Chapter Four

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As I and Ibukun lay there drunk. I had finished a whole bottle of wine all by myself. One of the many the wines I had stolen from my Grandfathers wine Cellar on our numerous family dinners. I wondered why I bothered taking them one by one. If I had taken fifty at once, no one would notice. It was that massive with the finest wines and some very old and rare. The only thing would be that the staff in charge of the cellar would have had to report to grandfather that I was an alcoholic. Almost everyone stole one wine or the other from the Cellar at any point in time during a family dinner.
Ibukun had only drank blackberry flavored juice she had kept in the mini fridge that was built into a mahogany cabinet, someone who wasn't familiar with my office would have thought it was just another table by the side of the room under a mini portrait of Grandfather unlike the one in his office that Timi occupied or the one in the enormous lobby that was placed in the middle of a portrait of Timi's father, my uncle on the right and Timi's portrait on the left side of Grandfathers Portrait above the front desk.
Every time, I drove up to the Firm building, I still always got butterflies every-time I saw the word "Stallion" on top of the Eighty story building. Adegeshin meant "the crown rides a house" in English.
The building is the headquarters of the Adegeshin Dynasty and the law firm occupied quarter of it.
"There's no wasted money on having good lawyers by your side" Grandfather always said.

Not only till the late 90's did the firm start to work for individuals outside of immediate family.
I would walk into the building, taking the front steps one at a time. Walk through the automated doors. Immediately the doors open, my grandfather is there just staring at me like he always does. I even get scared of smiling whenever I walked in, I felt scared that he would notice and yell or punish me like he did when I was younger. So I always had a straight face as I answered people who greeted and passed me by as I pressed at my phone or looked straight ahead. I would use the same exclusive elevator as other family members did and when I was feeling like it I would take any of the other elevators other staffs were allowed to use.

"Ola, what's going to happen now " I said as we lay shoulder to head on the floor of my office staring at the ceiling. We've been like this for hours
"Let's not think about it" Ibukun said as she turned to look at me. "What's the worse that could happen"
"I haven't been picking my mom's calls or anyone else's" I say as I pick up my phone that was by my side and lift it over my face. The home screen lights up and it's a picture of me and Jimi. What a jerk!.
How didn't I see this coming. How!
The notifications pop up. 30missed calls. I use my other hand to swipe through my phone and unlock it. My mom, my dad, my siblings, my cousins and one missed call from my grandfather.
I sit up quickly. "Fuck!" . I spring up to my feet as Ibukun sat up slowly.
"Fuck,fuck" I kept repeating as I gathered my things in my hand. I put on my shoes quickly and reach for my jacket that was laying around underneath the shutter slides that covered the glass wall that overlooked the beauty of Lagos when it was opened.
"What happens?" Ibukun asked as she stood up from the floor.
" Grandfather called me" I said not stopping my search as I picked up one document or the other and my bag.
"So, what if your grandfather called" Ibukun said
"You cannot understand, trust me" I said as I pause to look at her.I pick up the last file and proceed to walk out of the office. I staggered from side to side.
I felt so thankful that i didn't have to drive myself home.
I quickly text my driver to meet me at the parking lot instead of the front door like he does sometimes when I felt like stretching my legs a little.
"All I see is a 29 years old woman trembling because she missed a call from her grandfather" she said as she picked up her bag from the sofa in my office.
I looked at the time and it was 8:00pm. He called around 7:50.
I shook my head from side to side before taking a deep breathe "you don't understand trust me" I said as I walked out of the door. The cubicle space was was almost empty with only a few heads popping up here and there. Some assistants and interns.
She walked quickly behind me as I walked towards the elevator that I had come out from earlier in the day. I saw some three men in black suits and black shades walk out of the elevator. I quickly turn around and grab Ibukun's hand who was about to say something from seeing them. I walked towards the private elevator quickly and typed in the pin code as fast as I could. I pushed Ibukun in and went in myself. I pressed on to the button quickly as they pointed towards the elevator.
As the elevator door closes I see the men rush towards the elevator .
"What was that" she yelled once the elevator closed shut. I stood in shock and I could feel myself tremble as I looked at the screen that showed the floor numbers as I clutched the files I carried to my chest. Ibukun held on to my arm.
"Ola what the fuck was that" she asked again
"My Grandfather" I asked. My mind is all over the place and I can't seem to think straight. What have I done!
"I thought grandfathers are suppose to be old and based on the picture of your grandfather in the lobby I think I know what he looks like" Ibukun said sarcastically. " you are not telling me anything, Ola"
"I promise to fill you in" I say as I kept staring at the elevator buttons.
"Take this" she said as she dipped into her bag and brought out a bottle of medicine. She removed two tablets and handed it over to me. "It will help with the hangover"
"Thank you" I said before throwing the pills in my mouth. I reach out to click on a button and it opens up to reveal bottled waters produced by the family.
I take a large gulp before dipping into my bag to bring out my shades and put them on. I rest my head on the wall as the elevator fell silent.

"All things aside, this is one mad ass elevator " she said as she admired the interior decoration in the elevator. There were three painting on the elevator walls as well as a gold touch to its wall papers.
We were now on the 2nd floor.
"Let's talk about that later, let's just get out of here now. Can I come home with you" I turned to ask her. "I promise to tell you everything"
The elevator gets to the ground level where the parking lot was. I proceed to step out as I kept on looking at Ibukun waiting for an answer as I half hoped my driver was already waiting on me.
"Ola" Ibukun yelled as I walked into a very huge man dressed in all black. I felt myself stagger back as I loose my steps. I swear I could have bet it was a wall I walked into. He was holding on to both my arms as I look up to recognize him. His name is James and he has been working for grandfather for as long as I can remember.
"Good evening, ma'am" he said in his thick voice as he released my arms from his grip.
"Ola" Ibukun said softly. She looked so concerned and scared. As she stepped out of the elevator
"It's alright. I will call you. Once all this is... you know" I said as I tried to gesture. "Just give me a call when you get home"
"I am going to take my car, don't worry" I said towards James.
"I am sorry ma. But I am acting under direct orders" he said looking straight at me.
I looked at him as if my stare would change is mind but nothing changed. I looked at Ibukun who hadn't moved from where she was before I looked back at James.
"Ibukun come with me" I said to her without looking back. She walked past James as she sized his enormous stature before rushing to my side.
"Adam!" I yelled for my Driver who was standing amongst the other three men I had seen earlier. "Take her home, and make sure she's safe" I commanded him. I reach for a short hug but she held on.
" promise me you will take care of yourself" she asked with concern in her voice.
" I promise" I say as we break the hug. I flash a short smile and she gives me one too.
Even though we were close. I never told her much about my family except the basics about my immediate family and she never asked.
I watch her get in and I waited till the car drove off.
Two heavily tinted Mercedes Benz SUV drove up to me . James came out the front door of the one parked directly in front of me and opened the back door for me and I got in. As the car drove off and into the night. I looked out the window.
" this is the worse that could happen, Ibukun" I said to myself. As tears rolled down my eyes.


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