The End

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Hey guys!

You've reached the end of this two-part story. A story that I never thought could be so meaningful to me...

When I started writing The Price of War, I was at a time where I felt kinda lost. This story helped me escape a little and remember how much I used to love writing when I was younger. Each and every view and comment made me really happy, and I couldn't be more thankful... I'm even taking this story as an inspiration for a bigger, better novel that I'm currently working on. I wish I could publish it one day and see it inside every bookstore (Am I too ambitious...?)

More than two years later,  I'm still speechless. I know this isn't the best story out there at all, but if I made any of you smile at least for a second, that means it was all worth it. Maybe that's why I chose this sentence to be the last one for this adventure.  

I can't say goodbye to you all without mentioning one of my greatest supporters, flowery_road. She's been there for me since the very first chapters, reacting to them before anyone else because I knew that if she didn't enjoy it no one else would. Thank you my lovely friend <3

Anyway guys, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. I hope to come back with a new idea one day. Take care and stay safe!!

Thank you all <3

Muchísimas gracias a todos <3

Laura xx

THE PRICE OF WAR                                                 [Taka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now