¢ store there are hella lots of posters and marker there to make Chandler a poster with his name and number. Come on kiddos, let's go." She says walking out of my room I shout, "Your only a 2 minutes older. Shut the hell up!" We hear her laugh at the bottom of the stairs and open the front door.

I and Jimmy race downstairs and fling open the door and run to the car, Jimmy calling shotgun, like always. As we make it to the store, my sister grabs a cart as I and Jimmy talk about what color the board was going to be and the colors we were going to use.

"So what's it going to be boys?" Angie asks, eyes skimming through the different vibrant colors of the boards. I and Jimmy stand there, crossing our arms over our chest, Angie laughs shaking her head, "You guys look like dad's trying to figure out what type of tampon their daughter uses."

We both look at her with wide eyes, "Dude shut up! That's disgusting!" I say trying to get that thought out of my head as Jimmy puts his face into his hands, clearly embarrassed. "I'm only just trying to prepare you little bro and Jimmy of course, once you guys have kids. That's all, no shame in that, right?" She turns away smirking and going somewhere, probably to the snack aisle.

I clear my throat from that awkward situation with my stupid sister, Jimmy looking at me smiling.
"I mean your sister is not wrong. She's only-" "Nope! Don't encourage her, don't do it. Her evil demonic spirit feeds on that type of stuff." We laugh, getting stares from other shoppers around us. Us not really caring.

About a half-hour later we all meet up at the cashier, me and Jimmy's arms holding 3 different colored posters and some different colored markers. The cart filled with chips, candy, and soda for the game later. I give her a look her smiling sheepishly. "You guys are still going to eat it so I don't care, I also bought Chandler some gushers cause you know,"

"He loves gushers." I and Jimmy said with a smile the cashier giving us a weird look. We place the items down as my sister pays for all the stuff. "You owe me ice cream." She says as she pops open the trunk, Jimmy dropping the bags in the back. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Now hurry up we got to still make these and get ready for his game."

I got shotgun this time. As Jimmy sits in the back mad that he didn't get it. The drive was short so we still had time to make his posters and get ready. Once we got the bags out of the car my mom had just gotten home she looked exhausted, like always.

"Hey, kiddos! What are you guys up to now?" She asked taking off her heels and dropping her keys into the bowl on the little desk. "Hey, mom." "Hi, Mrs.Tyson!" Jimmy says smiling as I and Angie go hug our mom. "Hi to you too Jimmy, what have my awesome twins been up too?" She asks tracing circles into me and Angie's back.

"We are getting ready for Chandler's playoffs game! It's going to be amazing." I say excitedly looking over at Angie for help. Jimmy stands there awkwardly, no hate towards my mom but when we start talking about games and such she will start to question it and we will never make it to his game.

"Yeah mom we gotta still make the posters and get ready for his game, so will catch you later. Alright?" Angie says slowly letting go of my mom and I do so as well. Jimmy starts to back up onto the stairs leading to our rooms. She smiles laughing a bit, "Yeah I'll catch you guys later, have fun at the game." "Thank you!" We shout running up the stairs to do the posters and get ready.

We each do a poster, with his name and the jersey number. I put extra thought into my poster drawing little baseballs and little weird squiggly lines everywhere. As we finish we put our names in the back and the date, To my amazing best friend~ Chris

"So Chris, what's that?" My sister says snapping me out of the little unknown trance I was in a visible smirk on her face. "Shut up Angie, it means nothing. You know this already." "Yeah right, we talked about this. Come on Chris, at least try to give some signs. I know he clearly likes yo-"

"Chris, you like someone? Who is it?" Jimmy says smiling down at his poster than at me and Angie.

"It's, uh, um it's-" "It's Katie from History class, yeah Katie. The one that Chris always talks to when he comes out of class. That one." Angie says almost shouting. That was a close one.

Jimmy looks at me confused, "You like her? But I thought..... Never mind okay then good luck with her Chris, I know you got this." He smiles and gets up grabbing his poster, "Let's go kiddos. The game starts in 30 and we still have to find parking." He walks out and goes down the stairs.

"Chris. That was a close one, but you're going to have to tell him sooner or later. It's not a shameful thing Chris, he will still be your best friend. If not, I will beat his as-"

I shake my head smiling, "Okay I get it, I do. I'll tell him later, eventually. But thanks for the help today, now let's go I don't want to miss any second of his game." Her eyes light up, "Aww that's so cute, imagine you and Chandler dating and you going to support him. So cute, oh my god, can't wait for that! Relationship goals!!" She says clapping her hands together, and smiling like an idiot.

I mean she's not wrong, that would be cool to go to his games and be there to support him. I mean I do that but he knows its friendship wise but.... I want it to be more than that. I really like him I really do, but what if he doesn't like, like me like that.

So here it is the first part the second coming in a few hours to tmr thank you for reading

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