Chapter Eleven

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    I had slept in till Ibukun shook me awake. "Wake up" Ola she whispered as she shook me "Wake the fuck up"
     "I am awake" I kept repeating till I opened my eyes.
"What time is it"
God, My escape
"Why didn't you wake me up" I yelled as I crawled out of bed and started to look around for my box.
    The curtains were drawn apart, it was still a bit dark  so I took it that it's still quite early.
" who do you think woke me, do you think anyone would want to wake up if they were sleeping in this bed filled with clouds talk less of me" she said as she watched me get undressed  before she fell on the bed dreamily.
     The sleep has cleared away from my eyes as I could now see that she was dressed in the gown she had chose to wear for the ceremony.
     "Your mom woke me and made me get dressed in another room. Since then she had watched my every move". She said as she sat up leaning on her left arm. She watched me struggle to wear a black pair of jean I had thought far enough to pack. "Even now it was Dara that helped me sneak in to wake you up"
     That didn't sound right.
      I wore the black T-shirt I packed quickly but not fast enough as I started to make my way towards the door. Ibukun stood up abruptly and started to walk as fast as I did towards the door.
"Get out of my way" I said as I kept my eyes on the door.
   "You can't leave, Ola" she yelled as she blocked me from opening the door "Ola you can't leave"
"Why" I said as I pushed her gently aside and opened the door.
    " Good morning ma'am" four male voices said as I held on to the door. My jaw dropped at the sight of the body guards at the front of my door.
  "That is why" Ibukun said as she peeped out the door. She removed my hand from the door numb. I had frozen in place and was too stunned to make myself move. She pushed me aside as she held her hand out to the men before closing the door.
        "What!" I finally yelled after a few more seconds.
"If you really wanted to escape, you wouldn't even have bothered coming into the house. It's either you would have swam away or just left some other way" she said before the door opened after a few knocks. It was held out by one of the men and Deborah came in "Its two hours to the announcement party starts so you can't escape again o"
       "Hey sis, how are you doing this morning" she said
"What is happening" I exclaimed not being able to hide the shock in my voice as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"I honestly, I don't know. I woke up and mom told me not to come in here. Grandfather had ordered that every car that came in mustn't go out. They are guards everywhere"

"Did you tell anyone?" I asked Ibukun angrily
"Why would I do that" she said back "I really have this feeling that this is a family that gives stitches"

"Then how do they know?" I asked myself aloud
"Know what?" Deborah asked, looking from me to Ibukun.
      "She was going to escape" Ibukun mouthed loudly
     Deborah chuckled "wait, but you of all people should know this is just protocol for arranged weddings like this in the family" she said as she sat next to me on the bed.
      I stood up and looked out the window.
      "I don't remember it being this much" I said looking at my sister.
  "Well, Grandfather knows best" she said.
"I am still going to try" I said walking quickly towards the door.
          As I opened the door, the men stood still with their eyes on the price, me. Ibukun and Deborah were standing behind me
   "I need to see my cousins down the hall" I said

"We are under strict instructions that you shouldn't leave this room, ma'am" the tallest among them said

   "By my mother?"I asked as I looked from one face to another  "so you want to get on the bad side of Timi and Tobi" they all exchanged looks before stepping aside.
     A smirk grew on my face as I walked passed them.

I started to vibrate uncontrollably as I shock ran through my body, I managed to turn around to see who had tasered me before I fell to the floor.
     "We can't have you do that now" he said with a straight face when he walked up to me as I laid on the floor.
      I woke up an hour later, to find Ibukun hovering above my bed.
"She's awake" she announced
    I held onto my forehead as I sat up in bed.
     Parts of my body jerked from time to time when ever I felt a sudden wave of shock.
        I can't help but beat myself up, I should have known better than to try to run away. I felt tears run down my cheeks before Deborah came to hug me.
     "I am sorry but you have to get ready now" she said before leaving the room.
     I went into the shower and had my bath, I wished the shower was a bath tub so I could drown myself.

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