Chapter 37 🐾 Mr. Ugly

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Richards pov.

I staple my hand under my chin giving Mr. Ugly a heated stare. He's weak. I smell his fear drifting up my nostrils. It smell is burnt leaves. Not pleasant. I tilt my head waiting.

"Uh..Alpha" He clears his throat. He's choking. Mr. Chokes' eyes are pleading mercy cause he's too damn choked up to even speak what's on his mind when he in fact set this whole damn meeting up. I growl to my self.

"Spit out what ya came here to say, boy," I say a tad threatening.

"Well, Alpha...i'ts not my fault," He says all panicky. "Lily just came into the kitchen and everything seemed to halt at the moment and then my wolf said she mate." Mr. Panics a lot informs me. Even though I knew I wanted him to personally tell me. I won't make anything easy for Mr. Ugly.

I growl at him low and venomously. Watching him shake under my wrath.

"You will reject her," I state waiting his reply.

He gives me a sad look but its only a moment before it's replaced with a bit of reluctance and a touch of anger. Hum interesting. I rub my chin.

"No Alpha I cannot. I refuse to have to hurt her that way or ever. I honestly sir have no physical or sexual attraction towards your daughter! See the thing is my wolf and I already love her. Already claim her as a part of us." Mr. Refused states with no reluctance or fear.

"You're not good enough for my Lilly." I just throw that at him to see what his reaction would be.

He hangs his head defeatedly. Just when I thought maybe he really doesn't deserve her Mr. Never speaks up.

"I know I'm not an Alpha." He sighs and rubs his face with his hands then looks back up into my eyes again. "What do I have to do to be worthy sir just tell me I have the next twelve years to try."

Interesting! I nod my head.

"Well, boy the way I see it you're weak. How can you a boy protect my daughter? I'll fucking tell you how. Your gonna start with following my beta Josh like his mother fucken shadow! I want fucking training with Tanner twice a day! No exceptions! You will earn that fucking beta position for when I hand over my title to Julious so will Josh to you! Are we fuckin clear boy? Next is a income before your beta you'll need an income. You better start thinking hard boy I'll be damned if you can't even support her or your pups my grandpups! What say you?

That's a lot to fucking take in I know and I give about two fucking damns honestly! He wants her he will fucking prove it! Those two damns I give are Lilly and my Luna's damns and that's only why he gets a fucking chance.

"I agree she deserves the best Alpha. Thank you for at least giving me a shot. I can't explain what that means to me. I will do whatever it takes not to fail you or your daughter sir. I give you my word." Mr. Thanks tells me.

He's genuine I give him that much. Words are cheap though. He might mean what he says now but can he handle the shit? He will need to be tuffend the hell up! Beta ain't for the weak. He will need to put all under him in check. Starting with Tanner. I mentally laugh to myself. He will either be chewed up and spit out or be the man I need him to be one way or the other will see how far his fight goes. How much do you love my Lilly boy?

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