Chapter Twenty -Two

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By the time I had woken up, I had been carried down to the living area. I opened my eyes slowly then I remembered what happened and I jumped up. "My baby" I yelled. Demola was sitting by side. Jo was carrying the babies, they were five guards in the living area. I looked at Demola and I started hitting him "why are you sitting here?"
I hated how calm he was. Our baby was missing. Why was he sitting beside me?
"Ola calm down" he said as he grabbed my hands. I broke loose and slapped him as hard as I could"
"Don't you ever tell me to calm down again" I said before storming off.
"Ola" he yelled after me as I walked out.

All the staffs that were in the house were now standing around in the Foyer except the guards that were protecting Jo and the babies.

"Where is my baby" I yelled angrily "where the fuck is my baby"
Nobody answered. I ran upstairs and came back down with a short gun. The room fell silent as I pumped the action of the short gun back and forth. Before I shot at the vase I had gotten at an auction by the door. The staffs shouted as they moved away.

I pumped the action of the short gun back and forth again before pointing it my audience.
"I will only ask one last time before I start shooting. Where is my baby?" I yelled firmly with anger as the staffs moved back
"Ola, I beg you give me the gun" Demola said as he got in my front.
His calmness drove me crazy. Didn't he care that our baby girl was gone?
"Get the fuck off, Demola" I said under my breathe.
"Shoot" He said as he held on to the mouth of the gun and pointed it at his chest "Shoot me"
I pointed the gun to his chest as he stood there. Was I really going to shoot the man I loved and the father of my children?
I broke down in tears as he collected the gun from me.
"My baby" I cried into his chest.
"We will find her....I promise you" he said as he hugged me. I pushed away from him and cleaned my face with my blood stained hand. He took off his robe and wore it for me before I ran off to the living area to meet Dami and Demola when my nipples started to leak.
I heard sirens as the Islanders police cars drove into the drive way. I breast fed both of them at once before giving them back to Jo. I couldn't help myself, I cried as I breastfed them. My sweet Doyin, what would she eat? How was she doing?.
Suddenly the boys didn't want to eat anymore they just kept crying and I kept crying. They didn't stop even when I carried them over my shoulders as I paced around. Doyin would be crying too I was sure. I couldn't help myself from crying how was I suppose to help my children.
I finally brought myself to hand them over to Jo as they cried. I cleaned my face and came out to join Demola.
"I want every room in this house searched. I want every inch of this property searched" he was saying to the staffs and Islander police officers that stood in the lobby.
The Islander Police Department was created by grandfather a long time ago to provide the security and efficiency the Nigerian Police force didn't provide for the citizens. Their jurisdiction was the Islanders Estates.
I sat in the Foyer as Demola made calls to notify family members. When I felt my breast was full with milk. I walked into the kitchen and pumped it out. The babies had finally stopped crying a few while back.
"We found something" I heard someone yell outside. I rushed out the kitchen too see the inspector talking to Demola.

"What did they find?" I asked
" Come with me" he instructed. We followed him to the back of the house as he led us to the stables on one side of the field .
An Islander police office squatted in front of the open gates of an underground construction near the stables, he pointed a flashlight into the opened gates. There was a box on the ground beside him.
I and Demola looked at each other as we headed towards the gate with the officer.
Another officer came up the gate carrying another box when we got there. The inspector took the touch light from the officer and pointed it in the same direction as before.
"Apparently, someone has been living here without anyone's knowledge" he said as he pointed the touch light down the stairs that led to the dark construction "They created a safe haven for themselves over time"
"Demola" I said looking at him
"We found a diary" another police yelled as he climbed the stairs. We moved back to let him up.
He handed the book over to me and I froze at the sight of the name on it. I looked at Demola then at the book that had the name inscribed on it.


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