Not letting go

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3rd pov
It's currently 6:30 am. And here they are cuddled up in the tall, fairly attractive, silly boys room.

The room showing no signs of disruption, just 2 very close friends cuddling into the weekend. The smaller, more wise, but fairly silly one being Chris, who's body heat radiates off to the taller more muscle built boy. Chandler.

The outside showing rays of the sun through the blinded window. Birds happily chirping and just overall peaceful sounds for this early morning. You could here the soft snores of both boys, Chandler pulling at Chris a bit closer. Just a reflex he has when cuddling someone.

Chris starts to stir in his sleep as he rolls over to face Chandler. Him slowly opening his eyes to see his best friend, partner in crime, and indeed the love of his life.

Chris' pov
I slowly start to wake up. Seeing not only my best friend but my partner in crime and the love of my life.

My mind still hazy from my sleep. I rub my eyes with my fists, and look around the room. Chandler's room. I try to sit up but his arms are keeping me from that. So I lay there looking up at him.

His face calm and his breathing shallow. I smile placing a soft hand on his face, carefully I trace his face. His cheeks, his chin, his nose, then I skin his cherry lips. I smile admiring my silly, cute, and amazing boyfriend.

He twitches a bit scrunching up his nose. He's so cute. He falls back asleep holding onto me for like his life. I look behind me to the little desk he has, the little black clock with red bright numbers. 6:30 am Saturday 06/20/2020

It's too early but I got to get up. Or we are going to be here all day, which I don't mind.

"Chandler. Baby?" I ask shaking him a bit. He doesn't move, just cuddles me closer. Even though we're pressed against each other.

"Chan. Get up please?" I shake his arms that are holding me. He hums in response starting to wake up. "Hmm?" Eyes still closed.

"Babe, time to get up." He pulls closer and lays his head into my neck. Holding my waist. "No. Stay." I smile combing his hair with my hand.

"You gotta get up. Well I want too." He stays quiet as we lay there, "No." I sigh, "Can I at least get up?" He only responds with hugging me tighter.

"So that's a no?" He nods, "Yeah. It's the weekend so," he pauses and yawns. "We have nothing to do but cuddle and watch movies." I chuckle, "Fine. But can I at least get up to go to the bathroom."

He sighs, "No." I push his arms as he chuckles. I get up and stretch as he has the blanket over his head. "Good morning kiss?" I shake my head no. "Wtf?" I smile, laughing a bit.

"I'm just kidding. Come here." I stretch my arms out as he comes closer to me. He sits on the edge of the bed, as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Well, good morning handsome. How are you this fine morning?" I laugh as he just smiles.

"Doing well of course, thank you."  We lean in and give a simple kiss. Me pulling away first. He tries to go for another one but I pull away letting go of him and walking away slowly.

"I'll give you more once I get back. Pick a movie." He smiles putting back the blanket over his head. "Alright. I LOVE you!" I chuckle, "I love you too."

This is going to be a long weekend of endless cuddling, kisses, and movies.

I liked how this turned out. Laterz cool beans 😎

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