Chapter Seven

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   A week passed and not a word from Grandfather. My mom and dad never said much to me either since the whole incident.
      I had even tried leaving home when we got home later that night and she had rushed after me with my siblings behind her.
    "Ola, if you go he wont forgive you. He won't forgive us. He threatened to close down all your fathers hospital. He promised to disown me. He promised to take everything that we have and hold dear. If you won't stay for my sake at least do it for your siblings and your father" she said as my brother held on to her and Deborah bounced her baby in her hand as he cried.
     I left anyway, I just didn't bother taking any of my things. I slept over at Ibukun's place and I told her everything.
     " This sounds like a movie" she kept saying after I told her everything about the Islanders.
"Yeah I know but that's my life" I said back as I gulped down the left over wine in my cup.
"You are getting married so it can't be all bad"  she said "I mean he is definitely going to be rich that covers like half of it"

"When you grow up in a family like the one I grew up in, wealth seizes to amaze you. Trust me" I said

    The next day at the office, the client we were expecting from the US came in.
   "Ola, conference room now" Ibukun said as she peeked into my office through the door.  "Mr Richard and everyone else is waiting on you"
       I cleared up a few files to carry along with me before putting on my suit jacket. I stepped out of my office into the adjoining smaller office that Ibukun occupied and she collected the files from me.
    We walked past the cubicles to the elevator as people greeted me left and right.
    I tried not to think about my private life when I was at work. I try not to think about how I pleaded with my grandfather like a baby.
        I could see everyone else seated in the conference room through the glass wall as I walked pass and headed for the door. I saw Mr Richard point towards me with his hand as he talked to someone who swirled his chair in the direction of Mr Richards hand.
      He looked very charming. He stood up and I took in his tall frame in one glance. He was a masterpiece and he had this look in his eyes and a small smile on his face.
     My throat suddenly felt dry.
I stepped into the conference room with Ibukun behind me. "Please get me water" I quickly whisper to her as I stretched my hand forward to shake the man as Mr Richard introduced us.
    "Miss Olateru, meet Mr Demola Yahaya" Mr Richard said with a big smile on his face. "He is not just a new Client anymore as of this morning he is one of our Top five  shareholders in Stallion"
          I was impressed and I couldn't stop it from showing on my face. He didn't look anything above 40. And the Top Five shareholders were exclusively members of the family. He must have something Grandfather really wanted.
     I had read on his case and he was being sued for Insider Trading of some sort. "Shall we?" I said to begin the briefing as everyone took a seat, I watched him unbutton his suit as he glared at me with a smirk on his face.
     If he weren't so handsome, it would certainly have come off as creepy.
      Two hours later and the briefing was over and we had finally agreed on settlement cost if we were found guilty on any charges which I doubt would happen.
       "Thank you very much" Mr Yahaya said in his deep voice that kept me distracted half the time during the meeting. I drank from the bottled water Ibukun had brought me during the meeting. He
stood up to shake hands with Mr Richard who also stood to shake Mr Yahaya's hand.
     Mr Richard and the other Lawyers took their leave after shaking hands with Mr Yahaya. I stood to gather the files in front of me on the conference table.
    "Miss Olateru" he said as he watched me drink from my bottle of water. "Would you mind if I took you out on a date"
    I almost spat out all the water in my mouth as I choked at the question he asked.
    Ibukun rushed in as if she had not been staring from outside the conference room. "Good day sir" she said as she walked past him to the other side of the mini- conference room. He nodded towards her as he kept both his hands in the side pockets of his suit pants. She collected the bottled water from me and patted my back repeatedly as I bent over the conference room table.

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