XLIII. Desire

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"Taka, wait!"

But Taka had already waited long enough. He needed to know. To hear it from your own lips.
"You again?" asked the guard guarding your private rooms. It was the same one who had previously barred him from entering.

"Where is she?" asked Taka.


"I have to talk to her"

"First of all, damn Eastern... It's 'Your Majesty', not 'she' or 'her'. And second, she can't serve anyone right now. He has retired to rest "

"I'm not moving from here"

"Then I'll have to move you..." threatened the guard.

"I said I will not move from here!" yelled Taka "Yumiko!"

"Get out, scum!" the guard yelled at him, shoving him across the hall.

Taka stood up again, his back aching and a lump in his throat. Suddenly, the door to your room opened from inside. The guard whispered a few words and looked back at Taka. Grumbling, he stepped away from the door and invited him inside. Incredulous, Taka jumped to his feet and ran inside. It was an exquisitely decorated room, with large ceiling-to-ceiling windows, as did the bed, and various furniture and dressers. You were in the center of the room. Taka went blank. Your hair fell to your shoulders and you were wearing a large delicate silk robe. He could hardly recognize you after so long used to looking at you dressed in armor. He tried to speak, but all he wanted was to cry. You too. As you contemplated his face, tears began to flow from your eyes and you slowly approached him to hug him tightly. He also did the same.

"Forgive me ..." you begged him.

Taka was still in shock.

"That's not me ..." you sobbed "All this time ... I was pretending ..."

"I know ..." Taka finally said.

"It's too much ... I'm very tired ..."

"I thought you had forgotten me ..."

"No no no no! I could never ..."

"I know ..." he repeated while stroking your head "You have gone from being a soldier to being everything in a matter of one day ... You must be exhausted ..."

"But I have to... I have to be a queen. But I can't give up on you..."

"Neither do I..."

You looked into his eyes, still wet. He smiled.

"I still remember that night..." he said "I remember your red dress. I remember your leaf crown. And look at you now. Now the crown is gold "

"But all this time it has been thorny ..." you murmured.

"I'm afraid I'm doomed to watch you from afar, Yumiko ..."

"I love that you still call me like that ... It means you haven't forgotten about me"

Taka took a step forward.

"You said it yourself ... I could never"

That last sentence was accompanied by a sweet kiss that lasted an eternity. It was like that time, under the cherry tree. Would the same thing happen again that night? Suddenly, that was all the two of you wanted to happen. Time began to speed up. Or maybe to slow down? It didn't matter. You were both in a hurry now. In a hurry to hug you. Kiss you. Feel your skin caressing. There were more and more clothes on the floor and the bed was more and more unmade. You were no longer Yumiko. Not Aalyn. Not even the Queen. You had been unable to recognize yourself for several minutes. However, you were very clear about who that other figure was, the same that did not stop praising your entire body, from head to toe with his hands and lips. Everything went blurry. You became blind, then mute, and finally deaf. The only prevailing sense was touch. And each time you wanted more and more. It had been more than a year since your lives crossed in that little western village. And now the two of you lay in the royal bed, your heart beating a thousand pounds per second, your cheeks red and panting like beasts. After who knows how long, you opened your eyes. The dawn light illuminated the ceiling of your room. What time was it? What day was it? Suddenly, you remembered everything. You turned to see if he was still there. was. Asleep, his torso exposed. You looked away, ashamed, but unable to stop smiling. A moment later, your smile faded. What would happen from now on? Everything seemed to stay the same, but at the same time you felt that everything had changed. What would others say if what had happened that night became known? In what position did that leave the new Queen of Emmeldris? And the most important. In what position did that leave Taka?

"Good morning..."

You looked at him. He had wild hair and a stupid smile on his face. He kissed you on the shoulder.

"You are so damn beautiful..."

You couldn't resist his gaze. He approached your lips again and you let yourself go again. There would be enough time to think about the others later.

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