XIV. Unwanted Invitation

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"Mrs. Aalyn ... It would be an honor to invite you to my house tonight to have dinner with my family, if possible"

Several days had passed since your arrival in Mizumura and since Hatsumi had spoken to you. She had interrupted you while you were playing with several children from the hamlet showing them your power.


"Yes, you see... I have to confess that the other night I was very nervous when I wanted to talk to you and I didn't have time to ask you all the questions I wanted"

"What questions?"

"Oh, nothing personal" she laughed "My family would like you to tell us about your adventures, your power, your kingdom... I know you have just arrived in Mizumura, but we are all very interested in you"

Her face seemed sincere, but you couldn't help but think that her words seemed to hide other interests.

"Please, you won't regret it. My family will prepare an exquisite dinner for you" she smiled.

"Okay..." you muttered.

"Oh, thank you very much!" she bowed "Our house is the one over there, the one of the lighted porch. Come at dusk"

And after bowing again, she said goodbye and left.

Dusk came and Hatsumi's invitation still made you shiver. You shouldn't have accepted it, especially knowing that her fiancé's gem hung from your neck. However, if Taka had not spoken to her as he had promised, it was time for someone to do so. You dressed in the traditional outfit that some villagers had lent you and observed your katana leaning against a corner. Of course it wasn't a gesture of good manners to appear at someone's house armed, but that situation gave you such a bad feeling that bringing it with you seemed justifiable. When you reached the porch of Hatsumi's house, you took off your shoes and placed them next to two other pairs that were in front of the door. You took a deep breath and ran it slightly to the side.


No one answered.

"Is there anyone home?" you asked again several seconds later.

"Just a moment!" you heard Hatsumi say from the back of the house.

It took a few seconds for her to open the door all the way.

"Good evening, Mrs. Aalyn!" she greeted "Please come in"

You stepped into the main living room of the house. It was spacious and lit by various lamps, creating a very relaxing atmosphere. Both the floor and the walls were made of fine light-colored wood and the only piece of furniture in the room was a dark table where dinner was to be served.

"What about your family? Won't they have dinner with us?" you asked.

"Well... My mother has been feeling sick since noon and she is unwell right now. My father is with her in the temple, taking care of her"

The tension you felt was getting worse at times.

"What a shame..."

"I beg your pardon, they really wanted to meet you. But don't stay at the doorstep! Sit down, please!"

You looked at the table suspiciously but ended up obeying her.

"Dinner's almost ready. I'll make a tea to whet your appetite!"

Her voice was sweet and smooth like the sound of a flute, but there was still too much tension in the room. Hatsumi returned from the kitchen with a tray with a steaming kettle and two cups.

"Thank you..."

"Be careful, it's very hot" she answered while she served you a cup.

When she served hers she settled down and smiled shyly.

"You have a very cozy house" you said with the most pretended words that you had ever spoken.

"It's actually very small... Maybe that's why you find it cozy!" she laughed.

"And which are all those questions you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh, there are so many that I don't even know where to start! Let's see..."

The tension overcame you and you exhaled a sigh.

"Can we stop acting for once, please?"

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