Chapter Sixteen

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    He left the room and walked into his closet. I left without taking my clothes.

    I took a quick shower before putting a little make up on.
   We don't want people talking about how the new bride looks sick.
   I flashed myself a fake smile before walking out and strolling across the room to the closet. I picked out a blue jean and a white oversized shirt to wear. 
        I stepped out of my room the same time he stepped out of his room.
   We wore matching outfit by coincidence. He wore a white shirt and blue jeans. I walked past him and headed down the stairs. I started to order the staffs to make preparations  for different meals I knew my family liked. I would instruct them on what to do only to go back to do the tasting and seasoning. The kitchen was very spacious and was fully equipped.
    The air conditions were on which made cooking more blissful.
       I had forgotten to ask who and who was coming but I figured it was just my mom and dad and maybe Jide. The thought of making extra wasn't hurting anybody so I made extra.
        By 5pm, my mom had arrived. She stood by the door way staring at me in shock as she saw me moving and giving instructions around the kitchen before I noticed she was there.
    "Ola, is that you" she said
"Mom" I said as I hugged her
"You are cooking?" She asked surprised
"Yes, I had to for Demola"I said blankly as I returned to steering the sauce I was working on. I had pointed out for her to sit on the high chair that was across from me.

"How are you doing?" She asked
"I am fine. What brings about the visit" I asked her as I poured seasoning into the sauce, avoiding making eye contact with her.
      "I missed you" she said "now that your are gone, I miss having someone to fight with"
" I miss you too" I said
    "Is this okay ma" Sandra said showing me a bowl filled with sweet potatoes.
  "Yes, thank you Sandra. Can you help me sort out that shopping list on the table" I said pointing at the paper lying on the marble counter top next to my mom.
     "Yes ma"

     A few minutes later, when Joe shows up I introduce her  to my mom before leaving her in charge of the kitchen and setting up.
         I was about to lead my mom to my room when we saw cars drive in from the driveway.
    We  went outside. Demola, My father and Jide joined us.
      Each car pulled up to the driveway in front of the house.

"You didn't tell me everyone was coming" I said
"I thought you knew" she replied as she stepped down the stairs.
    Aunty Jemila's Car pulled up first, followed by Timi and Daras then Tobi and Remi,Deborah and her husband, Jide and Ibukun  followed by Timi's sisters.
          As they got down their drivers  drove out of the drive way. The last two cars were filled with guards.
       Everyone hugged me before making their way into the house.
    I was so excited to see Ibukun and I couldn't hide it as I hugged her the longest.
I had missed her soo much and couldn't wait to tell her about Judith

       I led everyone to the living area where we had all drank and talked together for a while as I stood by the chair Demola sat on.
        Joe came in later and greeted everyone before telling me the table was set.
     We all made our way to the dining area. I had waited till everyone was served before I sat next to Demola.
        "When do you go back to work?" Timi asked
"Not soon enough" I replied before looking at Demola
"Good, we cant wait to have you back"
"Excuse me" I said before rushing off I could feel everyone's eyes linger on me as I ran out.

      Ibukun followed me up.
By the time she had gotten to my room. I was sitting by the toilet in my bathroom.
   "Wow, and I thought the one you had at home was big" she said as she walked in slowly "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine just a little bit sick" I said as I stood up to fill my mouth with water before gargling and spitting it out.
     "Did your period come?"She asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice. "I know everything about you, I keep your calendar so I know how to deal around you during your time of the month"

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