XV. Foam

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"It's still very hot so wait for it to cool down a bit"

Steam gushed out of the basin and escaped through the slight opening of the tent's roof. The candles in the background, despite being necessary to see, illuminated the fabric walls with a warm and welcoming light.

"It doesn't matter" you murmured as you took off your shoes.

Taka looked at you. Your voice had lost its usual tone. Now you sounded like you were sick.

"Need help?" he asked you.

You shook your head. As you were about to take your upper clothes off, Taka turned around quickly to give you some privacy. You finished undressing and put one foot in the water. It was almost boiling. In other circumstances you would have removed your foot immediately, but at that time your body was so cold and tense that you didn't care. You entered the basin and squatted down, staining the water from the blood that was still attached to your skin. Lastly, you covered the bowl with a cloth so that the heat was kept and Taka couldn't see through the water. He took a look to see if you were finished. He turned around completely and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Better?" he asked with a shy smile.

He thought about how different that cute scene would have been at any other time. You'd probably be laughing as he soaped you up and joked with you, but now he couldn't do more than sitting down and keeping you company. You nodded. Your eyes had lost their shine and were staring off into space.

"I let you rest and relax for a while" he finally said "I'll be back in a little while, okay?"

He got up and started to leave, when your trembling lips said:

"Please don't ..."

He turned around immediately.

"Don't leave me, please..."

That sob broke his heart and he ran to kneel beside the basin. Tears welled up again from your reddened eyes, followed by a sharp sob.

"I'm not going to leave you..." Taka whispered as he patted your head.

"Please... Please, take my hand..." you sobbed pulling it out of the water.

Taka gripped it tightly as he rested his chin on your shoulder. It took several seconds for your sobs to subside a little and you were able to speak again.

"Never let me go..."

Taka lifted his chin.

"If you let me go... If you let me go, I'll fall... And I don't know if I'll be able to get up..."

Taka hugged you tighter as he calmed you like a little girl.

"I don't want to lose you... I love you very much..." you cried.

"I love you too..." he whispered and kissed you on the shoulder "And you won't lose me because I'll always be with you"

You tried to calm your crying little by little.

"From now on I won't leave you alone for a single moment... Do you remember what I told you before we left Hayltel? I told you that I didn't care about the war, that the only thing that mattered to me was you. And besides, you have the Great Power. You've always been destined to do great things, Yumiko. And I, well... I'm just a poor soldier whose destiny is to stay by your side... To guide you and protect you at all costs..." he said as he brought his mouth close to your ear "Now I know that I was born for it" he pronounced with a slight smile.

You turned your head slightly and looked into his eyes. There was no doubt. It was still the same one you fell in love with at Hayltel. You closed your eyes, trying to hold back your sadness when you felt his warm hand on your cheek.

"We're going to lather you up before the water gets cold, okay?"

"Okay..." you agreed.

Taka picked up a bar of soap and rubbed it against a brush. He brushed it across your arms and shoulders, rubbing them carefully as he tried to make you smile. He undid the hairstyle Kyria had made for you and poured a pitcher of water on your head. He washed your hair and ended up drying it gently with a cloth.

"Done" he smiled as he brushed several wet strands from your face "I hope bath time was to your liking, Your Majesty"

You couldn't help but smile. You loved it when he pretended to treat you like a royalty.

"I'll give you time to get dressed" he said turning around.

You got out of the basin and began to dry yourself with the cloth that covered it.

"Your Majesty..." Taka called you.

"Yes?" you laughed as you dried yourself.

"Your Majesty..."

He laced his fingers with his back still facing you.

"Your Majesty... Would it be too much to ask that you grant me the honor and privilege of... Of sleeping with you tonight?"

THE PRICE OF WAR                                                 [Taka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now