XIX. Gluttony and Sloth

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While all this was taking place a short distance from Mizumura in the Eastern Kingdom, hours before a dark hooded shadow was approaching the walls of Hayltel late at night.

"Who's there?" one of the lookouts asked.

"I have an urgent message for the leader of this village!" answered a shrill voice.

The lookout looked at his partner and the two went down to check the truth of his words.

"What urgent message?" the other lookout asked in a haughty tone once they were down.

The hooded man showed a letter sealed with the official royal seal. The lookouts paled and stepped back.

"I'm in a hurry. My master cannot afford to wait because of two inept people"

"This... This way, sir"

The lookouts led him to Mayor Rudryn's house. They entered inside and went to the dining room, where Rudryn was. They opened the door and the hooded man burst into the room.

"Who are you? Why do you all always have to interrupt me while I'm having dinner?" Rudryn yelled with the table full of delicacies and his mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"Oh, believe me..." the hooded man laughed as he revealed his appearance. It was one of Dryon's goblins "This is much more important than your stupid dinner, you filthy human!" he yelled, throwing the letter at him.

Rudryn took it and looked at the seal. He opened it quickly with his hands still oiled and read aloud:

Dear Mayor,

I am writing to you with a very specific objective that I hope you share with me.

It is about the wielder of the Great Power. I had the pleasure of meeting her in person recently and she is definitely very interested in making use of her so admired power in favor of the promising future that awaits our world. When she mentioned that she came from Hayltel, I realized that it was more than fair to grant her hometown favorable treatment in exchange for a single favor: if Hayltel opts to support the new government and provides her soldiers with everything they need to collaborate in this cause that concerns us all, your hamlet and all its inhabitants will be well compensated as you decide. All you have to do is write me back with your answer, which I hope will be yes.

Receive a cordial greeting from the Sovereign of Emmeldris and the entire World of Men.

Dryon's final signature made Rudryn blow. He stared at the letter as the mysterious messenger stood waiting in a corner.

"My master needs an answer" he implied "You shouldn't keep him waiting"

Rudryn stared at him and as a visible gesture of annoyance invaded his face, he got up and took a paper and a quill. He sat down again and extended the paper on his table full of breadcrumbs. After some seconds, he began writing reluctantly:

Dear Sovereign of Emmeldris and the entire World of Men,

In response to your letter, I would like to access your proposition.

From tomorrow, Hayltel will be at the entire disposal of the government and its soldiers for everything that is deemed appropriate.

Hoping that this response is to your liking, I end this letter here.

Your faithful servant,

Rudryn, Mayor of Hayltel

When he finished, he folded the letter, put it in an envelope, sealed it, and handed it to the courier, who practically tore it out of his hand and left where he had come from. Rudryn shrugged and continued dining, completely unaware of the decision he had just made and of the terrible fate that lay ahead for Hayltel.

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