Chapter Twenty Five

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      I drove to the estate gate and came down from the car and walked all the way to the house escorted by some guards.
     She was somewhere on this property.
I could feel it.
       Samuel has welcomed me by the door. He whispered to me to come with him. He took me to the room where they monitored the CCTV cameras.

"We has seen her sneaking in earlier and the boss had said he would handle it. We are waiting on his signal to proceed accordingly"
    I watched the recorded CCTV videos of her point the gun to Demola's head with my baby strapped to her back. I watched how Demola kissed her and was able to get the baby from her.
    How long is this going to take before she becomes suspicious. I stormed out of that room and walked quietly to the kitchen. Demola saw me standing by the door and acted as if he didn't see me. She had her back to the door.
      He held on to her face before kissing her again as I watched. He adjusted the baby in his armand brushed the hair off her face.
      She had a gun in her back pocket. Jesus.
  Within a moment he hit her head against the marble top counter.
   I ran in as she held on to her head with her gun in one hand. I took the gun from her and hit her with it.

     Before stepping back to access the baby in Demola's hand. I started to cry as I saw that she was okay.
      I was about to take the baby from him when she jumped on me and wrapped her hand around my neck.
    "Go with the baby" I yelled as she choked me.
"You always ruin everything" she cried. I tried to reach for the gun I had placed on the counter only for her to drag me further away.
     I jabbed her in the middle with my elbow as hard as I could and reached for the gun and turned around to see her reaching for me.
    I pulled the trigger as the guards rushed in.
Her blood splashed all over the door of the fridge as she fell to the ground.
     My heart was racing. I had just shot a person with the intent to kill but I wasn't feeling sorry for it. 
    I walked towards her as she lay there strongly to breathe "that was for touching my baby and kissing my husband" I said as I looked down at her "this one is for Sandra"
       I shot her again, this time in the middle of her head. I dropped the gun on the counter and went over to Demola who had Doyin in his arms. I carried her into my arms and cradled her to my chest.
    I started to cry and I felt this warmth and joy that I couldn't fully express.

       Cars pulled into the drive way less than 10 minutes later. I saw my family members come out of one car or the other as they bagged Judith's body out of the kitchen. My mom was carrying the boys and I took them from her and managed to carry the three of them together.
   I took in their smell as I kissed the top of their heads. Demola wrapped his arms around us and kissed my forehead.
"I am sorry" he said before kissing me.
   He kissed the babies as well.
        My babies were together and my family was safe.

  What a way to start off the new year.

The end.

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