Chapter Fifteen

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Three weeks passed, there was no sign of Demola.
I woke up within intervals the first night I slept alone. I had nightmares about the other night. I would wake up to check and make sure he wasn't standing in the shadows before going back to sleep.
I had been tempted to feel worried about him after a week, I had almost asked of him from Jo.
I couldn't be tempted to call since I didn't have his contact.
My days were simple I would wake up, have my bath, go down to the kitchen where Jo would be waiting. I would make myself something to eat and watch her prepare for something she was going to teach me. I had found some books to read in a box of my old stuffs. Books I never got to reading after acquiring them. I would sit in front of the window and read them. Observing everything from where I sat while Judith stood by the Corner observing my every move. In the evening I would tell her to leave.
I had seen her resume work once through the window, her uniform fitted to her body in a way that showed off her curves. One time, I had woken up and found her standing in my room.
"Jesus" I had yelled as I held on to my chest.
"Good morning"she said
"Get out" I yelled at her.
On the last day of the Fourth week since the last time I saw Demola, I had slept and woke up feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I poured water over my face before taking a look at myself in the mirror. I looked so tired and pale
I poured myself a glass of water before I laid back in bed and tried to go back to sleep. But I couldn't
Maybe a glass of milk would do.
I wore a jacket over the silk sleeveless nightie I had on. I wrapped the jacket around myself as I made my way down the stairs. Only a few lights were lit which made everywhere dark.
" It's no news that Judith has been, you know with the boss" I heard one of the maids that I now identify as Sandra say as I stepped down the last few stairs.
Three of them stood in the middle of the foyer
"I honestly just pity the new Mrs because she seems like a nice person, this same Judith came up on Oga the night of their wedding" another maid who I couldn't see clearly to identify. I didn't converse with the maids much so I couldn't identify her voice either.
"How do you know" Sandra replied her
"I saw her now.... if you see how he pushed her off ehn" she said as they all burst into laughter

"How could he?"
I had been introduced to all the maids by Jo at a point. She had called them all out that Morning to formally introduce me. Everyone was there except Judith who ran late for woke that morning even though they had announced the day before about the introduction.

It all made sense now. All the looks and the snarky comments she threw around the past few weeks.
"Why she's still in this house I don't know" the last one said
I suddenly felt overwhelmed in a bad way like I was going to puke again.
Cars drove into the driveway and the maids ran to separate directions. I immediately turned and ran back upstairs.
I locked the door behind me before jumping into bed and pretending I was asleep.
A few minutes later and I heard the door creek open, I felt his hand on my face .
In an attempt to make my sleep more believable I turned away.
He stood there for a bit before slipping into bed beside me .

I had woken up early the next morning with a huge appetite. He wasn't there when I woke up.
I quickly took my bath before heading downstairs to prepare a full course English breakfast and decided to make a native one for myself consisting of Pap and Akara. I and Jo had made some during one of her lessons, it wouldn't hurt to do it on my own if I followed her instructions step by step.
I wasn't sure why I was doing all this.
Was it because I wanted to show off what I had learnt?
Or was it because I didn't want him to make an issue out of nothing?
Or was it because of another reason?.
I had told one of the kitchen helps to help me wash the beans and blend it before I woke up.
I had made the pap and fried the akara myself.
I had learnt so much the past weeks.
"Good morning" I said when he walked into the dining area fully dressed as I directed the help, Ade who had been helping me out to drop the casserole filled with Akara balls.
He stopped by the entrance, he stared at me blankly before rubbing his hands along his jawline.
I cleaned my hand on the apron I was wearing before taking it off and handing it over to Ade.
I proceeded to serve him the English breakfast.
"No" he said firmly.
I served him the Pap and Akara instead.
I waited till he had finished eating his meal before asking him if I could go to the office.
"No" he said blankly
"Why not?" I asked
He ignored me then stood up to leave.
I stood up after him.
Why does he get to dictate when and if I can go to work?
What century does he think this is?
"Demola, I need to go out, I am tired of being cooped up in this house" I said loudly from the entrance of the dining area, he had almost gotten to the door "I am in the middle of nowhere for God sakes"
He turned around and tried to say something before the main door opens up and Judith came in.
She looked at me then at him before saying "Good morning"
There was an awkward pause in the room for a moment before she proceeded to hurry off.
I suddenly felt this rush of anger and I couldn't help myself.
"Get out" I yelled firmly as I stared at Demola then at her " I said Get out"

She looked at me then at Demola.
"Get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled again before she turned to leave.
I and Demola stood there staring at each other for a minute before he turned back and went up the stairs.
I had gone up to my room to change into a more comfortable dress.
I came into the kitchen a few minutes later and looked out the window as I drank water. The window overlooked a wide field. I felt I was going to puke and I bent over the sink but I didn't.
I resumed admiring the view outside when I saw Demola appear. He was angry. Every step he took showed that he was.
He had taken off the suit jacket, he was rolling the sleeve of his shirt up. He finally stopped in the middle of the field.
Then I noticed his assistant jugged up carrying guns.
He started to shoot before I left the kitchen.
I stormed out of the main door cursing as I went about not knowing where the back door was. I cursed at the sound of every gun shot fired as I made my way through the garden around the large house.

As I walked towards him, I noticed targets passed by as they did in shooting ranges. I had been to a shooting range one summer with Timi and Tobi when we were younger in the States.
I walked up to him but I didn't stop there. I stood in front of the last Target-man standing.

"Shoot me" I said loudly "if you really hate me that much shoot me now. Just take me out of my misery already because I am tired"
I watched him load the gun with bullets
"If you wont talk about what has happened between us then shoot me"

I was crying now. I really didn't give a damn

"Move" He said as he pointed the gun at me
"Shoot" I yelled as I watched him pull the trigger
I closed my eyes.
What the fuck am I doing?

He fired the gun and I felt my body jump. I started to hear an hissing sound.
I opened my eyes slowly as tears rolled down my face. I saw him walk towards me through the blur.

He had a smirk on his face as he cleaned the tears from my face "I thought I told you not to cry" he said before swooping me up and throwing me over his shoulders.
I kicked and begged but he wouldn't let go.

He pushed open the door to his room. He dropped me roughly on the bed.
"Take your clothes off" he said as he turned away from me
"Is this all because I told her to leave?" I said "you call me an hypocrite when you didn't only have your mistress here but you had her watch over me everyday while you were gone"
He unbuttoned his shirt as he looked at me blankly
"You can do whatever you want to do to me when it's just us but I won't take it any other way. Do whatever you want with me"
I willingly started to take off my dress and every other thing I was wearing then I laid myself on the bed staring at the ceiling "if you have to, then do it"
I cursed at myself and wondered where all this energy was coming from. Why was I being so confident.
I prayed in my mind that he wouldn't go through with it till I saw him hover over me. He was unbuttoning his pants before he climbed over me.

I closed my eyes as I started to breathe heavily

His phone rang and a tear rolled down my eyes as he got off me.

He was on the phone for a while before turning to look at me.
"Get dressed your parents are on their way here"

Thank you all for reading this far.... ❤️❤️❤️always

We are going to call it a wrap 5 chapters from now. 😤😤😤Some stories don't deserve to end

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