chapter 26🐾Knocked My Light's Out

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Richard's pov.

I hear commotion around me..I open my eye's and Josh and Julious are kneeled down above me...what in the actual fuck..then I have sudden memory of said event.

Winter fucken knocked my ass out!

"You alright there Alpha?" Josh question's me.

"Yea." I tell em as I get to my feet.

"What's you smiling at boy?" I ask my son. He seem's to be thinking this is all funny. I mean it kind of is. I was definitely not expecting her to go kung fu fucken panda on my ass by no mean's. She got me again! I mentally laugh to myself. She's spunky..and I like it.

"I could of warned ya but then I'd missed ALL that!" Julious say's making the whole room rumble in laughter...EXCEPT ME..the guy who got his light's knocked out by his Luna.

"Warned me of what?" I demand.

"That mommy's wolf was feeling trippy dude..and you don't yell at that woman or be telling her what to do." Giving me a stern look of you should of known idiot!

"Well he won't be needing no reminder's today." Josh state's all amused. I might just knock his ass out.

"That female of mine need's a fucken spanking that's twice in one day dude she done fucken got me." I state flatly. Julious of course is just a laughing it up.

" been knocked out already today? By your female?" Josh say's smiling the biggest damn smile I've ever witnessed.

"Yeah, she almost took my jaw off." Thinking of that shit make's me reach up and rub my jaw. Lady wolves aren't weak and mine's..well she definitely ain't weak. We all laugh at our Luna fierceness.

"This is great! I can't wait to see you try and give her a spanking. By this rate I'll be Alpha by the time I'm six. You'll be crippled or worse." Julious spout's.... That's does it me and Josh are now both rolling in laughter. Bent over rolling.

"Where she learn that? I haven't even knocked your ass out yet." Josh wonder's amusedly. I don't like to think about that I don't.

"It's underestimated your Luna and she showed you up." Julious say's smirking all proud of his mother.

"Boy your asking for it." I tell him. Messing around.

"What? You going to spank me?" He smile's huge..pushes his butt out toward's me. I kick it. I wouldn't change nothing right now for the world. I truely I'm the happiest I've ever been.

"Imagine if you would had bit her dude." Josh say's.

"He'd still be sleeping." Julious say's chuckling. Oh..but she will be bit that I have no doubt about. Mine..I think to myself.


Winter's pov.

After dinner Richard had to do office I've been paceing the hall way. The kid's are watching tv and I really need to get this conversation over with Richard.

I can hear him making plan's with teen wolves on assisting an elder wolf lady get her gardening done over the phone. One day those will be my responsibility's. I've alway's loved the fact we take care of our own. Down to gardening,grocery shopping,shoe's it don't matter we take care of our own.

I just don't know where to begin or how to have this conversation. He hang's up the phone. It's complete silence. He can probably just feel me paceing out side his office. He's waiting. I feel it. So I muster up some courage and just knock on the door. My heart pulsating loudly to my ear's.

"It's open." He say's. I walk in shutting the door behind me.
"You don't have to knock this is our home Luna." He then inform's me.

"I didn't want to disturb were on the phone." I say nervously.

" have a seat tell me what on your mind love." He insist's. You can visibility see he's intrigued by my visit.

"I have a couple of thing's." I say taking a seat in a chair in front of his desk.

"Well shoot." He demand's curious of what on my mind. I let out a shakey breath.

"I'm sorry I attacked you twice today." I look up from my hand's and he's smirking that sexy damn smirk again. Ugh!

"I told don't ever need to be sorry with me." I say nothing. I have no more word's on that I know I'd do it again in that situation.

"I have question's your the only one that answer them. Honestly. That's why I'm here."

"Ask away. Ask me anything. We need to be comfortable with one another's thought's and feeling's once the bond's completed we will share them." He tell's me lovingly once again so gentle.

"Okay..the bite..the it painful?" His eyebrow's knit together.

"I don't know it's a bond marking and I've never personally let anyone bite me to be honest." I look away debating my next testimony. Then I just blurt it out got to get this over with so I can think.

"I kind of swore off having sex all together know." Now he look's down a bit uncomfortable. I'm starting to feel flustered my face heated. Goddess I can't believe we're having this conversation right now.

He look's at me a saddend storm brewing in his eye's full of sorrow. I hate that look. I hate pitty.

"Come here." He say's very low but a demand none the less.
I don't know why but I do next thing I know he has me sitting a top his lap a tight hold around my body engulfing me with his intoxicating scent. My heart pulsate's more. My breathing becoming pant's. Tingle's instead of pain consume my body.

"Do you feel it..all this pleasure.....we only hurt babe when we're not touching. I will alway's be gentle." He say's moving his hand gently up my arm sending spark along it's path. "I will worship all of your body Winter." Looking me over with his greedy eye's..making me more flustered..sending tingle's along their path. His hand come's up to gently grab my chin to look at him. "Breathe baby..I will take care of you. I take care of what's mine. Your mine. You leave everything to me when it's time and I won't let you down." He say's to me. Goddess he's flippin perfect. My own ecstacy in a bottle. My wolf totally swooned. Damn him! He's good too good!

He then lean's in and capture's my lip's with his own..all still so gentle..careful as if I'm glass or could break in his strength. I fucking melt in his embrace and kiss him back with the same tenderness. I explore his muscular body with my hand's he just feel's so flippin good. He roam's my body as well his breathing intensified.

Then he leaves my lips. Still rubbing my thigh and say's we have to get back to the pup's and I know he's absolutely right and I refuse to give into his charm's till I have no other choice..I believe in karma and the bitch has came around..for him anyway.....

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