Chapter Nineteen

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He had walked out of the kitchen without saying anything to what I had said.
He had followed me for my prenatal check up. We did an ultrasound to hear the baby's heartbeat.

"See there" the doctor said pointing to the black and white screen. "You are having twins, Mr and Mrs Yahaya"
"Oh my god" I said as the doctor moved the scanner around my tummy that had been jelled up earlier. "Are you serious"
"Yes, congratulations" he said as he looked from me to Demola who had bent over me to look at the screen on the other side of the bed "in a few weeks we will be able to know the sex of the babies"

The first thought that came to my mind was the thought of me having gone through with the abortion. I wouldn't have killed not one but two babies. Demola looked at me at this point and I wondered if he was thinking about the same thing. If he was blaming me in his mind.
Instead, he came up to me and kissed my forehead. We stared at each other for a moment before I cleared my throat and looked away to look at the screen again.

On our drive home I kept admiring the first picture of my babies. I called my mom to inform her.
Grandfather had called almost immediately we got home.
"You do not have to go to work anymore, at least for now" he had instructed me "if you need anything just let me know"

Demola did his best to avoid me ever since the fight we had in the kitchen. It didn't matter if I cooked or not as he often went out before I woke up.
We never talked about the forehead kiss at the hospital and I figured it was just a spur of the moment.

What happened to being honest about how he felt about me?
He didn't mind that I didn't sleep in his room anymore but I felt myself missing the reality of laying next to him naked.
When ever he came back home mostly late at night I would have slept and by the time I woke up in the morning, he was gone.

That was how I had spent the next two weeks till the day I made up my mind to confront him. I had stayed awake that night. I made sure I stayed awake and waited for him.

I woke up from my slumber on the dining table in the middle of the night when I heard the roar of the engines of the cars as they drove into the drive way.
I stood up and wrapped my silk nightie jacket around myself before heading towards the door.
"Why aren't you in bed?"he asked when he got in
"I was waiting for you" I answered softly.
"You didn't have to" he said firmly as he walked past me
"But I did anyway" I said as I watched him walk away. "Your dinner is on the table"
"thank you" He said as he took off his jacket in the middle of the foyer and headed for the dinning area.

"Demola what is wrong with you? What happened to wanting to be honest?" I asked him when I entered the dining area and he sat down to eat

"I just don't want to hurt you anymore than I have already done" he said looking at me. "I figured I don't know how not to"
I stood there for a while before leaving thinking about why I felt hurt by him not being around?

Why did was I feeling neglected.

I laid in bed trying my best to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't help the thoughts in my head. I stood up a little while later and headed into Demola's room.
The lights on the side tables by his bed were the only ones on. It reflected on him as he laid there sleeping on his chest. He was shirtless and still had his pants on.
My head started to race and I couldn't make out whether it was because I was staring at him half naked now or maybe it was because of something more.
I turned to leave.
"Ola, come and lie with me" he said and I stopped as my hand touched the doorknob "just sleep next to me, I promise not to touch you not if you don't want me to"
I had impulsively started to walk towards him as he was talking. He sat up and I kissed him the moment he completed his sentence.
"Touch me" I said as I stood between his legs. He kissed me gently and caressed my back. I felt his arm wrap around me as he pulled me in closer to him. He broke the kiss and kissed my tummy before resting his head on it
"I am sorry" he said
"Was it always revenge for you" I asked, my hand on his shoulder, his head on tummy "that night?"
"No.I fell in love with you again the moment I set my eyes on you" he said before passionately kissing me. "I didn't mean any of the things I did, I was just angry"
I stepped away from him and took off my jacket then he came towards me and slipped off my dress. "You have no idea how crazy it drove me seeing you naked beside me every night" he lifted me into his hand in one swift move. I wrapped my legs around his as he hugged me tight. He placed me on the bed gently as he hovered over me. He kissed me roughly in a gentle way. He wrapped my left leg around his waist as he caressed my thigh.
He gave neck kisses that sent my heart beating even faster. He fondled and kissed one nipple while fondling the other.
He came up to face me and kissed me. " why don't we just talk" he said as he laid next to me"
What the fuck?
"Now!" I yelled
"Yes, now" he said firmly as I felt his hands brush my inner thighs.
His touch did things to me that I couldn't put into words if I wanted to.
"Let's talk about how you almost killed yourself by escaping" he said as he put his fingers inside me and played around as he looked into my eyes acting as if nothing was happening between my legs.
I gasped from time to time and tried to push his fingers away when I felt I couldn't take the pleasure anymore.
He kissed me as he released me from his torture. I took in deep breathes as he brought his fingers up to lick it. He kissed me before disappearing between my legs. He knelt before me as if the middle of my legs were a temple and he was a loyal worshipper.
He laid on the bed between my legs. I could only see his head as he began to make his way with kisses to my inner thighs. My thighs were now hanging on his shoulders as I felt his tongue take its first lick of me.
He kissed, licked and sucked as I screamed out of pleasure. He would fondle my breasts with rhythm as he licked in me .
"Please Demola" I begged as I tried to get away but he pulled me in and increased his grip.
I screamed as I climaxed, I thought he would stop as my juices splashed all over the bed but he just kept doing what he had been doing with his mouth even faster as he licked every bit of what my climax brought.
He stopped and kissed my tummy. He kept his ear to my tummy and laid there for a little while before coming up to kiss me.
I watched him stand up to take off the rest of his clothing. I put my hand on his as he tried to unhook the suit pant he had on.

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