Kill The Lights 🥀 Virgil

107 2 0

TW: Crying, Begging, Unsympathetic Patton, Dark Side Patton, Panic, Implied Kidnapping, Yelling

Closer to a drabble but not quite there. This one is mainly a concept.


Patton glared at Virgil who was pleading pathetically. Tears streamed constantly down his face and his voice was echoey.

"Please,  please Patton, I promise I'll be good! I'm sorry, please don't leave me  here! Please!" Virgil cried, pulling against his restraints. "Please  Patton!" Patton rolled his eyes and walked away, and out the door,  letting Virgil yell and scream behind him.

"Kill the lights."

The room went dark.


Don't ask me how this got into my brain, it just did.

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