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^^^^ 😂😂 i live by that now. I shall let the yeet gods help me yeet something 😌
⚠️⚠️😔 something a bit sad

Chris' Pov
"Hey, Chris? Have you heard from Chandler? I've been calling him and texting him but he hasn't been answering." Tareq asked me. He glances at me then at his phone.

I shrug, "I don't know where he's at. But I know he's been giving us all the silent treatment. I'm starting to worry Tareq...." He puts his phone in his back pocket, and holds his arms up to me. I hug him and start to cry into his shoulder as he pats my back.

"Hey. Hey, everything is going to be fine. Chandler is probably just busy, you don't know. Probably a family issue." I part from him and look down at my feet, "That's the thing T-Tareq. H-he would of s-said something. He wouldn't o-of just l-left us without saying a-anything." He sighs and places his hand on my right shoulder.

"How about me, you, and Jimmy go over to Chan's house later today? We will go check on him. I'm very worried about him too." I look at him smiling a bit.

"Alright. Thanks Tareq I owe you one." He smiles, "It's fine Chris we're friends, it's the least I could do. Plus," He pauses making his way to the out of the room we're in. "You secrets safe with me." He walks out chuckling a bit and disappearing to Jimmy's "office".

Wait? What secret??? Wait a minute, holy shit!!!! He knows!! But I only told Jimmy...... Omg he knows....... Oh well, I was planning on telling him anyways.

Around 6:30 pm, Jimmy calls it a day and we walk out of the warehouse. "Alright Chris, Tareq. You guys ready?" We nod and I look at Jimmy, "Chris, everything is going to be fine. Me and Tareq came up with a plan." He looks at Tareq for an explanation.

"Oh, yeah. We're going to have you go up to the front door, you're gonna knock, if he doesn't answer in at least 3 minutes. Jimmy has a spare key, so we just let ourselves in and we find out. You ready Chris? You don't have to if you don't want-" I nod my head.

"It's fine, I'll do it. But can I get the key? I wanna go in their first and if worst comes to worst, which please god no. Then I'll call you guys. Is that fine?" They both smile weakly, "Yeah it's fine. Just call or shout alright, we'll be in the car." Jimmy hands me the key, "If worse comes to worse we will all be there for him. He's our best friend. I don't want anything bad to happen to him either."

We get into Jimmy's car, you can feel the unsettling vibe. The worried look on their faces, even though they are trying to be positive. My anxiety starts to kick in, my right leg bouncing up and down as we near his house. The palm of both of my hands start to become sweaty. The seat I'm sitting in feels unsettling; I felt something wrong here.

About 15 minutes of anticipation of not knowing what's wrong with Chandler I hop out of the car as we pull up to his driveway. "Chris!" I hear Tareq yell, I turn around and face them. "Be careful, and please make sure he's okay." I nod as I walk up to the front door.

I knock on it twice, then I take my phone out, 3 minutes. 3 long fucking minutes. I wait it out my foot tapping on the cement floor rapidly. I look back as Jimmy smiles weakly and Tareq gives me a thumbs up. Once the 3 minutes is over I take the key out of my pocket and put the key into the keyhole. I turn it slowly hearing the little "click" sound to tell me it's open.

I open it slowly, taking in that the lights are off and the scene is quiet. I walk in, pulling my phone out and turning on the light and closing the door ever so quietly.  I walk down the hall to the living room.

Empty bottles of beer and medicine prescriptions can be found scattered all over the living room. Shit no! Chandler please be okay! Please! I pick up a bottle, pills floating the stench of the liquor flowing through my nose. I set it back down making my way slowly to his room.

"Chan-Chan? Hey, buddy? It's me Chris. We all miss you dude. We just want to know if you're okay." I start to climb the stairs, the floor boards squeaky. I make it to his room, opening the door slowly. Preparing myself to see what's been going on. Is it that bad? B-but Chandler would never do this, why?

I walk in the lights off, his bed missing the blankets and sheets. I scan the room my phone light really bright. He isn't in here but the pictures on his wall are gone. The frames on the floor, the glass broken on impact. His room looking disoriented. I walk out and go to his restroom.

When I try to open it the restrooms locked. I knock and there's no answer. "Chandler, buddy? Can you hear me? I need you to open the door." I wait a couple of seconds but I hear nothing.

I hit the door with my shoulder a couple of times but on the final last use of force I get it to open. I hold my shoulder looking around frequently. There lays a bloody pocket knife and a bottle of pills. No, no, no!!! FUCK!!!! I see him laying there unconscious, a pool of blood starting to form.


lady's and gents Jesus almost a thousand words. This was also emotionally hard to right. Should i make another part or leave it here? 🧐🤨 idk I'll let you guys decide gn cause it's currently 2:48 in the morning and yeah i kinda cried and it made me sleepy gn bootiful kings and queens 👑🥰😤😤

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