Chapter 1 🐾 Returning

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Winter's pov.

It started off a normal I'm shaking, sweating, on the verge of hysteria while packing to head back home to the South Mongolian Pack lands.

"Julian" I yell! "I need you to put all your legos and model cars and ATVs in this box."

The kids aren't happy to have to change schools and pack's all the sudden...and honestly, I don't know how to explain to five-year-olds the whole situation.

Julious replies "Yes, long of a drive is it?"

I replied."A little over three hours."

He says "Okay, mommy almost ready."

I tell him "Okay, babe, then mommy needs to talk to you and Lilly about something important. Okay?"

Julious nods. "Okay." so I make my way to sweet Lilly's room. Inside she's packing her favorite blankey it's fluffy and pink she's had it since the day she was born and trust me you can't separate the two...she won't sleep without it. The moving truck will have our stuff delivered by the afternoon, thank goddess! I don't want and want to go home at the same time. It's just being rushed too soon!

"Lilly you about finished up in here sweety?"

She replies "Yes, mommy...almost finished. Okay! Finished." She sing songs.

"Great, well follow me. I have some important things to discuss with you and your brother before we head out," I say. I'm doing all I can just to stay put together for the two of them. I don't need them to worry about adult problems.

Taking her little hand and heading towards the living room where Julious is already sitting on the couch, I place Lilly right beside him. He's playing his 3Ds game so I have to take it from him to get both their attention. This is all very important for them to understand. As I look at my pups, they're's very rare the moon Goddess blesses a sole with twins and they're the best pups, always doing what I ask.

"Julious...Lilly.." I look at them. "I know mommy's told you guys were going home to mommy's pack the South Mongolian Pack, but I wanted to tell you guys something else." They both look at me with their undivided attention.

"When we arrive at the pack we will need to go sign our housing papers and meet our Alpha. His name is Richard Mongolian the third. He's the leader of the pack and we follow the leader's our Alpha's orders, so be very respectful. He also doesn't know I have pups, so be on your very best behavior. Okay? Let's get going." I stand. I take one last look at my home of the last few years. I don't want to return to the pain and hurt. I wanted to bury those feelings.

"OKAY!" They say in unison. We get in the car. I buckle the pups up and off we go. They've been very understanding a mother couldn't ask for better children then these two. I've been very blessed.

"The moving truck should arrive around five o'clock this afternoon...two hours after we arrive. We'll speak with Alpha, then go see grandma and grandpa and aunty Autumn. They will be so excited to see you guys." Truth is nobody knows...I just want to comfort the two. "And..were moving into our new house. A new start." I hope at least...

"Mommy, will they like us?" Lilly sprouts unsure. I momentarily draw a blank. I don't know how to explain our situation to where they will comprehend.

" Of course they'll like us, Lilly, and besides, if anyone's means to you, big brother will take care of it! Alright?" Julious says. He's so spunky.

"Alright brother," Lilly replies happily. Since he's riding shotgun, I reach over and ruffle his hair. He's two minutes older than Lilly but he's always been protective of his little sister. Julious pulls out his 3D's game and starts playing. Lilly starts to doze off in the back. I haven't been home in six years and I tell you now I wouldn't be today, but I got that call I've been dreading from the Alpha's assistant, Amber.

On Alpha's orders, I'm to return to the Mongolian Pack for they have a shortage of teacher's and I'm a fourth-grade teacher. I should have chosen a different profession but I like what I do. I've had nothing but time to think maybe this is a setup. Why bother with me after six years? I don't even visit, so why?

My wolf Lola is going crazy at the thought of going home. I've had to literally mentally block her so she doesn't drive me crazy and make me more nervous than I already am. If I don't go back I'd be considered an outsider to my pack. Never being able to see my family again. I do want to see my family again it's been far too long.

It's time to face reality with my nightmares and go home I'm tired of being lonely and wolves aren't meant to be separated from their packs. It weakens us. We're still a small pack. From what my mother says, it has a substantial amount of members ranging from around three hundred and fifty-one pack members. I do talk to my family via phone every weekend, but it's not the same. It can't compare to hugs and my mother's food. I've been alone without any family besides my two kids.

Mom also told me Alpha Richard the second died when Richard the third was only twenty-two...after I left, and is now Alpha of the South Mongolian Wolf Pack. He's. My. Mate...He didn't reject me, but he didn't claim me...does that even make sense?... Didn't even mark me! No!...but sure as sin knocked me up with two kids. Yea, that's why I'm spazing out. Yep, he doesn't know about them and they don't know him. He will definitely know when he glances at them we can only have pups with our mates...and she has to be in her heat to get impregnated. Obviously, who else's pups could they be? I shake my head. Everything's all his fault in the first place!

The reason's I left. The reasons I haven't seen my family or been home in six years. All his doing! I look at my son...he looks just like his father. He even walks as he does, all demanding, dominant, fearless. Alpha blood.."What mommy?" Julious interrupts my thoughts. "Hua?" I say. "You were staring at me really weird mommy." He giggles. I flash a smile.

"Nothing babe we're getting close should arrive within the next hour," I tell him.

"Okay, then I'll stretch my legs. I'm still growing you know?!" I laugh at his little joke. He goes back to playing his 3D's and it looks as though Lilly will sleep the remainder of our trip.

My thoughts are bouncing all over the place. I haven't even told my parents about the twins. I was afraid, once Richard knew he'd want the pups cause he can't have pups without me and he didn't claim me. I and Lola decided we couldn't chance it so we didn't. Fear runs through me for just the not knowing how this will turn out.

The thing, though is Julious is Richard's heir. He will take up his father's position after his father once Richard knows. He is the only son he's got or will ever have. I have to take him home...I have to at least give him an option. I just wanted to wait longer.

We're starting to get close...I can feel the pack lines. In just a few more minutes I'll come face to face with all I've run from. All my hurt...but I've been strong for me, Julious, and Lilly for six years now. I know the bond will rip at my wolf and possibly bring me to my knees...but I need to fight for my family...I should have never left. I knew staying though would only be more painful...and I'd be stuck wanting what I couldn't have in front of my pack..and the humiliation would have been unbearable...I'm stronger now and I have my pups...I can do this! I won't let our bond ruin me. He will be the one in the end to look ridiculous. The whole pack is bound to find out. He can reject me, but never his children.

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