Netflix and chill

447 8 2

Ha ha see where this goes

3rd Pov:
Today was a lazy day, they didn't have to record a video or come up with video ideas. So Jimmy gave everyone a week off. So Chris and Chandler decided to have a week long sleepover. They both went to buy a bunch of snacks and an odd amount of blankets and fluffy, comfy pillows. Once they were done they met up at Chandler's house.

"Chandler, why did ya buy so many fricking blankets bud?" Chris asked while he chuckled at Chandler holding about 10 different colored blankets in his arms.

"I bought these so we could be comfortable and plus I wanna make a pillow fort." He smiles and starts bouncing up and down like a little kid. Chris smiles up at Chandler. "Alright bud, we'll make a pillow fort!" Chandler's eyes light up as he runs into his living room and drops all the blankets. Beginning to make the pillow fort as Chris orders some pizza.

Chris Pov
"Chandler, I ordered pizza for us! You okay with that?" I asked shouting from his kitchen. He didn't respond so I went to go check on him. "Chandler?" I look at the entrance of a small pillow fort. "Uh. WOAH!" I get pulled in by him. I land on top of him, both of us blushing.

"Hey, cutie. Look what I did!" He says looking around his makeshift pillow fort, smiling like an idiot. I laugh at him putting my hand into his hair, combing it out a bit. He relaxes and wraps his arms around my waist, closing his eyes.

I smile looking over his relaxed face. I caress his cheek as he starts to fall asleep. I peck him on the lips and he smiles. "I thought you were asleep?" He smirks with his eyes still closed.

"No. I'm just relaxing with the most handsome person." I blush as he smiles finally opening his eyes. He looks down at my lips then at me smiling, "What?" "Nothing. You ordered pizza right?" I nod, "Yeah. Now shush, I wanna relax with you." He chuckles as I lay my head onto his chest. He starts to draw little unknown things on my back. As I'm about to fall asleep the door bell rings. I roll my eyes and roll off of him. "Can you get it?" He nods getting up and making his way out of the fort.

I hear the door open and exchanging of a couple of words and then the door closes shut. "Come on babe, the pizza's here." I sigh not wanting to get up. "Alright." I mumble as I get up and exit the fort to the kitchen.

Chandler stands there with 2 plates in hand. "I'll get them, go pick a movie." I smile walking up to him and hugging him. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. I let go and walk to the living room, plopping down on the couch. I open up Netflix and scroll through, seeing movies and shows.

Let's do Outer Banks, everyone keeps telling us it's good. I click on it and he comes with plates and 2 cans of Pepsi. "What are we watching?" He hands me my plate and plops down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Outer Banks. Everyone is hyped about it, so I was like, might as well watch it." He nods sipping his Pepsi.

After a couple of hours of watching it, we end up where JJ, Kiara, and Pope are in his backyard, watching JJ in his new hot tub. I start to cry as JJ explains what he does for his friends and his fucked up life. Chandler notices and he hugs me, whispering heartfelt comments. Kissing my face multiple times, getting me to stop crying. 

"You okay?" I nod snuggling against his body. The soft blanket he bought covering both of us as we finish the show, cuddling.

After a couple more hours at looking at movies and a couple of shows we decided to call it a night. Chandler excitedly making his way to the pillow fort.

"Nice job on the fort, babe!" I say, smiling at him. He lays down yawning . "Thanks baby. Can we go to sleep now? I'm tirrred." He says interlocking our fingers. I smile, "Yeah. I'm tired too. Goodnight Chan." He smiles already closing his eyes.

"Goodnight Chris, love you." I smile widely and kiss his lips. "Love you too."

I cuddle up next to him and he securely wraps his arms around my waist, his face buried into my neck. I hear his breathing shallow and go into little cute snores. I fall asleep slowly after.

Welp here it is. A little fluffy one after the sad one. See ya later cool beans 😎

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