Chapter Thirteen

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     There were five black heavily tinted cars lined up outside in the driveway. The men in my family had walked out with us. I hugged Timi and Tobi goodbye reluctantly. They planted a kiss on my forehead after they had hugged me.
    Timi still didn't apologize but I had bigger problems than to make that a priority. I just got married to someone who basically hates me.
   My mom and dad hugged me and so did my siblings and other relatives.

"Call me when you can" Ibukun had whispered to me as she walked beside me when we were making our way out of the ball room.

   We drove over to his house in silence. I stared out the window as we drove off. I stole a few glances at him, he would go from pressing on his phone to looking out the window then at his phone again.
      I had closed my eyes  as I prayed silently that I would open my eyes and it would all be a dream.
     By the time I opened my eyes we had gotten to the front of a gate that had an unfamiliar coat of arms on it. The gate opened up to let us drive through. The car drove through a properly lighted driveway. The house was massive. It had to be the second biggest house I have ever seen. Grandfather's was the biggest.
     Unlike grandfather's it didn't have so many wings. It was Victorian styled as well. And it had a large round fountain in front of the house that the car drove round before stopping in front of the stairs that led to the front door.
      A man came and held out the door, Demola came down, giving instructions as he climbed the stairs without even looking back at who he was talking to.
        I came down and stood by the door for a moment, taking in my new environment. The men were all dressed in black. They were very muscular and tall and they didn't look very nice.
    "Well come ma'am" he had said staring straight ahead when I stepped out of the car.
   "Thank you".
     I looked at the building from top to buttom.
    I held on to my dress as I took the step one at a time.
     I stepped into the house and I was impressed by the interior decoration. The high ceiling and the bohemian style that had been uniquely chosen.    
        There was a stairway in the middle of the grand foyer and when I looked to my left there was a grand dining area. 
        "Good evening ma, allow me show you to your room" a uniformed maid said. I nodded and followed her. We climbed the stairs to the first floor which had a living area at the end of the stairs. She turned right and I turned after her, we passed a few doors left and right till we got to the end of the hall. She opened the large wooden double-door before she  took a bow as she closed it behind me.
       I stood in the middle of the room unsure of what to do next. There was a queen sized bed in the middle with a canopy over it.
I suddenly had this urge to Ease myself, I walked towards one of the doors on the right. It was the bathroom.
   I had drank four glasses of champagne without any solid food.
     I opened the double doors  and it was a big closet. Thrice the size of the one I had at home. I took off my shoes immediately. The feel of the fur rug brush against my feet was comforting.
     It was already filled with clothes for all occasions,jewelries and shoes.
    I brushed my hand against the jewelries on a display table and the clothes that were hanging.
I still need my clothes at home regardless. 

     I walked towards the last door on the other end of the room. I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. It led to another room.
    I walked in a bit and figured I was trespassing and turned to leave.
    I started to walk backwards but I was grabbed by my arms and I screamed before I was spun around
        Demola was standing in front of me. He held me in place with one hand like anyone would a child. I tried to break free and his grip only got tighter.
He had taken of the jacket of his suit. The first two buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned exposing his thick chest. He held up my chin and made me look at him before he removed the hair from my face. I tried to break free again and I succeeded.I didn't get far before he dragged me back. He held on to my arm and I kept struggling to get away from him.
We had somehow made it to the middle of the room because I could now feel the frame of the bed against the back of my thighs. He pushed me to the bed.
"Demola, please I am begging you, please I am sorry" I pleaded. It didn't move him, he still had that heartless look in his eyes. He turned away from me.
"Take off your dress" he commanded
"Demola, I am sorry please" I said moving back on the bed slowly as I started to cry. He turned to look at me and I stopped moving away. He was taking off his shirt now
"Take it off" he said again.
"Demola, please for Gods sake" I said in Yoruba
He got hold of my left ankle and pulled me towards him. I screamed as he climbed over me. In a few swift moves he ripped my dress off.
I tried to cover my nakedness and he held my hands apart over my head.
I looked away from him but I couldn't help the tears. I cried even more as I felt his breathe on my neck.
"You are such an hypocrite" he whispered into my ear as I sobbed.
"The next time you cry in my front, I won't promise that I will make myself stop" he said before getting off me.

I didn't move till I heard the door open and close. I hugged myself as I cried uncontrollably.
I stood up and picked up my ripped dress and held it to my chest.
I walked towards the door and went to my room.
I locked myself in the bathroom and turned on the shower.
I stood under the shower crying as my mind kept racing. I couldn't shake the thought of what had just happened. I couldn't help myself from breathing heavily. My heart was racing and not in a good way.
I silently prayed that I wouldn't have an asthma attack. I haven't had one in years and if I had one now, Demola would definitely leave me to die.
I held on to my wrists where Demola had held on to. It still hurt.

I finally came out when I felt my body calm down. I wrapped a towel around myself before walking into the the room.
Demola was standing in the middle of the room.
He walked towards me and effortlessly pulled the towel I had wrapped around my body to the floor.
I felt tears come to my eyes then I remembered what he had said.
I didn't want that to happen.
I stood there with my hands by my side hoping that he wouldn't force himself on me whether I cried or not.

He looked at my body blankly before caressing my nipples with his thumbs.
Even though I felt irritated in my head my body couldn't help itself but respond, I felt chills run down my spine as my nipples got hard against his thumb.
He looked up at me and noticed my teary eyes.
"Cry" He said
I looked away and inhaled as I closed my eyes.
No tears dropped.

He pulled me by the hand. "Demola, please" I begged "I am begging you please"
But he didn't listen, he just kept on pulling me harder the more I struggled with him.
He pushed me to the bed.
"Sleep" He said before he got in to bed beside me.

Hi guys, you've gotten this far. Thank you
Thank you....I had a stressful day but I promise to drop two chapters tomorrow.
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