Whoa, who gave you those?

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Chris' Pov
How I'm going to hide these. I don't know. As long as the boys don't see them its fine. No problems. But how? I still don't know.

I touch my neck, wincing when I touch the darker purplish spot.

"Hey." I see Chandler, his voice deep and hoarse. He wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face into my neck.

I pat his head, kissing the side of it. He kisses my neck, nipping at it. I gasp and push him lightly.

"No. No more. You already created 2 visual ones."
He pouts then smiles.
"They look great on you. Shows them your mine."
He smirks, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Can we go lay downnnn? I'm tired."
"I guess. But not to long we have to be at the warehouse by 3." He nods smiling as he suddenly picks me up, bridal style.

He then plops me down on our bed, laying on top of me.

"You sleepy?" I ask my hand in his hair.
"Yeah. Wake me up when it's time to go."
I feel him lightly kiss my neck before his breath shallows.
"Sweet dreams, babe."

•••2 hour nap time•••
I wake up to see Chandler peacefully asleep. His face relaxed and his breathing shallow. His arms are wrapped around my waist and his face buried into my neck.

I shake him a little to wake him up.
"Hey, Chan. It's time to wake up." With no result back I shake him again.
"Chandler, come on. It's time to wake up now." I shake him, his grip around me tightens.

"No." He mumbles still holding onto me.
"Can't I at least get up?" He moves from his position on top of me and lays on his side. His back facing me.

I sigh rolling my eyes, getting up and stretching.
"Why are you mad?"
"I'm not, I'm just sleepy."
"Yes you are. Look at me."
He doesn't move making me want his attention.
"Channnndler! Baby!!! I'm sorry, it's not my fault."
He turns to face me, a smirk plastered on his face.

I roll my eyes and walk towards my closet.
"Get ready. We're leaving in 30 minutes." I hear him groan and get up walking towards the door. I hear it shut and the bathroom door open.

I smile picking out the usual outfit. Merch, some sweats and my yeezy's. I change and wait for Chandler in the living room. Texting Jimmy that we're almost ready to leave.

•••20 minutes later of Chandler trying to look "pretty"•••

"Finally what took you so long?" I ask as he comes down the stairs. "I was trying to find my favorite hoodie. But a particular someone has it. So I had to find another one. You ready?"
I smile knowing where his favorite hoodie is.

"Yeah, your driving." He nods walking towards the door and opening it for me. We both walk out, him grabbing the keys and unlocking the car. Both of us getting in.

He pulls out of the driveway, driving all the way to the warehouse. Holding my hand.

•••20 minute car ride•••
"So Jimmy, what did you exactly need,that was so important?" I ask walking in to his office sitting down on our gaming chairs.

"Oh hey Chris. Yeah there's a couple of things I want to discuss. Woah, who gave you those?" He points to me.

I panic for a second then realize. Shit, he saw them. I smile awkwardly, rubbing my neck.

"Chandler did." He smiles, laughing.
"Of course. You better hide those, before anyone else sees them."

I nod fixing my hoodie around my neck. "Better?" He nods, "Yeah but next time just buy that foundation shit." I nod, "Thanks." He nods smiling, "No problem, now for a new video I was thinking of,"

Hello people!!! It's been a while since I've been here. I cant believe how many reads i have on this book!!! I love you all very much ❤️🥺
i need some ideas for the next chapter so could u guys please request it helps a lot!!! Thank you laterz cool beans 😎

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