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Why not spice this up a bit 😂 *again*

Chris' Pov
Out of all people I could of gotten. I got Chandler. I mean he's my best friend, he's an over all great guy. But over the years I've gotten this big crush on him.

He's just so cute, sweet, kind, and really funny. He can turn any bad or sad situation into a happy one. He is also fairly attractive and everything else is perfect about him.

"Alright, 7 minutes in heaven! Chris and Chandler were picked for some odd reason," Jimmy gives a look to my sister. She smirks then looks away.

Oh my freaking god! She. I. Ugh, I'm going to get her after this!

"Alright Chris, Chandler." Jimmy looks at me then Chandler. "Go right ahead you dorks, no funny business. Have fun!!!" Angie says pushing us into the closet. You could hear them laughing outside as me and Chandler sit down, uncomfortably.

"So. How's your day going?" He asks as he tries to sit cross legged in front of me. I smile, "Eh its okay. Just didn't think I was going to end up in a small ass closet with my best friend." He chuckles and so do I. It ending with a somewhat comfortable silence.

"So what now?" He shrugs poking my knee, "I don't know. What do you want to do?" I shrug, "I don't know." I poke his hand that's poking my knee. His poking trails up my thigh and onto my stomach.

Leaving goosebumps all over my thigh and now my stomach. A tint of red on my face. "S-stop poking me, it tickles." He just keeps on poking me a smirk visible on his face.

Then he starts to full on tickle me making me gasp and try to push him away. We both start to laugh as he climbs on me tickling my stomach and sometimes going for my neck. I try to push him off again but he's way more stronger than me.

This goes on for a couple of minutes and then he stops. "O-okay I'm d-done! That was hilarious." He laughs as I try to catch my breath my hands pressed against his shoulders.

As I catch my breath he looks at my lips then at me, then at my lips again. I blush, "Chan-" He goes for my lips. Placing a strong but soft kiss. It takes me a couple of seconds to register but I kiss back.  He immediately breaks it and climbs off of me, the look on his face is regrettable.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too."  I smile getting closer to him, "Chandler it's fine. I've had a crush on you for awhile now. So it's completely fine. Right now I sound like an idiot-" He kisses me again, me taken by surprise.

"Chris, don't call yourself that. You are an amazing, kind, and funny as hell person. Now I get to call you my idiot, we'll be idiots together." He chuckles wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I laugh putting my head on his shoulder, "So what do you say, will you be my boyfriend?" I smile nodding my head, "Of course! Who wouldn't say yes!?"

We smile and lean in again, placing a soft gentle kiss.

"I knew it! I told you!" We break apart instantly looking at the door. There stands my sister and Jimmy gawking with their mouths opened.

Chandler clears his throat smiling nervously, "Uh hi guys. It's been 7 minutes already, damn that was fast. Ha ha..." Angie snaps out of her stupid little trance.

"Oh no it's been about 15. We added some time so we could finally get you guys together. And it worked beautifully." They both high-five slowly backing away.

"Oh no! Angie come here! Now!" I get up going after my sister. She screams and starts to run away as Jimmy and Chandler laugh.

Ugh I hate her so much! And Jimmy too! What the hell man?! We could've told each other in another nice and simple way and probably a nice place. Eh, at least I have Chandler now. I'm so happy now.

So hi amazing people. Sorry I've been incognito but here's a new chapter! I've got many more ideas and some more spicy ones too. Lmao byeeeeeee laterz cool beans 😎

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