Religious Trauma? Try Weed 🌺 Dukexiety

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TW: Weed, Drug Use, The Boys Stoned, Unaccepting Parents, Religion (Catholic), Uncomfy Vibes From The Dad, Unhealthy Marriage, Constant Mentions Of Sins, Brief Mention Of Juvenile Detention, Cursing, Crying, Embarrassment, Implied Sexual Content, Virgil Tries To Get Remus To Fuck Him While High (It Doesn't Work), Sexual Humor, Arson Mention, Other Possible Triggers.

This is purely self- indulgent. I really wanted to read a fic where Virgil and Remus got high together (I say that and then I wrote this having never been high.)


Virgil opened the car door for his mother before closing it and sliding quietly into the backseat. The day had been... okay at best. As okay as it can be when your father is trashing your identity unknowingly most of the day. Virgil just couldn't wait to get home to his boyfriend.

Virgil suppressed the urge to sigh happily at the word boyfriend. He has a boyfriend; a boyfriend of approximately three years actually. A ridiculous, sweetheart, stoner boyfriend that fit the word punk just so perfectly.

To think, the good Catholic boy who went to Catholic school and got straight A's, would be dating the almost arsonist rebel from the local juvenile detention center. Let's just say Virgil wasn't very holy anymore. Especially not after he found out all that you could do with another man. Oh yeah he was long overdue for a confession.

"What are you smiling about back there?" Virgil's father asked, looking in the rearview mirror. Virgil straightened his posture and wiped the smile off his face.

"Nothing sir, just uh..." Was there really a straight- or more importantly Catholic way- of responding to that question?

"Just what?" His father pushed, his eyes flickering to the road in front of him.

"Just looking at my phone," Virgil took his phone out of his pocket and turned it on, acting like he was on it the whole time.

"Hm," His father turned down the radio a bit. Gospel. Of course. "Your generation is always on your phones, never look at the real world. You know, phones stray us away from God. That's what our pastor said." Virgil shifted in his seat slightly.

"I'm not questioning your judgement sir, but why is that?" Virgil asked, not daring to look up and see those eyes that he knew were piercing into him.

"Father Michael said that cellphones expose us to sinners. Sinners like those letter people and paganism freaks. That cellphones will make you sinner too," Virgil repressed the urge to scream. They were on the freeway, he couldn't afford to do that.

His mother sat quietly in the front seat, an eerie feeling rising in Virgil's chest in the silence. Virgil had always known his mother and father had a... strained relationship. In the Catholic church, divorce was a mortal sin; that was the only reason they hadn't gotten one. His father was obsessed with sins and not committing them, even if Virgil probably needed quite a few sets of hands to count how many sins his father had committed.

"You still wearing that cross, boy?"

"Yes sir."

"Put it in front of your shirt, let people see it. Are you ashamed of your God?"

"No sir." Virgil moved his cross from under his shirt to over. His mother looked at him from the front seat, sending a small, quick smile. Virgil wanted to return the smile but he was just so... tired.

He was tired of pretending, tired of lying. He wanted to be able to relax around his parents. He wanted to be able to be himself. He wanted-

"Dad," Virgil started, his father's eyes snapping to look at him in the mirror. "Dad, what would you do if someone you knew was gay?" His father huffed, annoyed.

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