Lover boy

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Ha ha back at it again sorry cringe worthy reader. Welcome back now lets get back

Chris' Pov
"All right Jake Paulers, as you can see no one else it touching the car but Chris. Which means Chris is the winner." Jimmy says with a smile, chuckling a bit.

"That could've been my Lambo, Chris. But I guess." Jake says slightly mad but overall happy. "Ha. You could've won but you know...." we laugh as Jake "walks away" going inside the house. Jimmy wrapping up the video and turning off the camera's.

"So what are you going to do with it? I mean you still got the rest of the day?" He asks looking over the brand new yellow Lambo I just received. I shrug, "I don't know, probably take Chandler for a little ride. Since he seemed disappointed in not winning." Jimmy smirks, wiggling his eyebrows a bit.

"And so what? I mean it's not like we are going to make ou-" I stop as I see Chandler come up to Jimmy, him looking over the car. His eyes with a sparkle in them. He clears his throat tearing away his look from the car, now looking at me.

"So what are you gonna do with the Lambo, Chris?" I smile, "I don't know, maybe take you for a drive." A smirk plastered on my face, the keys dangling from my finger. His face lights ups a toothy grin plastered on his face.

"You serious, like no joke?!" I nod, "Well yeah, I got nothing else to do today. I'll buy you some ice cream." He nods jumping into the passenger seat. "IcE cReAm! I WaNt iCe cReAm!" I laugh getting into the drive seat turning the lambo on. The engine starts with a big roar.

"Alright bro's have a nice drive, and Chris?" I look at Jimmy, "I know you got this, lover boy!" He laughs walking away to the house. Chandler doesn't seem to notice, him beaming over the set up inside of the Lambo. I take off down the street, heading to a near by Sonic, grabbing 2 ice creams and a milkshake for later.

"So what now? Let's go to the park! Or, or the top of a mountain or something?!" I laugh stepping on the pedal a little bit, making him smile wider. "Alright let's go to my secret place then."

It's about a 20 minute drive to my "secret" place which is at Elysian Park.  It only took about 5 minutes to find the spot that looks over the whole city. A nice view of it.

We get out ice creams in hand siting on the hood of the Lambo, his back pressed against the windshield. "So why did you bring me here? It's a really nice view." As he finished his ice cream asking with curiosity.

"I don't know, you wanted to take a drive so I thought well hell, might as well bring him here." I smile trying to hide the blush on my face, finishing my ice cream as well.

"Chris, your blushing. I'm not that dumb." He says smirking a bit. "Uh, are you sure Chan? Cause you know...." He looks at me with an unpleasant look.

We stare at each other, breaking out into fits of laughter.  After that we're breathless, holding onto our stomachs looking out to the view of the city, the lights like stars.

He leans over placing his head on my shoulder, huddling up next to me as a cool breeze hits us. "You cold?" He nods and I take off my hoodie, draping it over his body. I place my head on his enjoying this moment so much. A full on blush attacking my face.

He grabs my hand intertwining our fingers together, "So, what are we doing here?" I hold our hands together, squeezing them a bit but also feeling a bit bold. "Just trying to show a very special person, where my very special spot is." He chuckles making my face heat up more.

"Thanks, Chris for bringing me up here. It's a really nice view. And plus," He pauses looking up at me, "You have a very special spot in my heart." I smile kissing the side of his head.

"Wanna go back to my place and watch some movies?" He nods smiling, "Can we eat popcorn and cuddle on the couch?" He asks sheepishly. I nod, "Sure Chan. Whatever you want."

Ha ha and here is a short one shot hope you like it :) laterz cool beans 😎

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