XXIX. Ritual

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Those seconds lasted hours for everyone present. Taka fell to his knees as if all his energy had just been sucked out of him. Yrion started crying as he put his hands to his head. They were all staring at the edge of the abyss in horror, unable to understand what had just happened. But everything changed in an instant, when everyone startled after hearing a horrifying roar. It seemed to come from the depths of the gorge, bouncing off its walls until it reached his ears.

"What was that?" asked a soldier.

The goblins looked at each other, scared. No one knew to whom or who that roar might belong. It looked like that of an animal, but there was none large enough to be heard at such a volume. And suddenly, the most extraordinary thing that a man had ever seen with his own eyes happened. Something emerged from the gorge, something so immeasurable that it took everyone to react and find out what was going on. It emerged from the gorge and flew into the clouds, and it was not until it spread its huge ivory wings and emitted another terrifying scream that the soldiers could see it in all his splendor. It was a beast as big as a tower and with scales as shiny as if they were carved in marble. Its huge tail snaked across the sky and was topped with a large stinger. It was the most majestic being they had ever seen. So majestic that no one dared to speak. Suddenly, the forest began to roar and a multitude of wild animals arose from it after hearing the dragon's call. They pounced on the goblins before they could even flee. Bears, wolves, cougars and even the horses themselves. The entire forest had come together to fight back. Your companions stepped aside as they watched stupefied as the beasts fought allied against their enemy, pushing them into the abyss or directly killing them with claws and bites. When it was all over, the animals retreated back into the forest as the dragon descended from the skies and broke into pieces of gilded porcelain until freeing yourself from its interior.

"Kyria!" you screamed as soon as you put your feet on the ground and ran to help your friend.

She was lying on the floor, on her back. You turned her over and turned her onto her back. She was still alive, despite having a completely bloody chest.

"Yrion, please do something!" you implored him with tears in your eyes.
"It will take too long to completely heal her. She won't last that long..."
You turned your head and looked her in the eyes. She had them half open as she tried to shake your hand. You took it hard while you whispered her name.
"You will be fine..." you repeated between sobs.
"Eynar..." he said in a voice "Eynar... He's been dead all this time... Right?"
Her words were heartbreaking. If anything had motivated Kyria to get out of Hayltel and fight it was her dream of finding her brother safe and sound. And admitting that she would never find him was what no one expected to hear from her mouth.
"Let me go with him..." she managed to say.
Then she coughed, and after looking at you for one last time, she drew a smile on her lips as the glitter in her eyes faded. 

First it was Duymir. Now Kyria. Just when you had become friends again. When you were about to go back home. When everything seemed to be going well despite the war. But the pain was no longer so intense. It had evolved into a kind of feeling like anger or hatred. Hatred for everything that had brought you to that situation. And an incredible thirst for justice. That was what had changed and what had made you jump into the gorge and become the most powerful animal of all. You didn't cry or say anything. You simply helped Kyria fulfill her last wish, and with Yrion's help, you carried her in your arms and brought her to the edge of the gorge under the sad gaze of your companions. On the count of three, you released her and let her body fall into the void while her soul flew and did her last will.
"Yumiko..." Taka hugged you tightly when you got together again with the troops.

Your body was tense and full of fury. You were unable to calm yourself no matter how hard he held you.
"We must continue..." Yusuke-senzo said after several seconds "We cannot waste any more time"
You nodded without looking at his face and looked for your horse. He was right, you had wasted too much time in that forest and too many men too. You got on your mount and the troop resumed the march skirting the gorge that would remain engraved in your memory for the rest of your lives.

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