Lets go on a date pt1

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Idk if I addressed this before but im Chris's sister (idk if he has siblings or not). 😂 im breaking the fourth wall just so u guys know, thats why she has been popping up cuz its me 😌🤦🏽‍♀️ carry on now 😂 ik im weird 😎😌

Angie's pov
"Chandler, calm down. It's going to be fine." I said as he paced around the my room, glancing at the clock every other second.

"That's the things though, I don't know if everything is going to be okay!!" He yelped back, anxiously waiting for a response . I sit there trying to think of a plan. A little idea popped up.

"A cute little date!!" I jumped up walking to my little closet in my room, pulling out a notebook filled with little drawings and writings and many ideas of future dates.

"What and why do you have that?" He asked looking over my shoulder.

"This Chandler, is a little journal of ideas, drawings, and different things I've done over the years. But! That's not the point. This little thing is about to save your life!" I say smiling with a little sparkle in my eyes.

2 hours later brought to you by the amazing sister and author

"Okay Chandler. After 2 hours, what is the plan!?" I ask him as he fixes the notes we had all over the floor.

"Uh, oh yeah! Call Chris, ask em if he's available for the day." I nod, I feel like a mom. But a cool momma!

"Next step?" He thinks for a second then smiles, "Ask him if he's hungry or thirsty." He wiggles his eyebrows and smirks. I gasp, my little boy is frisky.

"Chandler, no. Too soon." We both laugh, getting side tracked. "Okay, okay. What's next Chandler?" I ask putting on a "teacher face". He laughs again making me smile.

For the next 30 minutes or so we go over what he has to do to get a date with my twin brother. "Alright, Chandler my boy. You got this!!" I say patting his shoulder.

He smiles, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you sure? I don't wanna screw this up." I smile, "Don't worry! You got this! Your amazing, soon to be sister in law taught you." I smirk, as his eyes go wide.

I burst out laughing as he gives me a nervous smile. "In the future, in the future." I smile, knowing Chandler has good intentions with my brother.

I just want my brother to be happy and I think Chandler is the one to do that.

"Alright Chandler. My mom should be home with Chris any time now. You have a chance to ask him." As I said that we hear the front door open. Chris and my mom talking about something from the mall.

"Angie! We're home! We got you something! Oh and for Chandler too!" We smile as you hear footsteps coming up to my room.

"Shit! Hide the notes!" We push them under my bed and turn on the TV. A random cartoon comes on.

"Hey guys! What were you guys doing?" He asks, bags on his both arms.

"Oh nothing finished a couple of things in my room and watched some amazing cartoons. Huh, Chandler?" I ask him. He nods looking over at the bags then Chris.

"That's a lot of bags. Did you at least buy gushers!?" We chuckle at Chandler's antics of getting gushers. Chris smiles putting the bags down and grabbing a bag filled with stuff.

Just like mom, a shopping geek.

"Here ya go tall boy! 2 boxes of gushers!" Chandler jumps up grabbing the 2 boxes of gushers. "Thanks Chris! Want some guys?" We smile as we share some gushers with him and spend the rest of the day watching cartoons. Also going through the things Chris and mom bought from the mall.

hours later cuz the writer is having description problems in writing ✨😂😭

"Okay, I gotta go home. Thanks for having me guys!" Chandler smiles getting up from the living room floor letting go of Chris.

They are so cute.

"Okay Chandler! Chris go walk him home, don't want the boy to go missing. Goodbye Chandler, tell your mom I said hi!!" He smiles waving bye to my mom.

"Yes Ms.Tyson! Bye Angie!" I wave, "Chandler, you got this. Byeeeee!" He smiles as Chris and him walk away closing the door.

"They have to be together. They are so cute." I look over to mom, confusion written on my face.

"Angie, mom's know everything."

Welp we just need to wait.

Hi everybody! I know its been a while but i got ideas coming in. Your girl is an official sophomore with 2 AP classes! 🥳 any advice for this very dumb but slightly smart child?!? Thanks for reading laterz cool beans 😎

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