Talk about it? 🌺 Patton

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TW: Yelling, Highly Toxic Behavior, Shaming, Cursing, Threats Of Suicide, Implied Physical Harm, Mention Of Drunkenness, Panic Attack, Losta Crying, It Gets DARK My Friends

Apparently I really enjoy hurting Patton and I'm sorry BUT it's kinda hurt/comfort so...

Platonic LAMP because I'm weak.

We love writing vents about our exes hahaha. I'm 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝔃𝓮𝓭 (*˘˘*)..:* (it never got this bad but same behavior)


Patton tapped his leg hard against the floor, anxiety in his chest as he waited for his boyfriend to get home. He had apparently pissed him off while they were out that day, so now he was just waiting for the verbal punishment he'd always get.

The front door opened and closed, catching his attention. Patton fumbled with his thumbs and slowly stood up, walking out of his bedroom to the front door of the apartment.

"What the fuck was that?!" Ren growled, stepping towards Patton. Patton took a step back.

"You embarrassed me in front of everyone! God, all you do is ruin things at this point. It's like you don't even care," Ren shouted, taking another step to Patton. Patton took another step back. "You don't care anymore right? I get it, I know. I should go kill myself I guess. Since you don't even want me." Patton's eyes filled with tears as he shook his head.

"No! Please don't! I promise I love you, I promise! I'm sorry for embarrassing you earlier, I really am-" Patton's frantic rambling was cut off.

"You're sorry for everything Patty, absolutely fucking everything! And you never fucking mean it!" Ren slammed their hand against the wall, making Patton jump. "You never cared did you?" Patton was now openly crying, trying to figure out that the hell he could say and not have twisted.

"Stop crying, pussy."

The two had this fight at least three times a week, and while Patton was getting sick of the constant anguish it caused on his mental health, he stayed. Because who would look after Ren if he left him?


"Patton? Are you okay?" A pleasantly worried voice called from outside of the bathroom stall he was sitting in.The voice that Patton recognized as his friend Roman's. The bathroom door opened after he spoke.

"Ye- yeah," Patton coughed slightly, trying to clear the tears from his eyes. He didn't mean to cry in front of everyone. Crying makes him look weak.

"Pat, please come out. Let's talk about this okay?" Whoa okay, new voice, Logan this time. Patton shook his head in his hands, crying quietly. Even if the others couldn't see him, it was mortifying.

"Patton, please? Do you want a hug?" Patton's legs tapped against the floor of the echoey bathroom as he tried to name the voice. Not Logan, not Roman, not Ren, so maybe Virgil? No I'm probably wrong. I always am.

Roman sighed from the other side of the stall, choosing to sit down on the floor with his back against the door.

"Do you want to come over here for just a sec to calm down a bit?" Roman asked. Patton paused, thinking for what felt like two minutes but was apparently more based on the repeating of his name.


"Yeah, yeah, sorry, I'm moving. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Pat, it's okay, just hold on," Logan hummed, helping Roman up so that Patton could open the door. Patton stood slowly and wiped his eyes before unlocking the stall, plastering on a fake smile.

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