chapter 24🐾 Lunch Date's

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Winter's pov.

At lunch, I'm invited to come with a couple of others to the small cafe in town. We're all just going to car pull. I can't explain how comforting working home in my pack is we're all connected..belonging to one family. I miss this connection..even grieved's a nice piece of mind for Lola and me.

Before me, Jewel's, Peter, and Tiffy even step foot out of Jewel's van...I know my mate's also at this cafe. I feel him. Well Damn! This is going to be awkward. I didn't know he ate lunch away from his office. What do I know? I'm not answering that.

"Winter you have to try Aunt Betty's Catfish dinner. It's the best anywhere in the state." Jewel says.

"I LOVE catfish that's exactly what I'm going to stuff in this gut," I say pointing at my tummy.

"What gut bean pole?" Peter says laughing.

"I'm no bean pole. I'm a strong tree that could most certainly kick your booty mister." I say playfully. I'm quite certain I definitely can. I swear training with Alpha Ryan's pack was the special force's. I got to train alongside Julious a lot of times that helped me not give up for his example.

"Ooh, and I'm helping." Say's, Tiffy.

"Don't be forgetting about me. With my help will have him decapitated in 0.3 seconds." Jewel's state's sarcastically.

"It's like that?" Peter puffs.

"Yup!" We three girl's say in unison. We all laugh it up.
We walk in all emerged in conversation. I refuse to let this bond control me and look at Richard. It's like fighting the force. Ugh!... I already know he's looking at me. I feel he's eyes like all over me. The familiar pull tugging me toward's him. No sirree! I came here to have lunch with friend's and that's what I'm going to be doing. Hopefully, they don't pick up on all my tension. It's inevitable when that man's in a room. I crave his presence like nothing that's ever existed. I don't quite comprehend it my self. I think my stupid self has started to form a relationship bond with him already. I feel he's mine already like I've staked claim. He doesn't have to know all that though.

I follow my little crew to a big table in the back I slide in next to Jewel's so I get a edge seat. I don't like the feeling of being trapped. I walked the whole way to this table head down. No chance of locking eyes with my soul sucker. No time to malfunction. I don't need to SEE anything!

Jewel says. "Your gonna flippin LOVE this place..hand's down. If not we can't be friends." She says jokingly. We all laugh.

"We're talking catfish here girl my fav. I can't be so easily thrownt away." I joke.

"Oh, you definitely will not be going anywhere. We're hard to abandon." Peter state's friendly. He's not a Richard..handsome in his own way in all..but I'm hooked Richard's like my fix when he touches me I'm in another galaxy altogether.

"No..I'm definitely staying this time. I missed my pack a piece of you feel's gone without that connection. I tell them. It's like morning a death most don't experience it because they don't leave.

"Awww...we're glad your back." Say's, Tiffy. She's definitely the girly,girl of us three. Jewel's is tomboyish but chick all the way. I guess I fit in the middle somewhere.

"The real question is what crazy person leave's her pack girl?" Jewel's questions.

"Me! I'm THAT crazy chick..don't forget it. Okay?" I say joking around. Cause really I don't know them well enough to lay out my life's story. I absolutely hate pitty in other's eyes. Let's avoid all that. I'm no open book by far.

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