XLII. As It Should Be

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Yusuke-senzo gulped and timidly stepped forward. You descended the stairs to your throne until he was in front of you and you were some steps above him. He nodded slightly.

"Kneel down, soldier" you ordered him kindly, to which he obeyed "Yusuke... I have been at your service all this time. Everyone has praised your leadership and courage for years, and I can say to everyone today that those words fall short"

Yusuke blushed.

"You have proven yourself worthy of that and much more. That's why, after a lifetime dedicated to battle, I think it's about time you took a well-deserved break. Mention a place, whatever it is, and I'll take care of accommodating everything so that you can live there without missing anything"

All the soldiers looked at each other in amazement.

"Your Majesty ..." Yusuke-senzo smiled "You're being too generous to someone as simple as me who doesn't deserve so much..."

"What I'm being is ungrateful, senzo..." you smiled.

Yusuke-senzo smiled again like he never had. He got up and you reached out to salute him with your fist. Yusuke smiled again, took your hand and you brought it to your forehead, making everyone look at each other with joy.

"You can retreat" you said, raising your voice "Now I would like soldier Toru Yamashita to come closer"

Toru's eyes widened as his friends laughed and pushed him. Red as a tomato, he came up to you and knelt down.

"I think we agree, soldier, that we have experienced a lot on and off the battlefield..." you smiled.
"Certainly, Your Majesty..." he hesitated.

"You are without a doubt the best soldier in this army, and that is a talent that cannot be wasted"

Toru looked up.

"Toru, would you like to lead my army?"

For the first time in his life, Toru was speechless.

"You will live in this castle and you will not lack anything for you or your family. I think you would be an excellent leader, although I hope not to use your skills in a long time"

Everyone in the room laughed, including Toru.

"I..." he hesitated, swallowing hard and clearing his throat "It would be the greatest honor of my life... Your Majesty"

"So be it, then. From today I appoint you General of the Royal Army of Emmeldris" you announced while a page approached with a beautifully forged sword "And for this I am giving you the Sword of Honor. Use it as little as possible"

Toru took it gently, completely absorbed, and returned to his place. His friends clapped and hugged him, including Yusuke-senzo.

"I can't imagine how proud your father would be..." he whispered him.

"Ryota Kohama and Tomoya Kanki" you said "You two come closer, please"

The two of them approached just as fearfully and knelt before you.

"Soldiers ..." you told them "No, friends"

The two cried with joy as they held each other's hands.

"It has been an honor to fight by your side. You have contributed to our country being at peace with itself today and I have no doubt that your families will remember you as heroes "

The two nodded, unable to speak.

"I propose to you to live here in this castle. Bring your families with you and I will make sure to give you all the best life you can have "

"Thank you ..." Ryota cried.

"Thank you very much, Yumi ..." Tomoya said "I mean, Aalyn! No, neither! "

Everyone laughed and Tomoya covered her face in shame.

"With me it is not necessary that you keep the forms" you said to them both, followed by a big hug each one and the applause of all.

The two returned to their place.

"Lastly, Yrion ..."

"Lastly...?" Taka thought "What about me...?"

Yrion approached you and you promised him just like Ryota and Tomoya a place in your castle to live forever. You gave him a big hug trying not to cry or lose your temper and everyone clapped again. Finally, Adalin dismissed the meeting and people began to leave the room. Taka stood, unable to move, until the room was practically empty. Toru put a hand on her shoulder.

"Taka, let's go"

But his friend did not move.


His sobs bounced in the room that used to be packed. Toru hugged him while he cried like a small child, unable to contain his anger and misunderstanding. You had forgotten him. And this time forever.

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