Chapter Twenty

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     "Who do you think might have sent this" Tobi said as he waved the letter in the air.
"Demola should be here by now" Timi said as he looked at his watch before putting his hand in his pocket. We were in the living area now. "I do not want to involve Grandfather in this, his steps might be too drastic"

"Threatening me and my family isn't drastic to you?" I questioned Timi angrily looking up from him to Tobi that were standing away from where I was sitting.
"You are a lawyer. Let's start from looking at your client list" Tobi suggested
I sighed at the suggestion Tobi had made even though it made sense. There was only one person that had come in contact with me with the most reason for revenge.

My husband for hers?
"This is Evelyn Smith, she threatened me at my wedding" I said to them "she had said bygones were bygones and then this happened"

"It couldn't have been her we settled with her over a deal, she wouldn't have dared" Timi said firmly

"She wouldn't have dared? What happened the last time you settled with someone over a deal? What happened? You almost lost your wife and child" I yelled angrily "now you want me to have that same faith you had then, now. God, Timi"
I didn't know how to handle the anger I felt. I held on to the side of my tummy. I needed to relax
" This family causes so much harm to the people in it that we can't even live our lives normally"

I turned my back against them and the door came open. It was Demola. I ran into his arms and kissed him. I ran my hands through his face down his neck and then his chest as if I was searching him for something.
There was no wounds. Nothing. Thank goodness
I breathed a sigh of relive.

" God, Demola, you have no idea how worried I was" I whispered to him as I placed his hand on my tummy. "Please don't leave us"
He kissed my fore head and held on to my shoulders before he greeted Tobi and Timi.
My three guardian angels in black suits.

He described how the shoot out went. It had been a hired assassin. He managed to kill one of his men. I was so thankful that Demola was okay what would I have done if something had happened to him. We all sat down and talked more about who could be behind the attack.
This was a type of conversation that came up very often in this family. We had all gone to tell grandfather what we had talked about.

"I won't let the same thing happen twice. If you think it's Evelyn it's enough for me to take actions" he said before ordering for men to go and get her.

She lived in the Islanders estate like majority of the other Islanders. She had been brought to face us within minutes.
"Why would I go against our deal?" She asked rhetorically before looking at me " I told you bygones were bygones. We all know what happened to the last people who defiled your orders" she looked at Timi then at Grandfather.
"I did love my husband but I am not stupid enough to not love myself more. If I was responsible I wouldn't have been found in my house"
We all exchanged expressionless looks as like a coven of witches would while chanting a spell. We were family after all that came close.

"You may leave" Grandfather ordered her she looked at out expressionless face before turning to leave.
I was the only female in the library now that she had gone. I sat on the chair opposite grandfather. I rested my head on his mahogany table. My back had started to hurt and the fear was beginning to consume me. I started to breathe fast, too fast.

"Ola!" I heard Demola call out as he placed his hand on my back. I was having a panic attack. "Hey, Ola... look at me"
But I couldn't. My sight became blurry and I couldn't control my breathing. He carrying me in his arms was the last thing I remembered as I passed out.

I stood out the stationed clinic they had in the house. She had passed out. I cursed in my head as I stood opposite the door calmly. I and her cousins stood in silence.
I promised to kill who ever was behind all this. I prayed for her and our children.
"She's doing fine. There's no need to worry. The four of them are alright" the doctor said when he came out "you can see her but make sure not to wake her up"
Four? what did he mean by four?
"You mean three" I said blankly
"No four, she's having triplets. Didn't you know?. She should be up any moment"
I was speechless as he walked away. Timi and Tobi patted my shoulders as they headed in to see her. I went in after them. She was still unconscious.
They left after they saw she was alright and I stood there waiting for her to wake up.
She woke up in the middle of the night while I was looking out the window. I had been making calls.
Could it have been an enemy from my side?.
"Hey!" She said softly
I rushed to her side. I ran my hand through her hair and placed the other on her belly before kissing her passionately.
"Hey" I said back to her.
"Are the babies okay?" she asked
"They are fine"I said before kissing her "all three of them"
I watched as her facial expression changed before she exclaimed "what!"

"Apparently we are having triplets" I said
"But the scans. Oh my God " she said as she tried to sit up
"The doctor just confirmed it now" I said to her as I held her hand and sat on the stool beside the bed
"This is so overwhelming, Oh my God" she said as she held on to her forehead and laid back on the bed
"We can handle it" I said to her as I kissed her on the lips "let's go home"

I had woken up to see him beside me. The news about our children had made me feel so overwhelmed. I was just getting use to the idea of having two kids at once and now I get three at once.
My family already had twins. Our children would be the first Islander Triplets. As we started to leave, Jide had come in to check up on me. He had informed us my parents were around.
My mom had rushed to hug me when she saw me step into the foyer.
"Are you okay?" She said as she searched my eyes
"I am fine mom" I said as I hugged her
"Triplets?" She asked and I nodded. She hugged me again before me dad hugged me
"Phenomenon" He said "the scanner must have skipped the third baby, you have to be extra careful now"
He went on to start explaining how it worked medically and I nodded my head as I pretended to understand.

As we stood in the Foyer, Tobi came out of a room cleaning his hand. The door was held out for him by a guard of his. He had taken off his suit jacket and his white shirt had blood stains on it. I stormed towards him and pushed him aside to enter the room.
Tobi was always the one to do the dirty jobs. He was good at it and he enjoyed doing it.

I walked into the room and saw Elias tied up to a chair. His face was swollen and there was blood everywhere.
"What is wrong with you?" I yelled at Tobi who had followed me in.
"He was the one on our property" Demola said stepping into the room with Timi. I look at all of them with disbelief.

"What is wrong with you people?" I yelled at them before looking at the guards standing on either sides of Elias "let him loose"

"He didn't do it" Tobi said with a smirk on his face as he cleaned the blood stain on his chin.

"Of course he didn't do it, he is incapable of doing anything" I said
"Ouch" He said under his breathe
"Shut up" I yelled at Elias "what the fuck were you doing on my property"

"I was looking at the life we could have had if I wasn't so selfish" he said after they had released him
I looked at him disgusted by what he had just said. I was fascinated and I almost laughed that he thought he could have lived the life I was living as I turned to leave. I couldn't blame him. He wasn't an Islander and he didn't know how the Islander politics worked.
"Mabel left me for someone she met at your wedding" he said under his breathe loud enough for me to hear.
I looked back at him when I felt this urge to apologize but I didn't feel sorry enough so I left. My husband and cousins followed suit.

Hi guys.... two or three more chapter and we get to say bye bye to characters we've grown to love

Previous Engagement ends today 😭.
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