Cuddles for toll boy

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Their height difference is so 🥺🥺 idk its just cute and funny 😂 carry on lovely people 😌😌

Chandler's Pov
I was at my house, just lazily on the couch. I wasn't really feeling well so I decided to stay home. Jimmy understanding and Chris was worried but I told him I'd be fine.

I was watching Jimmy Neutron when my phone goes off. Chris' contact popped up me smiling instantly, I loved talking to him.

"Hey *sniff* Chris, whats up?" He chuckles on the other end, "Hey Chan-Chan! How are you feeling buddy?" I smile even though I feel like shit, "I'm okay, I guess. Just missing you guys and going out. So what happened?" I didn't want him to worry because when he's worried he gets extra protective of the certain object or person and make sure they are okay. But I don't complain though.

"I know I miss you too, but you need to get better Chan. Oh yeah, I was wondering if I could come over? I have nothing else to do for the day and might as well take care of you." I feel the smile he has on his face, even though I'm not physically there.

"Sure I'd like that. But before you come over, can you bring some soup?" I ask hoping he could. "I'll go over right now and make you some soup, I got this." He says, I smile. "Thanks Chris. See ya soon." "See ya soon buddy." We hang up and I sigh, wrapping the blanket a little tighter around me.

About 20 minutes later Chris knocks on my door and I lazily get up. Opening it to see Chris with a backpack, some sweats on and his BEAST hoodie. "Hey Chris, I'm watching Neutron, wanna watch?" He nods walking in and leaving his shoes off by the door.

I walk back to the couch, laying down and resting my head on the cushions. Trying to breath through my nose as Chris goes to the kitchen to make me soup.

He comes back with a tray with the bowl of soup and some pills on the side. "Hey Chan, I got your soup and some Advil. You ready?" I sit up trying to smell the soup but couldn't. He set the tray down on my lap as he sits next to me. "Thanks Chris." He smiles, "No problem Chan."

As I finish eating the soup and taking the Advils, we change it to Netflix looking for some movie. I leave the tray on the little table in front of me. His arm resting on the back of the couch, his other hand on the remote scrolling.

"So what do you want to watch?" I shrug, "I don't know, whats there?" I look to see and there's just scary, comedy, or children's movies. "Wanna watch something scary?" I nod, "Sure, I guess. But can toll boy receive cuddles? Im sleepy." He chuckles spreading his arms out. "Alright I guess. But no falling asleep on me. You did that last time." I laugh remembering that I did and he had to literally drag me to my room.

I playfully pout, "No promises, Chrissy." I lay onto his chest wrapping my arms around his torso, pulling the blanket covering me and him. His arm that was on the couch now resting on my back, rubbing circles. I rub my face on his chest, feeling the heat radiate from our body's.

He finally picks a scary movie, Truth or Dare. Leaving the remote on the table, he puts his hand through my hair. Lightly tugging but its fine. I start to get sleepy, felling my eyelids feel heavy and about to drop.

"Thanks Chris. Love you." He just keeps running his hand through my hair as he pauses the movie then turns it off. "Love you too, goodnight Chan." I cuddle into him more as my eyelids drop. Sleep taking over me.

Hope you liked this fluffy one shot. Damn im on a roll here, laterz cool beans 😎

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