Chapter Fourteen

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     The light from the sun had woken me up the next day.I opened my eyes slowly and laid still. I was too scared to turn around to face him.
      I don't know what he would choose to do this morning.

     A few minutes of pretending to sleep and I finally summoned the courage to turn around. I was alone in the room.
     I sat up and took a breathe of relieve. I wrapped the covers around me and made my way to my room. I had my bath and wore a blue floral gown and a blue slippers.
     I stood in front of the mirror packing my hair into a pony tail when a different maid from yesterday let herself in.
     Even though I hated the audacity she had to open the door without knocking, I was relived it wasn't Demola.
    "Good morning ma'am" she said
"Sir, has asked that you joined him for breakfast"
I nodded at her and continued what I was doing. I saw her change in facial expression through the mirror and wondered what that was all about.
     I walked back to the bed and checked my phone for messages or missed calls.
  They were none.
   I quickly sent a text to my mom to let her know I would be coming to pack my things that were in the house when I could.
     As I made my way downstairs. I came across some uniformed maids. They greeted me as they passed.
     I walked into the dining room to see Demola reading a newspaper.
    "Good morning" I said as he put the paper down.
He sat up in his chair and pointed at the seat next to him on his right. The dining table had about 24 seats give or take.
     I walked towards him slowly.
I sat on the seat he had pointed at earlier. The maid who was waiting on him was the same maid who had come to call me. She proceeded to serve me and he had raised his hand to stop her.
    He placed a plate in my front, then some slices of bread before pouring me tea.
    I looked at the maid who had a very shocked expression on her face.
     "Don't make me wait for you next time" he said as he sat back "Eat"
     I looked at him wondering if maybe he was Bipolar or had ADHD or some other mental illness.

One night we had feel asleep in each other's arms after having sex, the next he was threatening me and now this.
   Has he poisoned the food?
"Tell, Jo that Ola would take over my meal preparation from today on" he said over his shoulders to the maid who nodded as she listened.  "You may go"
   The maid hurried off and it was just us the two of us left in the dining area.
     "Demola, I can't... I don't know how to" I tried to defend myself "I don't know how to cook"
        "You will learn" he said making eye contact as he opened the newspaper then resumed reading it.
"I need to go home to take my things" I said to him.

"There's no need for that, I have already sent for them" he said without taking his eyes off the paper he was reading.
        I finally made up my mind to do what was right.
         "Demola, I want to apologize to you formally for what I did, I am sorry. I was just a child" I said "I wasn't sure of what I wanted, I didn't mean what i said"
        I watched him close the newspaper and then fold it before dropping it on the table. He stood up looking out the window that was over the Garden.
    He adjusted his tie and proceeded to leave, ignoring me entirely.
      "What if it wasn't me. Would you have told me?" He said as he turned to look at me.
   "What are you talking about"
   "would you have told me, that a night before our engagement you had sex with another man" he said every word with anger in his voice.
"But...." I managed to say trying to defend myself before he held out his hand to silence me.
"You disgust me" he said before walking out of the room.
I sat there in silence for a while, I felt tears come to my eyes. I heard footsteps as I looked up to see who was approaching me.

"You aren't allowed to cry" an elderly woman said as she stood by the door that I later found out led to the kitchen. "No one cries in this house"
"Good morning" I said. Was this his mom?
Why didn't she attend the wedding?
Why didn't anyone related to him attend the wedding?.
"My name is Jo, Josephine" she said. Despite how good her English was one could still tell she was Igbo. She should be in her late sixties. She was average height for an elderly person.
"Please don't tell him" I said to her
"Not to worry, eat up now so we can start with the basics" she said before disappearing into the kitchen.
I managed to eat a slice of bread and drink a cup of tea. Jo led me to the kitchen. And I wondered why I didn't bother learning how to cook all these years.
Our first lesson was how to cook plain rice.
" I am too old for this" she exclaimed "I will give you assignments. You can go and learn about them on YouTube before the next time we see okay" she had said. I nodded in response. I didn't expect her to ask that I go on YouTube.
Later in the evening, Some of the Guards brought boxes filled with my things and jo had directed the maids to carry it up to my room.
They all respected her so well and I figured she was the one in charge when Demola wasn't around.

I didn't have any appetite to eat dinner even though I didn't eat lunch either. I spent the rest of the evening in my room sorting my things out before Ibukun called.
Judith, The same maid from this morning had been following me all about since I finished eating in the morning and only left when I was in the presence of Jo.
He had instructed her not to leave my side.
"How are you?" she said and I almost cried by just hearing her comforting voice. "Are you okay?"

"Are you okay" she asked again after a few moments of silence on my end, I looked at Judith who was standing by the door before clearing my throat to respond
"I am fine. How are you? How is the baby"

"I am fine. We are fine" she said. "I miss you"
"I miss you too, Ibukun" I said as I sat on the floor surrounded by boxes.
"Is he treating you okay?" She asked with a sad voice.
"Yes, he is" I lied as I ran my hand through my hair. "You should come over soon"

"I can't wait to ooo but I have to say it as it is I can't right now. I don't want to get in on the awkwardness between you two so let me give it a few more weeks ehn" she said hysterically
"No problem, I don't want you stressing. Adam will take you to and fro from work" I said
"Thank you that is so thoughtful" she said with excitement
I zoned out on the call as I stared out the window. The landscape was huge. There were no houses in sight. I don't even know if this was even Lagos.
There was no hope for an escape.
"Ola, I have to go now. Take care of yourself" she said
"I will bye" I said before hanging up.
I turned and Judith was still standing there. I couldn't help but feel some type of way about her.
"I need you to leave now" I said firmly before she could say anything "Leave"

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