Chapter Twelve

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I stood there staring at Demola as Grandfather talked. I was able to listen again as he trailed off to say "this union was long over due"
I wondered what he meant by that? It had been barely a month since the planning of this whole arrangement.
"Coincidence that on this day, 12 years ago both our families should have united" he added
I was stunned by what Grandfather had just said. I looked at Demola and I now remembered who he was.
All thie time he asked if I remembered who he was and I couldn't bother to think he was the first person who had offered a marriage proposal when I was in Islander High.
How did that boy become HIM.
I didn't have to try so hard now as I remembered him being the boy at the back seat. He was Timi and Tobi's mate but they never rolled together. They never rolled with anyone except each other and me.
He had asked me directly for my hand in marriage instead of going through the normality of his parents meeting with Grandfather. He had said it was because it was the honorable thing to do.

We exchanged rings and shared our first kiss in front our friends and family.
The guests had cheered. The reception started and the guest stood in one group or the other and some just stood alone
My mom and Aunty Jemila has led I and Demola to the Foyer to take our official wedding portraits in a make shift studio set with plain white background.
"Demola, I am so" I tried to say
"Don't say anything" he cut me off without looking at me as we posed for a picture standing side by side.
Aunty Jemila had directed the poses we took for the pictures like she always did at ceremonies like this. She had sent for my brother, Timi and Tobi and Hammed my last male cousin to come and join Demola in taking a picture.
I stood aside and Ibukun walked up behind me.
"I cannot believe this just happened" she said "not in my wildest imagination would I have seen this coming"
"I don't know how to feel" I said to her as she stood beside me our eyes on the men that stood side by side. Demola stood between Timi and Tobi. My brother stood beside Tobi and Hammed stood beside Timi.
After they had finished taking the picture, they shook hands as they stood around talking. Demola looked at me and our eyes met for a second. He didn't smile or give a smirk like he usually did. He simply looked away, his face without any hint of how he felt or what he was thinking.
I had gone up to change into another gown Demola had bought me before I knew he was the one I was getting married to. It was a silk white gown that swept against my body.
A maid had come towards me as I rejoined the rest of the family in the foyer. She handed me a note. "Thank you" I said taking it from her.
As I opened it, I looked around the foyer to find who sent it. I and Demola's eyes met and I figured that he sent it.
"Enjoy while it lasts" the note said
I looked up and Demola was staring at me.
Was this a threat?
Everyone started to make their way into the ball room.
"Did you send this to me" I said holding out the letter
"Why would I" He said back as we stepped into the room. Everyone clapped.
As we walked in, people came to congratulate us on our union.
Thoughts of who sent the note occupied my mind.
I stood alone for a while before Ibukun joined me while Demola talked to Grandfather. "Did I mention that this place looks like it was ripped out of a fairytale"She said "I can never get use to the walls that open up to the living room every time, then this ball room"
She looked at my face and noticed I wasn't paying her any attention. She took the letter in my hands and opened it.
"It wasn't Demola" I said to her
"Who else could have sent this" she asked
"Good evening, Mrs Yahaya" I heard a familiar feminine voice say from behind me
We both turned around to look at her.
Evelyn Smith.
I and Ibukun exchanged looks before staring at her again.
Could it be her?
"I had to come and congratulate you" she said with a firm voice.
"Thank you" I managed to let out
She nodded slowly with a smile on her face that turned into a frown.
"It would be wrong if I didn't thank you for sending my husband off to jail as well" she said sarcastically before giving me a smile that sent nerves down my spine "the things we do for family, cheers"
She must have sent the later.
I had been on a case for Grandfather against her family. Her husband had been found guilty and was sent off to jail and I had heard he died soon afterwards.
Who invited her.
I couldn't hide the worry that I felt "Not to worry, bygones are bygones" she said as she drowned the glass of champagne down her throat before walking away.
I looked around the room searching for enemies I might have made along the way.
"Look it's Elias" Ibukun said as she drew my attention to his direction as he walked towards us hand in hand with a younger woman.
What the fuck?
Who was in charge of the guest list?
"Congratulations" He said as he got to us
"Thank you" I said looking from him to the lady beside him. She was taller than him and she had a huge smile across her face. I noticed her tap him as if to urge him to make an introduction. "My wife, Mabel, Mabel, Ola Yahaya...... a colleague"
"Congratulations" She said gleefully
I didn't think she know she was at her husband's ex's wedding.
"Thank you" I said
"Your wedding is amazing" she said with admiration in her eyes "Don't get me started on your guest list"
"Thank you" I said again with a smile. Ibukun hard a snarky look on her face as she stared at Elias.
"Hey sis" Jide, my brother said when he came to join us, he pecked my cheek and greeted Ibukun.
They teased each other a bit. Ibukun had her way with people and I envied that sometimes. I and Elias stood in awkward silence as they chatted. Mabel has joined in. I had noticed her sneak a few flirtatious glances at Jide or maybe I was just making it up in my mind.
"May I have a dance with the lady" He asked Elias for his wife's hand.
Mabel beamed and nodded excitedly before Elias agreed to Jide's request.
Jide wore a black suit which made him look like Timi when he was younger but Jide was shorter than Timi was.
"So who invited you" Ibukun said as if she could read my mind.
" Your Client, I mean your husband. He bought the law firm I work in"He said clearing his throat

"That doesn't answer the question" Ibukun said to him. I took a glass of champagne from the tray a waiter had carried passed us.
Elias was the least of my problems. I caught Demola looking at me from across the room. He was in the midst of my father, Grandfather, my male cousins and uncles. Basically every man that I held dear to me except Jide who was slow dancing with Mabel in the middle of the room.
I looked away as he resumed the conversation he was in by nodding and rubbing on his chin.
I looked at Elias who was having something similar to a stare off with Ibukun.
" He requested that some of us attended his wedding" he said "I only had a location, there was no way I could have known it was your wedding"

"Fair enough" she said as she took a plate of caviar from a waiter who was carrying a tray.
"I am so sorry, Ola" He said placing his wine glass on the high round table that we stood around.
"Oh my God" Ibukun mouthed with a mouth full of caviar "I don't even know what this is but it tastes so good"
I took a sip of champagne form a second cup I had taken from another waiter who walked by.
"Excuse me" Demola said from behind me. I turned to look at him.
He looked at me then at Elias who looked intimidated by His presence.

"Sure" He said as if Demola was asking him for permission.
He led me to the middle of the ball and we proceeded to slow dance.
"Why didn't you tell me who you were" I asked him but he didn't reply he just looked at me. Why was he acting as if nothing happened between us last night.
Thinking about last night, I suddenly felt my insides melt as it got wet between my legs. I didn't know whether to be relieved about the fact that he was the one I got married to or to still be angry that I got married to someone I didn't willingly marry.
"Why didn't you tell me you were the one I was going to get engaged to"
He didn't answer.
He spun me out of his arms and we held on to each other's hands then he pulled me back against him aggressively that I almost tripped on my dress. He spun me around and hugged me from behind as we moved from side to side.
They had announced that the bride and groom were having their first dance and everyone else on the dance floor walked into the crowd and we became the center of attention.
"You are hurting me" I said under my breathe but loud enough for him to hear as he wrapped his hand tightly around me.

"Do you remember what you said to me when I asked you to marry me"
"Demola stop" I begged as his grip on my hand hardened.
"You said "you insult me, you are not enough and you would never be enough"
Tears rolled down my face as he released his grip, he spun me around and forced a kissed on my lips.
"We will send forth the Bride and Groom now" someone announced as he broke off the kiss.
He released me from his grip and I staggered back slightly.

"Shall we" He said with an evil smirk on his face.

     Hi guys, thank you for reading the previous act. Thank you for your engagement. That's for the votes and comments.
Part Two will be coming once I finish watching family guy 😉
don't forget to leave a comment as well as vote.

❤️sending loads of love and positive vibes your way

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