Chapter Eighteen

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"I changed my mind" I said before picking my bag up and storming out of the room before the doctor could even say anything else.
I got into the elevator that had only a nurse in she had a newspaper over her face.
My anger didn't make me put so much thought to why a nurse would do that as I looked out the door waiting for the door to close up.
I saw Demola coming towards me so I pressed on the elevator button repeatedly. The doors had almost closed up when I saw his shoes get in the middle of the doors.
The doors came open and he got in.
"Thank you" He said as I looked away from him.
      When we got to the 3rd floor I felt him hold on to my hand.

    I wanted to remove my hand from his grip but I couldn't do it for some reason. Or maybe I just didn't want to.  Maybe it was because I had considered killing my baby and the touch of his hand was soothing.
I felt very unsure.
        When the doors opened up I snatched my hand away from his and stepped out.
     Adam drove up to the front door as he saw me step out.
   Demola stepped out behind me as Adam held out the door for me. I had expected that he would go into his own car that drove in behind Adam.
    "What are you doing?" I asked him as he got into the car after me.

"Heading home with my wife" he said firmly as he adjusted his sleeves.
"You don't have to pretend to be nice to me because of the baby, Demola" I said to him blankly "I can take care of the both of us"
"I am not being nice to you because of the baby. I am just going to express  how I honestly feel about you from now on." he said looking at me before staring out the window.

     I didn't want to stretch the conversation further so I kept quiet. He had apologized earlier and now this.
What next should I be expecting from him?
      I called my mom when we had gotten half way home. She yelled and sounded so excited when I told her about the news.
    "My baby, thank you, thank you very much. Don't forget to call your dad to inform him so he can refer you to the best of the best gynecologist. Okay. Please go easy on yourself. I will come and see you as soon as i can. I will inform your grandfather, he would be so happy to hear this news" she said before ending the call.
    A baby meant renegotiations with the Islanders. It meant more money and power. I called my dad and told him, we talked about a prenatal appointment and some other basic things I should know. "congratulations, what about your husband" he asked

"He is here with me" I replied then he requested I handed the phone to him. I handed the phone to him as I looked out the window. I didn't pay much attention to the replies Demola gave my father.
   "Ola can you hear me" I heard my father say, he was now on loud speaker "I need you to listen to everything I say now okay?"
       I listened attentively as he stated things I should stay away from.
"I am saying this so you know to be careful, you are in a very delicate state. You do not have to abstain from ehm " he said before clearing his throat awkwardly "sexual activities"

"Goodbye Dad, see you soon okay" I said as I collected my phone from Demola and hung up.
          The rest of the ride home was same as always, quiet.
           I had opened the door by my side and stepped out. The door to the house was held out for me by Samuel, one of the guards who stood by the entrance everyday. I walked inside the house and Sandra took my bag from me.
      "You don't have to do this anymore?" He said as he stepped into the kitchen while I was putting on an  apron.
   "I enjoy doing it or do you want to take that away from me because it brings me joy" I said to him in a calm yet angry voice.
     "I said I was sorry, Ola" he said calmly as he stood by the entrance of the kitchen.

    "Where was that energy every time I begged you" I yelled  "I had wanted to let you play the victim for as long as you wanted to till I found out about Judith. Only for you to get angry that I fired her"

"Judith was nothing" he yelled, my body jerked out of fright that  "just a couple of drunken nights before I even got the idea of marrying you. Nothing happened on our wedding night. I should have fired her, I know. I did not instruct her to look after your every move. I wasn't upset that you fired her, I was upset that I didn't do it before you came into this house. I was upset that you had to find out which ever way you did and I was angry at myself for not being able to figure things out with you"

   I froze as he yelled with so much emotion in his voice. I didn't know what to do or say. I just watched him blankly.

   "Your meal is going to be on the table when you are ready" was all I could let out as I turned away to face the sink.
   After a few moment of standing there in silent he turned to leave
"You owe me, you have all this thanks to my rejection. Everything that you are now would have never happened if grandfather had gotten his way. He wouldn't have let you be more than he wants you to be. Another son in law. He would have taken everything from you the moments your parents died. He would have made you solely dependent on his decisions. You owe me" I said as I stood by the sink looking down at nothing.   

Our story is almost coming to an end.
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Things are about to get real .

Sending loads of love

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