Date night

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This is going to be a somewhat long chapter hope you enjoy 😌
Chandler's Pov
As we walked to my house, we talked about him shopping and my games that are coming up. My house was not that far, probably a block away.

As we reach my house I make us stop by the steps, his smile pressing into a line. "What's up Chan? Why'd you stop?"

I start to sweat, the feeling of nervousness flooding through out my body. "Uh. Y-yeah. I was wondering,"
He smiles, making my heart skip a beat, shit this isn't easy.

"If you wanted to go out t-tomorrow? Y-yeah, for like lunch or dinner or something." I trail off scratching the back of my neck. A force of habit.

He smiles as I stand there waiting for his response, feeling like he's taking this as a sick joke.

"Is this a date, Hollow?" He asks smirking. I smile back, my confidence rising.

"I don't know. Do you want it to be?" We take a step forward, snaking my arms around his waist. Pulling him closer. His arms wrapped around my neck loosely.

"Would it be bad if I said yes?" Our faces getting closer. I smile leaning in, "Nope not at all."

I captured his lips with mine, a slow meaningful kiss. I pull him closer not wanting this to end at all. But he did pulling away, us panting for air. Our foreheads touching.

"So? You're calling me tomorrow right?" I smile nodding a bit. "Yeah, I will. Well, I got to go. Call and see you tomorrow?" He smiles as he let's go, my arms still around his waist.

He nods, "Yes. Bye Chandler." I kiss his forehead one more time. "Bye Chris. See you tomorrow." He waves walking away and down the sidewalk, making his way back to his house.

Oh my fucking god! I can't believe I just got a date with Chris! Ahhhhhh!!! This is going to be freaking awesome!

time skip to tomorrow morning

Chris' Pov
I wake up to my phone making little ding sounds. Telling me that someone was texting me. I sit up and rub my tired eyes, trying to shake off the sleep before grabbing my phone.

It was a text from Chandler, making me smile instantly. He is so adorable.

Good morning. Just wanted to let you know
that I'll pick you up around 5:00. You can wear something nice or casual. Whatever you feel comfortable in. Later cutie ❤️

I blush, falling back on my bed smiling like an idiot. Jesus he's so adorable.  I hear my door open then close, "Good morning. So how did it go last night? You seemed all giddy, running up to your room." Angie lays down on the opposite side of me. I hand her my phone, she takes it and reads the text.

She squeals getting up and heading to my closet. Setting down my phone on my desk. "W-woah, what are you doing?" I ask sitting up. She smiles, taking out a couple of nice dress shirts and pants.

"I'm going to help you little bro. So you could look nice for your date with Chandler. Ahhh! This is so exciting!! Aren't you excited!!?" She asks, her eyes with sparkles and a little bounce in her step. She walks over to me placing one shirt to my chest then another.

I smile already thinking about what's going to happen later. "Yeah are you kidding me?! I'm really excited!! I get to go out with him. I can't wait for later!" We both smile as she pushes me out of my room.

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