XLI. Start Again

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The parade concluded with a final salute on the main balcony and a new announcement by the bishop himself:

"And now, by order of Her Majesty, all those called to the constitution of the new Government are requested to meet as soon as possible in the Throne Room"

"What?" Taka asked, as the four of them looked at each other and the bishop, you and your court retreated inside.

The crowd began to disperse and Yusuke-senzo approached them.


"Yamashita! What were you four doing here? Come quickly!"


"Where? To meet Her Majesty!"

Taka's heart skipped a beat.

"Let's go! There is no time to waste!"

The four joined the rest of the soldiers on the other side of the street and marched into the castle. They all gazed in wonder at the ceiling of the entrance. It was still badly damaged by battle but the painstakingly painted frescoes on it could still be admired. They advanced to the main staircase and began to climb it, all fearful that their steps might damage the delicate marble floors. Everything was sparkling, glamorous, and sumptuous. However, there were multiple architects and workers scattered around and working tirelessly to rebuild the rubble. In addition, Taka noticed how many paintings, rugs, tapestries, capitals, chandeliers and other pieces of decoration were missing, as if a move was taking place. The soldiers climbed countless floors and passed through dozens of corridors until finally, they reached the Throne Room. If the castle entrance had already blown them away, the Throne Room was to swoon over. Infinitely long and narrow, it was two stories tall and decorated with the most beautiful murals they had ever seen. Long windows stretched out the right side and an endless carpet led them to the end of the room, where you stood next to another equally imposing but empty throne. The room was packed with people, filled with courtesans, bishops, soldiers, and other personnel, including kings, politicians, and other diplomats from other kingdoms. Fortunately, the throne was high enough to be seen from any point. Taka couldn't stop staring at you from afar, still dazzled by so much pomp and beauty.

A man sitting near you got up and addressed the audience:

"Are we all ready?"

Everyone was silent.

"Okay, then we can start now" he said, clearing his throat. "Today is a great day, without a doubt. In this magnificent hall, today, not only the future of Emmeldris, but of the whole world will be decided. But it is not up to me to announce it, but to the great protagonist of today's day" he smiled as he pointed out to you with solemnity "Your Majesty, whenever you want to..."

You rose from the throne and automatically everyone bowed to you. Taka and the others reacted half a second later.

"Dear citizens..."

Your voice echoed across the room, making Taka's hair stand on end. He felt a hint of insecurity in your words, but soon your voice became more confident and determined.

"... Your Majesties, ladies and gentlemen. I will begin my speech by repeating the same words of my dear counselor Adarin, the one who was also counselor to my late parents: today is a great day. It is impossible for me to express in words each and every one of the feelings that during these last days have blossomed in me, like a cherry tree after a long winter. However, I will try to name them: first of all, relief. Relief because all our suffering has finally stopped" you said with a smile.

Many applauded your words.

"No more tyrannies. No more war. From today, everything will follow the course it should have followed in its day, the day my parents were murdered by the greed of a single man. The day my life was taken from me to live a completely different one than the one I should have lived. But nevertheless ... I have to say that I do not regret it. My life has been different until today, yes, but I am very grateful for everything. That's the second feeling I wanted to mention: gratitude. For each and every one of the people who have made me be here today. The people who have seen me grow... "

Yrion smiled at your words.

"... those who have fought by my side, as brothers and sisters..."

The soldiers applauded.

"Everyone today will be rewarded for it. Not without first mentioning the last feeling, but no less important for that"

Taka raised his head slightly.

"Hope..." you pronounced "Hope for a better future. A better life for everyone. Starting today, I will make sure that no citizen suffers from hunger, thirst, pain, injustice or any kind of mistreatment. No more living worried about tomorrow! Disputes, brawls and misery are over! I swear by my late parents that this will not happen while I am on the throne! "
The whole room applauded your words.

"For all these reasons, below I will name the measures that the Council and I have taken in the first place for the future of Emmeldris..."

Everyone was silent.

"First, the vast majority of the valuables in this castle, especially all materials made from gold, will be melted down and donated to the people of Emmeldris. That gold will be used to rebuild houses, schools, hospitals and ultimately rebuild the entire city. Everyone is welcome to work at the castle. Now more than ever we need our gardeners, carpenters, blacksmiths and other workers to work for us. Those of you who worked for my parents will be the first to be accepted. As I mentioned, I will ensure that this kingdom regains the splendor for which it was known in the past. "

Some representatives of the city's guilds praised your name amid tears and applause
"And to end this speech, I would like to address the most important people in this room. I hope Their Majesties forgive my offense"

Some monarchs sitting on the second floor laughed.

"I want to address you, my loyal companions" you said, directing your gaze to all the soldiers.

Taka's eyes sparkled.

"I would like Yusuke-senzo to step forward and come up here"

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