XXII. The Water Hamlet

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"We are getting close, boys!" Yusuke-senzo happily screamed as he pointed to his home, located on one of the lake's shores.

All of his soldiers began to applaud and cheer with impatience. Only a few miles were left to the entrance to the village, which was reflected in the cold, clear waters of the lake. It was more than obvious why Kagami was its name, since that word meant "mirror" in the Eastern language. You ran into a couple of old farmers who were returning to the hamlet and burst out with joy at seeing you all. Some children also joined in greeting you as they scampered and laughed around you on your way to the hamlet. And finally, you crossed the entrance to the village and its quiet streets soon became a hive of people. Families ran out of their houses to hug their soldiers and they quickly got off their horses and ran to hug their parents, siblings, children and other families. It was a truly emotional spectacle. Women wept with joy and kissed their husbands and children. Others, however, mourned the loss of those who had lost their lives along the way. You looked for your friends from your mount. Ryota was hugging a woman while crying with joy and holding a small bundle in his arms. Tomoya, meanwhile, hugged two small children tightly while kissing them non-stop, and Toru hugged the one you deduced to be his mother while she cried loudly and was comforted by her other son.


Taka jumped down from Kahze's back and ran towards a messy-haired young man. He jumped up and jumped on Taka, hugging him tightly. Another boy ran up to them and joined the hug. They were all very happy and excited to reunite with their families after a year of absence. There was hardly any news about the war reaching a hamlet as small as Mizumura, so the joy in everyone's tears was more than understandable.

"My son! What a joy!" a woman yelled as she hugged Taka and hid her face in her chest.

"I'm home now, mom" Taka smiled with tears in his eyes.

"My God, how much you've changed..." she sobbed as she stroked his face and hair. Taka's gaze went to a man several steps farther away.


Taka released her mother and looked at his father with misted eyes. His father approached him and smiled slightly, something he rarely did.

"Hello, son"

And as if he had woken up from a nightmare, Taka hugged his father tightly and began to sob quietly. That scene softened your heart and you couldn't help but shed a tear. You looked around. Kyria and Yrion also seemed to be moved. When Taka's family finished hugging, his father noticed you and you looked away, embarrassed.

"What does a woman do... No, two women do dressed in the armor of our kingdom?" he asked as he pointed at you and Kyria.

"That boy doesn't seem to be from here either" commented his wife.

"Father, mother, let me introduce them to you" said Taka, approaching yo three "He is Yrion, a brave soldier whose healing powers have been of great help to us in battle"

"It is a pleasure" Yrion greeted in a perfect eastern language.

"At his side, Kyria, the Mighty Rock, with a superhuman strength capable of defeating any opponent"

Kyria didn't understand a word but managed to greet with an awkward bow.

"And last but not least... She is Aalyn, the wielder of the Great Power"

"The Great Power...? Her?" Hiroki asked in amazement.

You replied with a smile, which was erased as soon as you saw a young woman walking towards you. Her hair was long and jet black and her pale skin glowed like moonlight. She wore a very colorful traditional outfit, a large belt that wrapped her slim figure. It was her, there was no doubt. Taka studied your face and followed your gaze until he met hers.

"Takahiro?" she asked in a thin voice as two tears fell down her face.

You looked at Taka. He looked like a stone statue, as if her presence had petrified him. She broke down in tears and ran towards him, hugging him tightly while you, as a reflex, grabbed the bridles of your horse and turned aside, leaving them some intimacy.

"Let's go" you said to Kyria and Yrion in your language, joining the rest of the Western soldiers. Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, an army of goblins moved purposefully through the valley alongside Mount Trydar towards Hayltel.

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