Chapter Twenty Four

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Soon as the car drove off the drive way I kept crying as I heard Demola yell. The kids started to cry and I hated myself for saying the things I said.
He must be thinking I am a bad mother but I would never give up on my baby.

"Please stop crying, please" I said softly to the kids as tears rolled down my ears. They just kept crying the more.
We got to my Grandfathers place where my mom and every other person was waiting on the front porch when the car parked in the drive way.
Dara and Remi rushed to take the babies from me as I stepped out of the car. I fell into Tobi's arms and started to cry till I remembered why I was here in the first place. I pulled myself away from him and walked away.
"Get out" I said to the driver as I turned to his side of the car.
I locked all the doors before they could try to stop me.
"Open the fucking door" Tobi yelled as he bent to look into the car. I turned to pull my bag from the backseat.
They had offloaded the baby bags so I was rest assured my babies would be fine. I removed the handgun that was in my bag and placed it on the seat beside me before I drove out of the drive way at full speed. Workers on the road ran aside or jumped out of the driveway entirely as I drove through.
Judith was a psychopath that had no one. No one except the man she had sex with in the woods.

The one man who also had a motive to punish me for his own guilt.
I looked back from time to time to see cars chasing me. They wouldn't understand how I was feeling. Whatever happens I will make sure I get my baby back from Judith.

I got to his house on the mainland without any hindrance from traffic or the police due to my speed.
I roughly parked the car two houses away before getting out of the car. I walked in quickly as the other Cars pulled up into the street.
I got to his front door and saw him rush out with a backpack and a box.

"Ola what are you doing here" he said. He looked very surprised and nervous to see me. I pointed the gun to his head and led him back inside.
"Ola what's all this" he said "are you kidding me, first your family locks me up and beats the living hell out of me and now this"
"Lock the door" I ordered him

"Where is my baby" I asked him firmly as he backed up from the door after locking it.

"Ola, I don't know where your baby is" he said with his hands up "you are going to make me miss my flight"
I pulled the trigger and shot his leg. I watched him crash to the floor with a blank face. They was banging on the door as he crawled away from me.
"I am only going to ask you one more time before I kill you" I said "where the fuck is Judith and my baby"
"I swear I don't know, she took her off earlier. Please Ola" he begged but I wasn't having any of it.
The door swung open. I looked back to see the bodyguards who had forced the door open and Timi walking in.
He stopped when he got to my side and gave me a look that could only mean if only you had let us finish him up the other day.
He walked past me and bent by Elias's side.
"Where is the baby" he asked him firmly.
"I swear I do not know, I swear" he cried loudly as Timi stood up and turned to leave. I walked out "Ola please, please"
Timi walked behind me. We heard a gunshot as we stepped out of the gate but we didn't bother to stop.

" He was the only one she mention in her diary. They bonded enough to become accomplices. If it goes according to what I planned there's only one place she can go to" I said before getting into the car.

I was hiding in the woods when I saw what had happened between Ola and Demola in the morning. I saw how he begged for her to stay. I saw how she kicked him.
She had hurt him emotionally and physically. She did things to him that I would never do. I would never hurt him.
"She left you" I said as I looked down at the baby that slept in my hand. "But I am here for you"
I had ran back to Elias's place to fetch the baby after I saw that she had left. She has left him for me for us.
I stretched my wrapper and placed it around my waist before placing the baby on my back. I pulled the wrapper over her and tried to look back to make sure it was where it should be, on her neck.
I strolled out of the wood and into the field. They had found my hide out. I had lived in this house long enough to know the best places to hide in. It was a big house. The security was tight but I knew my way around as long as the baby didn't start crying I was safe.
I had stolen some breasts milk but they weren't enough.
I needed more.

I didn't mean to kill Sandra. She had stood in my way trying to stop me. She had suggested that I needed help before I broke out into tears and she wrapped her hand around me. I took our the knife I had and stabbed her multiple times and watched her fall to the floor.

I was going to sneak past one of the secret door I had discovered when I worked there.
I made my way into the house and hid at corners whenever someone was coming till I made it to the dark empty kitchen. I turned on the light and I suddenly had flashes about the day they were having sex in here while I watched.
He never had sex with me with intent. He was drunk all three times we did it but I enjoyed it. The three best nights of my life. I quickly rushed in to the doubly door fridge and started to fill the bag I carried with the pumped breast milk. I had tried to give her formula but she wouldn't take. She had finally fallen asleep after I slipped a tiny bit of sleeping medicine in her water, she had been asleep ever since. I checked her breathing from time to time to make sure she was still alive.
The lights in the kitchen came on and I turned to see who it was.
It was him, my King.
I slowly dropped the bag I was carrying and reached out for the gun at my bag pocket as we stared at each other. I had stolen the gun from his collection.

"Judith" he said
"Don't come near me" I said to him, pointing the gun at him as I moved slowly away from the fridge. I reached out for the bag with one hand as I pointed the gun at him with the other.

"Judith please calm down" he said calmly "I do not want to hurt you"
"Stay back" I said
"She left me Judith, Doyin is all I have got" he said softly before adding "and you"

He wants me! He wants me!.
"You just want me to let my guard down" I yelled

I had to stay calm as I approached her. I had to stay calm for my baby. I had to do what Ola had whispered to me before she left.
"Act accordingly" she had whispered "I have a plan"
"If I wanted to harm you I would have yelled for backup" I said as I walked towards her. She walked backwards as she pointed the gun at me.
She was now standing at one corner in the kitchen.
My child was strapped around her back sound asleep. I had to act carefully.
I got close enough to her and held her hand that was holding the gun and moved it to my chest before pulling her in for a kiss.
"Just you" I said to her softly as I brushed the hair away from her face. "You, me and her can leave and start afresh"
We stared into each others eyes for a while before she finally nodded in agreement.
Doyin started to coo and cry. I pulled back and watched as she unwrapped the baby and fed her Ola's breast milk.
How I remained calm was beyond my understanding.
"Can I?" I asked her softly with a smile.
She had never seen me smile before. None of my workers had not until after I and Ola had made up.
She hesitated before handing Doyin over to me. She didn't drop the gun she had been holding. I turned around and sat on one of the high stools in the kitchen. I continued to feed the baby as she watched me. I swirled the chair in the direction that made me face the kitchen door.

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