"Gimme attention, please"

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Fluff 😂🥺

3rd pov
The both boys are at Chris' house. Chandler taking the invite surely wanting to play some minecraft and COD. Also wanting to spend sometime with his best friend/ boyfriend.

So here they are in his room, Chris sitting on Chandler's lap while he's playing COD on the floor. Chandler's been playing for over 2 hours, Chris getting restless and needing Chandler's attention all of a sudden.

Chris's pov
Chandler has been playing for 2 hours straight. He hasn't even moved from out position, even with me siting on his lap. Every time I call him he just gives me a mumbled, "Hmm" or "What?"

As I watch him play, I want to cuddle and watch a movie but he keeps on playing.

"Chandlerrrrrr." I say playing my finger on his chest, gliding it around drawing random things.

"Let's go watch a movie, and cuddle?" He keeps on staring at the TV moving the buttons on the controller furiously. "Gimme a minute. Go right now."  I sigh, "You said that an hour ago. Please?"

He just keeps on staring at the TV. I cross my arms and puff my cheeks. He notices and tells me that we "will go right now" and to give him "a couple more minutes."

So I do, siting there as I keep gliding my finger over his chest. Then I get an amazing, fun idea. Why don't I get his attention. Hehe fun.

My fingers linger up his chest and onto his neck as I feel him twitch. I smile as I feel his breath hitch and he slowly breathes out.

"I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. Keep trying Chrissy." He says his voice a bit hoarse. I smirk knowing it's going to work by the way of his voice, it's definitely going to work.

He keeps on playing as I glide my fingers to his jawline. Making him shutter a bit. Then I slowly start to place little kisses against his neck. He tries to move away but he can't.

He tries to focus on the game, him grunting when I hit the certain spot. "S-stop."

"Then gimme attention!!! I want attention Chan. Let's go watch a movie or cuddle. Please?!" I mustered the biggest puppy eyes I could.

He sets the controller down and he sighed. "Fine you win. What movie?" I smile throwing my arms around his neck hugging him. He chuckles and hugs me back, "Sorry for being a total dick to you."

I laugh, "It's fine but don't ignore me next time. I just like your attention and maybe cuddles and kisses from you." I shyly hide my face into my hands as he rubs my back.

"Alright. I promise. What movie are we watching babe? And where are my gushers?" I chuckle as he picks me up. He carries us to my bed and flops down on me.

"Hey Chris?"


"I love you."

I smile kissing the top of his head.

"I love you too, Chandler."

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