Jealous much?

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So since we haven't had a spice of jealousy up in this bitch 🤣😳 I decided to make some. a really dumb idea that just popped up in my head hope u guys like it :)

Chandler's Pov
That's all he's been talking about all day. John B this or JJ that. Like come on, why? I mean Outer Banks was a pretty good show, not going to lie. But now he's obsessing over John B and JJ. Like. Ugh. I don't know.

"Honestly, John B's cute but JJ. Damn he's hot!" Angie states having a convo with Chris. Chris nods sipping on his cherry slurpee. "Yes! But JJ is a whole other type of cute. Like. I don't know how to describe it. He's just really cute and handsome." Angie nods her eyes lighting up.

"Aww. You have a little crush on JJ. That's cute!!!" Angie says getting up to throw her slurpee away. He shakes his head and looks at me. "Hey Chan." I smile, looking up from my phone, trying not to be mad. "Hi."

"Hey Chris, wanna have binge watch Outer Banks? I got nothing else to do." He nods smiling, "Yeah sure I'd love to. Chan you wanna join us?" I look up from my phone and get up to throw away my slurpee as well. "Yeah. I guess." The twins both smile, a smirk formed on Angie's face as I start to feel uneasy. Chris walks back inside the house and it's just me and her.

"Someone's jealous." I look at her with wide eyes. "No I'm not." "Yes you are. Come on, its not that hard to see when you're jealous Chandler. Plus it's fine, it shows how much you love Chris." I chuckle a bit as she laughs. "So are we watching it or not?" We shot up to look at Chris who's standing by the door frame.

We both nod and walk inside, Chris grabbing my hand and taking up me up to his old room. "Alright, what's wrong?"  "Uh nothing. Why?" He shakes his head, "You were on your phone the whole time me and my sister were talking. You could of said something. She thinks your jealous, are you?" I get embarrassed and look away, "No! Pfft, I would never be jealous." He looks away slightly disappointed, "Oh. Alright, well lets go back to the living room so we could watch Outer Banks. Grab a blanket from my closet." I nod as he walks off.

Damn it. I fucked up huh? I got this though, I know what to do. I grab 2 soft blankets and run back downstairs and sit next to Chris. His sister giving me that, "You messed up. Fix it," look. I nod sitting next to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and having the blanket drape over us.

2 hours go by and no we're laying down, me on top of him, my arms around him and he's already drooling over JJ. I'm not going to lie but I was jealous, like really. A scene comes into view with JJ and John B are shirtless on the beach. Chris and Angie fangirling over them. I cover his eyes as he tries to pry my hands off. "Let me see. I wanna see JJ!" "No. I'm way better than him."

He stops trying to pry my hands off and I finally let go. "So you are jealous. Aww! Baby don't be, I love you." I smile snuggling up to him more. "See, told ya Chris!" He laughs as I flip her off, we laugh and continue to watch it.

JJ is no way cuter than me. And that's fax. 😤😌

Yea idk bout this one but here it is. I tried see ya laterz cool beans 😎

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