Chapter Twenty Three

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        I made no comments as we walked back to the front of the house.
      I sat by the steps that led to the front porch reading the diary while Demola talked to the officers.
        I read every word carefully. I read about how she gave detailed information about the sex she had with Demola. she talked about how she snuck around the house. How she masturbated to us having sex in the kitchen as she stood out in the field even though she dreaded every moment of it especially when he buried his head between my legs a thing he never did for her.
She talked about how majority of her plans had failed like how she hid under the bed when I came into my room the day I and Ibukun had an argument. She had heard everything about the abortion. She talked about how she had to improvise in the hospital when I and Demola had rode the elevator with her when she had planned to kill me with an overdose of a drug that would have ruled my death as a complication from the abortion. She hated every moment she saw us together.
She talked about how she had slipped the note to a waiter at our wedding. She talked about having seeing a foreign man on the property only to seduce him into having sex with her which wasn't anywhere near satisfying as the ones she had with Demola.
Could Elias be more stupid?
There was no clue about where she was or how to find the baby. She had talked about how she used the money she had saved to hire and assassin when she couldn't handle the pain of Demola being with me.

"It was either me or no one else" she wrote
She had revealed she waited on me everyday just because she wanted to know what was special about me that made him rush into marrying me.

She had been watching our every move. She had been in the house with us. She had been in the former nursery and the new one to take my baby.
She said she had considered tearing me open to take the babies as she watched me sleep a few days before I had the babies
She filled the last pages with her decision to take Doyin as compensation for the hurt that she felt.

"She and I would be our own rapunzel story" was the last sentence in the diary.
God! Help my daughter please
I held my head in my hands as I tried not to scream till the inspector left.
He collected the diary from where I had placed it beside me on the stairs.
"We will find your daughter Mrs Yahaya" he said before leaving when I didn't reply him

I was tired and exhausted. "All this is because of you" I said to Demola softly before looking away as tears rolled down my face. I cleaned my face and turned to leave.
I called for Jo to come up to my room with me as I took Dami from her. I placed them on the bed and laid beside them as they cooed.
My baby girl.

I almost fell asleep and I had a nightmare. That Judith had fed my baby by breastfeeding her. I jumped up from the bed and the babies started to cry.
"Oh I am sorry, of course you miss her" I said to them as I rolled out boxes and started to pour my clothes inside. I called out for Jo and she came.
I took another box to the children's room and packed the things I could pack. I asked one of the maids to tell Samuel to get the cars ready.
I fixed the babies into their car seats before I let Jo and a maid carry them downstairs to the foyer. I supervised the final packing of my things before going into the shower to wash of the blood stains on my body.
I couldn't help but think Sandra would still be alive if she had just gone on her leave instead.
I changed into a white summer dress and wore a hat and a flat sandals before heading downstairs.
I walked straight past the foyer and collected Demola's seater from the maid who was carrying him.
I headed towards the door when Demola walked out of the dining area where I had seen him staring out the window.
"Ola, what are you doing?" He asked

"What does it look like I am doing" I asked as I bent down beside Dami's seater to adjust his neck as he slept. I stood up and carried Demola Jnr while Joe carried Dami "I am leaving"


"Ola, you cant be serious!" I said as I ran my hand from my head to my face "you can't do this to me"

"It seems like I am safer with my family" she said "I am going to leave while I still have two of my children"

She couldn't have said that. She couldn't have meant that she was giving up on Doyin.
I had tried keeping my cool all morning. I had been the supportive husband all day when all I wanted to do was express my anger in the cruelest way I could think of.
The reality that I had caused the kidnapping of my child because of a few drunken nights were killing me. She saying it to my face had made me almost lost it.
While I stood by the window in the dining area I had felt a tear roll down my face before I heard her give instructions in the foyer.
And now she is leaving with the kids
"Ola, I beg you not to do this" I said as I walked behind her as she stormed out of the house. I held on to the door as she fixed the kids into the car.
She tried to get in and close the door but I held it open. "Get the fuck off" she yelled as she pushed and kicked at me till I left the door only to hold her hands.
She kicked me in the nuts as hard as she cook and I couldn't help it but release her grip.
"Fuck!" I yelled as I bent down only for her to whisper something to me before she quickly got into the car.
"Fuck" I yelled as the car drove off. I threw a kick in the air before falling to my kneels.

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