Chapter Ten

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     He held out a bottle of wine in one hand and two wine glasses in the other as he looked down at me. A smile broke out on my face. I threw the champagne glass I was holding into the water without breaking eye contact with him.
"Peace offering" he said as he handed me one wine glass.
           He wore a black shirt and black pants.
We sat on the grass and overlooked the water in silence.  It was a full moon and the stars shined extra bright.
    This wasn't so stupid.
"Why are you here a night early. My engagement announcement party is not until tomorrow"

"I had some things to clear out with your cousin" he said "and your Grandfather"
"Which one?" I asked before taking a sip of my wine. His gaze were on me, I could feel it. "I have loads of them, you have to be specific"
           "Tobi" He said
Why tobi?
"Why?" I asked
" He is going to be the Governor of the State soon, it's only logical that anyone should try to be on his good side" he said
   "So he told you where I was" I asked as I hugged my kneels to my chest.  He nodded slowly

"And my Grandfather?" I asked looking at him
"Nothing really just business" he said avoiding eye contact as he stirred the wine in his cup before taking a sip of it.

        A few more minutes of sitting in silence passed, he got up and started to unbuttoning his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I looked up from where I was sitting on the floor.
"I asked that we did something stupid didn't I" He said as he took off all of his clothes.
Never as a man looked so beautiful naked.
     He stood there in all of his six feet glory. I pretended to shy away.
   "Come on!"
   I looked at him again, he was walking towards the water.
"What are you doing" I yelled out
       "Something stupid" he yelled back before jumping into the water  "come"
I stood up reluctantly and started to take off my dress before strolling towards the water naked.

     I felt a bit shy as I felt his gaze on my body. He looked at me as I walked towards him. I jumped in close to him.
     The water was cold.
I started to shiver as he moved towards me. He removed the hair that was sticking to my face with both hands as I tried to keep my eyes open.
      For a moment, we just floated there, staring into each other's eyes.
God. He has such beautiful eyes.
    I leaned in and kissed him before I could even stop myself. He kissed me back and I felt all my insides jump. The butterflies in my tummy had never felt this good.
     We drew me in closer and our bodies touched. I wrapped my hands around his neck. We broke off the kiss and stared at each-other again.
What was I doing. I wasn't drunk enough to not know the repercussions of what I was doing but I didn't care.
     Was this just a spur of the moment or was I feeling something more as I stared into his eyes. He pulled me in and kissed me.
        "I don't know how to swim" I admitted.
"Then you better hold on to me" He said pulling me closer.
     I couldn't help but giggle as I felt his manhood press against my thighs. I rested my head on his chest as I started to laugh out loud.
    "What's funny" he asked but I couldn't help it or make myself reply. I just kept laughing as I pushed him away.
            We stepped out of the water a few minutes later and I led him to the beach-house styled house along the way. He had worn his pants back and he had worn his shirt for me. We walked barefooted as we talking about nothing in particular. He held both our shoes in his hands and I wrapped my hands around myself. It was extra cold thanks to our childish actions.

     I opened the door and turned on the lights when we got in. I walked towards the fire place and turned it on with a switch. Even though the place was hardly used it was always cared for daily. I dusted off my gown and placed it on the grand piano by the side of the living room.
     "Would you like to eat anything" I asked turning around to see him standing right beside me.
"Yes" He said "You"
     He lifted me up in his arms and placed me on the grand piano. He parted my legs and sat before me as if he was about to play the piano.
     He caressed my thighs as he kissed his way up my inner thighs. All the bones in my body felt so relaxed as I felt his tongue on licking on me. I moaned accordingly to the rhythm his tongue played.
     I gasped for air and even tried pushing him away when I felt I couldn't take it anymore. He had held on tight to my thighs. He pulled me closer without stopping, placing my legs on his shoulders, making me rest on my hands for support.
   "God " I yelled from time to time as I moaned "Demola, please stop"
But he didn't stop even after I climaxed the first time. I was breathing heavily when he finally let go of my legs and he stood up. He kissed me and I felt weaker than before.
       I had never climaxed before in my life. And now I just did, multiple times.

It felt so good. 
I tried to stand up and I almost fell. He caught me and lifted me up into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me from the piano and unto the floor beside the fire place.
      "Demola, we shouldn't be doing this" I said breathing heavily
"Yes we shouldn't" be said before kissing me. He dug his face in my neck.
The feeling his lips gave me  was amazing.
     Why did it feel so good to do bad things?.

    I felt him within me and I gasped for air as he stroked gently before he broke into a rhythm that drove me crazy and made me want to scream at the top of my lungs.
      We had rolled over and I had sat him up. I rode him as we held on to each other. I made him lie down and watch me take my pleasure from him, unafraid till he climaxed.
      We had worn each other out and fell asleep by the fire place.
    He had wrapped his hand around me as I fell asleep after the third time we had both climaxed.
      I had woken up later in the middle of the night and he was gone. I laid there, staring into the fire, thinking about what I had just done. I had to tell someone.
      I quickly stood up and turned the fire off. I put on my dress and made my way back home.
      They were still people working around the house. I checked the time on my phone it was  3:00am.
       There was a lot of messages and missed calls from Deborah and Ibukun.
     I made my way to the room Deborah had told me had been set aside for me in one of her texts.
    If every member of the extended family were to take one room each, including the children. They would still be about Ten rooms extra left or more.
    I slipped into the room, it was the one I use to make use of when I was little whenever I had to stay over.
      I turned on the light and Ibukun stood up quickly from under the covers in the middle of the queen sized bed. She was wearing a peach silk nightie she had taken from my closet with a matching sleeping mask over her eyes to help her sleep.
    "Who is there" she asked without removing the mask.
     I couldn't help but laugh. She looked like a spoilt brat.
"It's me Ibukun, you looked so spoilt" I said as I got into bed beside her as she took off the mask.
"I am glad wealth suits me" she said with a smirk on her face as she squirmed because of the light hitting her eyes "where have you been"

"I did something very stupid, Ibukun" I said to her as she sat up properly

"I had sex with Demola" I said under my breathe.
"What!" She yelled at the top of her voice.
"Keep your voice down" I said
   "What, why, where" she said with a stunned face before yelling "When"
      "It just all happened so fast" I said "I know it was stupid but I think I am going to bail on the announcement tomorrow"
     "Because of Demola" she said as she squeezed her face together in disbelief.
   "No, not because of him. I just don't think I can go through with this. He just made me realize I don't want to give up my freedom just yet" I said to her with this dreamy face as I fell on to the pillow. She shook her head from side to side before rubbing her hand on her baby bump. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed heavily.
     "What were you thinking " she said "let's talk about this in the morning, just go to sleep so you don't have puffy eyes tomorrow"
       We laid next to each other. I pretended to be asleep till I heard her breathing ease.
      I couldn't make myself fall asleep as thoughts of what had happened between I and Demola kept running through my mind.
      The thoughts of sneaking off just like I did last night without anyone knowing where I would be heading later in the day eased my mind till I slowly fell asleep.

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