Let me hold your hand

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"We just do this on a regular basis. What makes you think we like each other? He's dating Katie right now, and I'm dating Lauren. It's just a friend thing, chill."

We all laugh as we made fun of Jimmy for having these dumb accusations on me and Chris liking each other. Weirdo.......

1 year later........
Chandler's pov
"Ayyy, my boy Chris!?" I shout from downstairs plopping down on the couch. I wait a couple of seconds as I hear a muffled, "Up here." I'm guessing from his room.

I sigh and get up to walk to the staircase. Climbing up the stairs to his room I reach out to the door knob and open the door slowly. "Chris?" There he is, wrapped up in his sheets. Hoodie on and some tissues laying around him.

"Chris, you gotta get outta here. Come on bro. We got so many things to do outside! We all miss you bro!!" He hums in response, "I don't know. I really don't wanna bud." I sigh sitting down next to him.

He's been like this since Katie and him broke up 2 months ago. He hasn't really been out since then. Only making a couple of appearances in some videos, fan's pressuring Jimmy in questioning.
Wondering where he has been. Shit, I wasn't like this when me and Lauren broke up. I felt like a free man, not saying anything bad to her but.... It just felt right.

"Chris, you haven't been out in a long time. You barely make any appearances in videos now. The fans miss you. But your friends, and your best friend," I nudge his shoulder trying to get him to smile. Which I successfully did. "Miss you. Shit everyone misses you. Even your sister is asking for you! Wondering when the boys are gonna come over and reck her living room with trash and gaming noises until, ungodly hours." He chuckles quietly.

"I mean. I guess, it would be nice to go out again. And see the boys and my sister of course."  I smile rubbing his back a little, "Finally! Jesus I didn't think this was going to work. Now go and get ready." I nudge his side so he can get up. He huffs and unraveled himself from the sheets. I lay back and take my phone out and scroll through instagram, waiting for him.

About 30 minutes later he's ready to go. He comes up to me does some weird spin, "How do I look?" I chuckle checking him out, not to bad Tyson. "You're staring Hallow." He rolls his eyes smirking. I look away and back down at my phone. "You look good." I mumble.

He laughs grabbing my hand and pulling me out of his room and down the stairs. "You're really excited, aren't you?" He nods smiling like an idiot as we reach my car, "Well shit, I haven't seen all of you in like 2 months." He lets go of my hand as he walks around my car to the passenger side. Me feeling this weird coldness to my hand, missing his warmth. I shake it off and climb into the drivers side.

As I start the car and pull out of his driveway, he grabs my free hand and I look at him. He just looks out the window and I go back to driving. All of a sudden.... This just feels right, I just don't know why?

We pull up to the warehouse and I park my car. As I look around it looks like everyone is here. Garret, Jimmy, Tareq, Bailey, and Karl. I let go of his hand and open my car door jumping out. He gets out looking somewhat nervous.

"You good Chris?" He nods, coming to my side and looping his arm with mine. "Uh, yeah. Just nervous." "Everything is going to be fine. They will be excited to see you again. Now come on I got you."

As we enter we are greeted by the boys. All of them running up to Chris and hugging the living soul out of him. They questioned him on why he wasn't around, but I could tell he was nervous and I'm guessing so did Jimmy.

We both stepped up, "Uh, guys? I don't think he's comfortable with telling you guys that yet. Give it time?" Jimmy nodded, "Yeah guys he'll tell you later. How about we go out somewhere?"

Bailey goes to Jimmy side hugging his arm, "We should go watch a movie!" Jimmy smiles, a faint blush on his face. Garret laughs and so do we, "A-alright. Let's go to a movie! What movie boys?" He asks as the rest of them start shouting out random movies to watch. I look at Chris who looks now relaxed, "You good?" He nods, "Yeah, thanks to you and Jimmy."

I nod, "Alright boys, what are we watching?!" I ask raising my arms and flapping them around. They laugh as Bailey perks up, "We're going to watch some horror movies. You guys down?" We nod, "Alright boys, to the theater room." (Just imagine a theater room lol)

As we go to the theater room Garret starts to make these "spooky" sounds as me and Karl act scared. We get to the theater room and we all sit in the one row in the back. I don't why but I just like the back row. I sit next to Chris, as Jimmy and Bailey sit next to each other. Then it's just Tareq, Garret, and Karl.

"Let's start off with Paranormal activity!" We nod and Chris grabs my hand. "You okay?" I ask whispering, "No. I'm kinda scared not going to lie." I chuckle as the movie starts. "Alright, you can hold my hand. But no screaming." He looks at me a bit mad but then laughs quietly.

"Just let me hold your hand, jerk." He sits back and puts is head on my shoulder. I smile laying my head on his and lacing our fingers together. As we watch the movie, I could feel him jump. As the guys just start screaming and Karl and Garret throwing random "boo's" during the movie.

About an hour later we finish the movie and everyone is nearly asleep. "Alright boys, this was fun. *Yawn* Let's do this next time." Everyone nods as they grab their stuff to leave. "Chris, wanna go to my place?" He nods, "Sure. Can I sleep over though? I'm tired." He gives me a puppy dog eyes look and I give in. A blush rising onto my face.

"Yeah sure. Let's go then." He gets up as our hands and fingers are still laced together. "You want me to let go?" He asks as he rubs his eyes with his fists. Like a little baby who had just taken a nap.

"No it's fine. I-I kinda like it actually." He smiles weakly and loops his arm with me again, us walking side by side. We walk outside to the parking lot and Garret, Karl, and Tareq are already gone. Jimmy and Bailey still inside the theater room, doing god knows what.

We walk to my car and I help Chris get into the passenger seat. I walk around and get into the driver's side, turning the car on and backing up and out of the driveway. I look at Chris who's almost passed out on the seat. I smile and grab his hand lacing our fingers again, then looking forward to the road.

He sits up looking at me and I just give him a smile as he sits back. Probably smiling.

We can work this out. I like this, I really do. But does he to or is this all fun and games?

I liked how this turned out. And Tucker is here yayyyyyy he is so cute!!! Congrats to Katie and Chris!!! 🥺💙💙 and as i said before this book is all fanfiction so no hard feelings toward all of them and their relationships.

Katie and Chris are going to be great parents.      💙🥺❤️

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