You just keep on running away

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A little drama? Anyone?  Just give the song a listen i just love this song for this chapter 🥺 oh and this artist is amazing ❤️🖤 i love your support guys it means a lot thank youuuu 💘🥺. ⚠️language⚠️

Jimmy's pov
You could see the hurt in his eyes. His eyes just tell you everything.

Here we are at my house, in the living room with Chandler. Talking about his recent date with this one girl. Honestly this is how it is every week. Chandler calling me and Chris to meet at my hhouse because he has something "important" to tell us.

More like a fuck around he did with some chick. Jesus, please let Chandler realize what he's doing. He's really hurting Chris.

"Bro, that girl was fucking amazing. She's perfect." You say that about every fucking girl. I roll my eyes and just smile. "Nice. Just a question though. How many times did you say that this past month? And with how many girls?" I ask, a clear smirk on my face as I try to make a joke out of this awkward tension between all 3 of us.

"Fuck off Jimmy. I'm being serious." He rolls his eyes and looks at Chris, who literally looks like he's about to cry. "Ay, Chris you okay bud?" Chris snaps out of his little trance and looks at me then at Chandler. Then looks straight down.

"I'm going to my room. I'll see you guys later." He walks away and up the stairs to his room. You could hear the door shut.

"Did I say something wrong?" Chandler looks at me confused, concern written all over his face. Okay he's really that stupid. That's it!

"Yes you fucking idiot, there is something wrong. Do you realize what you're doing?" He looks at me surprised at my sudden spike of tone. "Uh, I don't know?!" I scoff and roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're hurting Chris. That's what you're doing. Got it!?" He jerks his head back a little, confused. "How though?" "Because you keep going around and hooking up with all these different girls, Chandler."

"Why does he care though?" I look at him straight into his eyes, "He likes you, you fucking idiot." We keep on going back and forth with this little argument. Me wondering how Chris is.  (Cue song 🥺😞)

Chris's Pov
I walk away from the conversation, my heart and feelings taking over my emotions. I'm so dumb to think that he likes me. He's running off to different chics, but he doesn't care.

I lay on my bed with a hoodie and sweats on. Putting on my airpods and then pulling the hood over my head. Playing this one song that feels somewhat relatable right now.

And isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

And isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

And everybody knows it

We act like we don't know shit

And I can't help myself

I want you I don't want anybody else, I know it

You miss me just a little when you feel a little hopeless

And everybody hates it

We just gotta fake it

But I know that you know that you're falling deeper

Long for the feeling the longer we keep up

My mind starts to flood with images of me and Chandler. Us being intimate and Jimmy seeing it. We would just laugh it off. Or us cuddling on the couch watching a movie or something. Even holding hands during challenges or just randomly talking. I thought it all meant something. I really did. Then I start to feel the tears come down my face. Shit, not again.

Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

You can be the rays when it rains all-day

I can be your safe space favorite place

I just wanna fall with you

And I just want it all with you

Let me be your everything

You could be serenity

I can show you anything

I'm feeling us, I'm feeling us

I'm feeling us, I'm feeling us

Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

And isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

As the song finishes, I breakdown more. Pulling the strings of the hoodie, closing on my face. Letting the song play again as I curl up. My arms wrapped around my legs, crying like a little baby.

About 10 minutes later of hearing nothing but my cries I feel someone lay next to me. The side of the bed sinking with the person's weight. I don't want to talk to anyone right now and I'm pretty sure it's Jimmy.

"I don't wanna talk right now Jimmy. Leave me alone." I say trying to get him to leave. The person grabs my side and pulls me closer to them, wrapping their arms around my waist. And their face buried into my neck.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I'm such a fucking idiot!" It was Chandler! I try to move away before I go into another crying fit but to no avail, I was pulled closer. His arms holding onto me like I was going to drift away.

"Sorry about what?" I whisper. I know what he's talking about but I want to hear it from him first.

"I'm sorry for not seeing it. The signs, the little talks, everything. I just thought," He grew silent as he pulled me closer. "Thought of what?"

"I didn't think you liked me. That's why I kept on going on different dates with all these girls so I could get over my feelings for you. But there still there. I'm so sorry." He starts to cry as I turn to face him. I take his face into my hands and wipe the tears from his face.

"It's fine Chandler. It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was. I just didn't know. I hurt you! I didn't mean too." I smile and let go of his face and find his hand. Intertwining our fingers, "Chandler, stop crying it's fine. I have you here. That's all I need."

He stops crying and looks at me. Catching my eye sight with this. We stare at each other, as he starts to lean in. Holy shit this is happening! Holy shit!!!!

He captures my lips with his, the kiss soft. All of this sad feeling leaving our body's and now we're here. In my bed, kissing.

His hand travels to my hip, grasping it as he climbs on top of me. He breaks the kiss and looks at me, panting. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. Pecking his lips. He tries to go for another one but I dodge it smiling.

"Hey?! What the heck?" He looks at me then my lips, then at me again. "We could do this another time. Plus I'm tired from crying. Cuddles?" I ask using puppy dog eyes. He looks away then looks back at me.

"Fine. But I'll get you next time." I smile as he flops down onto me and wraps his arms around my waist. I start to drift off as he strokes my hair. "Goodnight Chris, love you." I smile as he pecks my lips one more time. "Love you too." I say closing my eyes and going to sleep.

Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you

I liked how this turned out, finally. I love this song so much 🥺. I wanna thank you all for reading this book, it means a lot to me. Thank youuu thank youuuu 🥺💘💘 have a nice day you cool beans 😎

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