Chapter Seventeen

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         The doctor came in behind her " Good morning,Miss Olateru?
    I  gave her a look, raising one of my eye brow to question why she had used her maiden name.
    Not only did she lie to me and try to kill our child but she couldn't honor our marriage.
     Why does all her actions come with the intent to hurt me.
      She walked up to me and sat on the hospital bed.
   "I would just ask you some routine questions" the doctor asked as he stood by the other side of the bed with a notepad in his hand.
   "Can we have a moment?" I said the doctor out of mere courtesy as I sat there with my arms crossed over my chest "alone"
     The doctor looked from me to her "sure" he said before leaving the room.
     I stood up and walked around the bed to face her.
      "Why?" I asked
"Who told you?" She asked me
  "Who did you tell?" I barked back "why are you so selfish"
    "Says the person who has held a Twelve years old grudge" she said as she stood up from the bed "the same person who blamed me for having sex with him a night before our engagement. The same Engagement I risked my life to get away from the next day"

         "Fuck what happened twelve years ago. Fuck every other thing that has happened since then" Demola said " why would you make this decision, we are married and I have every right to have a say"

"So now it's your child. What happened to "what if it was someone else" what happened to all your other assumptions about me based on a trick you played"  she said as she pushed me away. "You knew who I was from the very first day you walked into my lIfe. If you had just told me who you were from the beginning instead of acting like an asshole. I know things would be different. Being the deceitful bastard that you are you still came to me a night before my engagement and seduced me. You somehow turned an engagement to a wedding. Despite knowing how vengeful you were, I still hoped deep down that we could sort it out but no. You turned me into a slave. I can't even sleep at night and you want me to bring a baby into this world"
      I just stared at her as she yelled. I walked towards the door away from her.
      I had been disappointed to know what she had planned to do but I was to blame.
    I had been too self absorbed to talk things out or listen to her pleas.

     I made my way past the foyer the night her family had come, Deborah ran down the stairs and bumped into me.
     She was taking deep breathes as I held on to her arm as she started to cry.
      "Is something wrong?" I asked her
"Demola, what have you done" she said hitting my chest "what did you do to my sister?"
   "What do you mean?" I asked as I took her into the living room about the same time Tobi passed the foyer and headed for the front door.
    "What happened?"
"Ola is planning to have an abortion" she said within sobs "why would she do that?. What's going on between you two. I need to tell my mother someone has to stop her"
    She tried to get up and leave and I held her back and pulled her down to sit back on the couch.
    "Are you sure about this?" I asked her.
   "Yes, I eavesdropped on her and Ibukun arguing about it in her room." She said
"Okay, promise me not to tell anyone. I will handle this. I will make sure nothing happens to the baby"
  "What about Ola?"
"Her and the baby?" I said "I promise"
       I hugged her as she cried in my arms. I patted her back as I thought of what to do.
      When she stopped crying we went to the dining area to join everyone else. Shortly after, Ola walked in and Ibukun walked in a little while later.
     They had definitely argued, she acted different and uncomfortable. She had looked at Ola who had given her a look when her mom offered that she stay with them for the night.
     I looked at Ola when she wasn't looking. The way she acted normal like nothing life changing was going on amazed me.
          We had worn matching outfits by coincidence.

I had mostly forgotten about her rejection until I went to acquire Stallion shares from her Grandfather.  I had figured she would have gotten married to someone she saw fit.
      I had ran into Timi and had casually asked about her.
     When the negotiations got tough with her Grandfather. He had offered I married one of his unmarried Granddaughters in exchange for majority shares in my business.  Ridiculous as his request was. I didn't care. I knew what I wanted at that point

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