~Stop this pain~

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Chris' Pov
I feel the tears spring into my eyes as I rush to his side. I kneel down and put his head onto my lap. "Chandler! Buddy, wake up. Chandler..... please! CHANDLER!! Please wake up! I can't l-lose y-you!" I say tears streaming down my face.

I take a hold of his right arm, seeing old fading scars and a bright red new one. "Chandler! Wake up!! CHANDLER!" With that last yell he jolts awake. Not knowing where he's at. He sits up and looks at me with red puffy eyes. He looks down at the little blood on his t-shirt and on the floor, suddenly realizing what he had just done.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" He asks, you could hear the hurt in his voice. "I wanted to make sure you we're okay. We all miss you buddy. So why don't we-"

He looks at me tears streaming down his face as well, "I'm not going back. I-it's not l-like any o-of you c-cared." I wipe the tears from my face looking at him shocked. Chris, it's not the time. Don't get mad, just help him. I take a deep breath looking at him, reaching my hand out to his face, gently caressing his cheek.

"Chan, we would never do that. We all care for each other. Have you seen your phone recently, there's thousands of text messages and calls from Tareq, Jimmy, and I. We all miss you bub. I really miss you, like a lot. Hell, even Tareq almost cried early when he caught me off guard in my office. We were talking about you, I was already crying. Chandler, we just miss the funny, amazing, talented you. We need you back buddy. The fans are waiting and so is Jimmy, and he's really worried about you. We all are."

He looks at me, pushing his face into my hand. "A-are you s-sure? I-I mean," He pauses, looking down at himself, "Chandler what's wrong? You can tell me." Just then my phone goes off, catching us both off guard. It was Tareq, he looks at my phone with fear curling up within him, wrapping his arms around his legs.

I pick it up, "Chris! Are you okay? Is he okay? Tell us, please. We're really frickin worried, you haven't came out in like 15 minutes. Do you want us to go-" I cut him off, "Guys it's fine. He's fine, umm. Can you guys do me a favor?" I look at Chandler as he just stares at the wall, still crying. I stand up heading out the bathroom, but with my back pressure against the door frame.

"What's wrong Chris?" I sigh, "He was cutting himself, and there was already old scars. Guys, I'm really fucking scared. There were also beer bottles filled with pills. Like he was trying to-" "O.D! No that's not our Chandler. He would never do that!" They say somewhat scared. "So what are we going to do? He needs the help." I nod, "Let me just take care of it. I'll be here at his house. Is it okay?" The other line gets quiet. "Yeah. Take care of it. We believe in you Chris, just call one of us when he's ready. Good luck." I sigh taking a glance at Chandler. He's shaking and crying.

"Thanks guys. See you guys later." "Later. Chris, tell em we love him. No matter what." I hum in response and we end the call. I look over at him and slowly approach him.

"Hey, its okay. Come here Chan." He looks up at me and smiles faintly. He sits normally taking a sharp breath, wincing because of the cut on his arm. I wrap an arm around his shoulder as he wraps his arms around my chest. He starts to cry again, making me feel like I'm going to cry.

"Chandler, look at me." He keeps his head on my shoulder. Ignoring me. "Bub, I need you to look at me. I can't help you if I can't see you." He continues to ignore me. I use my free hand to put my index finger and thumb under his chin. I turn his face to make him look at me. His eyes puffy and still red from crying. He looks everywhere else but me. I grab his face, caressing his cheeks.

"Chandler. What's going on buddy? We are all worried about you. I'm really worried." I say trying to get him to talk. He looks at me, tear streaks stain his face. Making my heart break into a trillion pieces.

"N-no one w-will a-accept me f-for who I a-am. N-no o-one w-will love m-me." I stare at him confused, "Accept him? For who he is? What!?!"

"Bub, what are you talking about?" He looks away, "Chris," he take a breath exhaling sharply. "Ughh never mind. If I tell y-you, you w-will never s-see me the s-same." He looks off to the side, taking my hands off his face. I hear him mumble something.

"I can't hear you. Please Chandler, I wanna help you. You don't deserve to be like this." I slowly grab his face again as he grabs my wrists. "I'm g-gay C-Chris." He says wincing. He looks away starting to cry as I sit there shocked.

As seconds go by he begins to get irritated. "See I told you! You will never see me the same! I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN TOLD YOU!" He turns away from me, wrapping his arms around his legs.

"C-Chandler, I love you." He spins around looking at me and he shakes his head. "N-no. Y-you can't. You're just trying to make me happy. Chris you would never like guys." I stop his rambling by taking his hands in mine, squeezing them lightly.

"I don't care! Chandler, I love you! And I truly mean it. That's because I'm m bisexual. There I said it, now only you know. I don't care what your sexuality is, I still love you. I mean it." He looks at me and smiles. A true genuine smile.

"I-I love you too, Chris. B-but why would you love me? There are plenty of other peo-" I shut him up by kissing him. At first he's shocked but then quickly melts into my touch, his arms wrapping around my neck. Pulling me closer. 

I pull away, his arms still around my neck. Our foreheads touching. I smile, "See. I told you I meant it. And who cares what anyone else says. We all love you for who you are. I'm pretty sure Tareq and Jimmy will be happy for you and plus," I pause pulling him into a hug. He snuggles into my chest arms now wrapped around my torso.

"I get to finally call you mine." He chuckles and looks up at me placing a quick peck on my cheek. "Yeah, that seems good enough, but what about..." He trails off looking at what the scene was earlier.

"It's alright, we'll clean it up. And I'll help you get better. And that's a promise Chan." I say smiling. He looks at me weakly smiling, "You have a way with words Chris." I smirk looking at him, "Yeah I do, why do you think I get to call you mine now?" I chuckle as he playfully hits my shoulder.

"I love you Chris. Thanks for helping me."
"I love you too Chandler. And any time bub, I'll always be here for you."

So here it is and today is ur girl last day of being a freshman!!! Yayyyy sophomore year is next 🥳😳
Tbh I didn't like how this came out..... but I hope you guys liked it! Oh and i need some requests so if you would like could you comment what you would like next chapter!? 🥺 alr have a nice rest of ur day bootiful, amazing, talented, smoll and toll kings and queens 👑😤❤️

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