Honeymorning 🌹 LAMP

205 8 1

TW: Brief Mention of Drug (Pot), Cynical Humor

(Old Writing)


Logan woke up with a yawn, reaching around Virgil to turn off the alarm he had forgotten to deactivate the previous night. Patton groaned from behind Logan and lightly kissed the back of his neck. Roman and Virgil were still asleep. Roman was spooning Patton, and Virgil had his head tucked into Logan's chest.

"Are you awake Sunshine?" Logan asked over his shoulder. Patton nodded into his back and picked his head up. "Do you want to go make breakfast or maybe a treat?" Patton nodded again. He was very nonverbal in the mornings.

"Can we stay in bed for a bit longer though? It's only the first day of our honeymoon LoLo," Patton snuggled closer, tightening around Logan's waist. Logan groaned and shimmied around.

"But I'm hungry, Star," Logan whined, pushing himself up. Virgil stirred at Logan's movement, letting out a loud whine. Logan looked down at him and cooed, brushing some of Virgil's hair out of his face.

"Go make some yourself if you want some so much Lo."

"But I can't make them as good as you baby." Patton groaned loudly at that, making Logan chuckle.

"Fine! I'll go make some brownies or something," Patton moaned as he got up. Well, he tried to. Roman wrapped his arm firmly around Patton and pulled him in tight.

"Nooooooooooo!" Roman whined childishly. Patton looked over his shoulder and giggled at Roman, who was looking at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Let go of me and I'll make us brownies." Patton bribed. Roman's eyes widened and he nodded excitedly, loosening his grip. Virgil perked his head up, finally becoming conscious enough to be in the conversation.

"Pot brownies?" Virgil asked excitedly, earning a light smack to the back of his head from Logan.

"Hell no! We're on honeymoon!"

"... So after?"

"I'll smack you again."

"Do it, bet, you won't."

"Oh my god shut up! I want food." Roman interrupted. The four all paused for a moment before breaking out into giggles and getting out of bed to actually get dressed.


Patton slowly mixed the batter for the brownies together; Virgil wrapped around his midsection. Logan and Roman were sitting on the floor by the oven. Roman cuddled into Logan's side, having fallen asleep a few moments ago. Patton paused his stirring and poured the batter into a pan he had sprayed not too long ago. He carefully took Virgil's hands and gently removed his arms from around him, turning around and kissing him lightly on the forehead. Virgil opened his eyes slowly, curling his fingers around Patton's.

"Why don't you go lay with Logan and Roman until the treats are done?" Patton whispered into his ear. Virgil sleepily nodded, letting go of Patton's hands and walking to where Logan and Roman were laying on the floor.

Logan looked up at Virgil and smiled at his husband, patting the empty spot on the floor next to him and letting Virgil lay down and cuddle into his side.

Patton put the pan into the oven and set the time before quickly and quietly doing the dishes. He took the spoon he had used for stirring and stood by the oven, licking the spoon peacefully.

"How much longer are the brownies going to take? My arms are starting to hurt," Logan asked and looked up at Patton. A small smile slid onto Patton's face as he continued to lick the spoon.

"I just put them in, they aren't gonna be done for a while hun. You might want to get used to it." Patton teased, making Logan smile back at him. A few more minutes passed as Patton finished the spoon and finished cleaning up. Patton walked over to Logan and kneeled down, making a kind eye contact with Logan.

"Can I lay down with you? If you have room of course?" Patton asked with a small smile. Logan let a small smirk play against his lips.

"There's always room for you darling. The question is, will you pay the toll?" Logan joked. Patton rolled his eyes playfully and leaned in, placing a light kiss on Logan's lips.

"You're such a nerd LoLo."

"You love me."

"Of course, I wouldn't have married you if I didn't." Logan's smile grew wider; he still couldn't grasp the reality of him finally being married to the loves of his life. A constant feeling of euphoric bliss constantly loomed over his head like a pleasant spring shower.

Logan opened his legs and let Patton lay between them and rest his head against his chest. Patton pulled out his phone and opened up YouTube, starting to watch dog videos; in classic Patton fashion. Logan put his head on top of Patton's and watched some videos with him.


I hate it

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